The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • I heard B.o.B.'s "Airplanes II" on the way home.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    well, what do you want to do
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    >does not know what's so bad about "Airplanes II"
  • >does not know what's so bad about "Airplanes II"

    It's not a bad song, in fact, it's a really good song.

    It's just that Eminem's verse hits rather close to home for me. I've expressed a desire to get into music for a living before, but I often feel I simply don't have the talent for it and have thus not really bothered to learn anything about how music is (professionally) made. For the record here's a transcript of the lyrics, because I know you're not going to want to listen to a rap song being a metalhead and all.

    Alright let's pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen
    Let's pretend things would have been no different
    Pretend he procrastinated had no motivation
    Pretend he just made excuses that were so paper thin they could blow away with the wind
    Marshall, you're never gonna make it makes no sense to play the game there ain't no way that you'll win
    Pretend he just stayed outside all day and played with his friends
    Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend
    And it wasn't time to move and schools weren't changing again
    He wasn't socially awkward and just strange as a kid
    He had a father and his mother wasn't crazy as shit
    And he never dreamed he could rip stadiums and just lazy as shit
    Fuck a talent show in a gymnasium, bitch, you won't amount to shit quit daydreaming kid
    You need to get your cranium checked you thinking like an alien it just ain't realistic
    Now pretend they ain't just make him angry with this shit and there was no one he could even aim when he's pissed it
    And his alarm went off to wake him off but he didn't make it to the Rap Olympics
    Slept through his plane and he missed it
    He's gon' have a hard time explaining to Hailie and Lainie these food stamps and this WIC shit
    Cause he never risked shit he hoped and he wished it but it didn't fall in his lap so he ain't even here

    Maybe I'm just being silly or something. IDK.

  • I appear to have scared everyone off with my stupid.
  • edited 2012-11-28 01:55:06

    no, don't be silly. (*I temporarily lost my internet connection for some reason*)
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Sometimes I fear that I will never be successful in life, myself
  • What do you mean by sucessful exactly?
  • I don't know what he means, I just want to be able to live without having to worry about things paycheck to paycheck.

    I can make my own fun, I don't need Xty Billion Dollars or whatever. I just want to have a job I don't hate, and to again, not have to live paycheck to paycheck.

    I suppose even that's too much in today's economy.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    you guys just have to realize that you gotta take a few steps out of your comfort zone to accomplish what you want in life, in many cases it's nothing too crazy

    I wanted to draw a comic, I did it; I wanted to drive a truck, I did it; I wanted to be a Marine, I did it; I wanted to get a decent degree and learn Chinese, doing that now

    Hardly anyone reads my comic but I don't care, I still draw it and enjoy it. You guys should do the same thing, and I'm not trying to preach or anything but the best place for you all to get started if you haven't already is in a higher education 
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    What do you mean by sucessful exactly?

    Fulfilling at least some of my desire to go into graphic design and not suck at it.

    I feel sapped of any design desires lately, though; my creative desires manifest themselves mainly through writing MLP:FIM fanfic now which kind of embarrasses me right now :/
  • Sometimes I wish I was more ambitious.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Anonus said:

    Sometimes I fear that I will never be successful in life, myself

    I fear that, too.

    I worry I'm too ambitious in wanting to pursue two careers in my lifetime.

    I also worry I'll never be able to live as a woman...
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Walt Kelly was fucking incredible. Look at that background and composition. I want to study and incorporate this style so bad now. 
  • Anonus said:

    Sometimes I fear that I will never be successful in life, myself

    I fear that, too.

    I worry I'm too ambitious in wanting to pursue two careers in my lifetime.

    I also worry I'll never be able to live as a woman...
    Someday you shall be a very pretty woman, mark my words.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Look at the line of action on each of these characters and how their arms and legs and stuff are positioned to make it look like a really dynamic picture.  They need to be teaching this shit and not those horrible "how to draw manga" books
  • I've tried finding just like, "basics of drawing" books, but all I can find are the aforementioned how to draw (bad imitations of) manga books.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I've tried finding just like, "basics of drawing" books, but all I can find are the aforementioned how to draw (bad imitations of) manga books.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    When I was 18 I decided to write a great novel.

    Well, it's more than a decade later, hasn't happened. Is this depressing? Kinda. But I think what happened is that I found the learning curve to be a good deal steeper than expected.
  • You know I read that page forever ago and completely forgot about it.

    Found the first book as a .pdf literally seconds after I googled it.


    hopefully this will be more helpful than the "draw every day" advice I've been given.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    My parents have a "how to draw" book that's pretty good. I'd recommend it, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called.

    I'll call them and ask about the title & author this evening (they'll be at work during the day).
  • 'k.

    I kinda wish drawing directly on MS Paint or some similar program was a thing that was possible, but everyone who's ever tried that has told me it's the equivalent of trying to do heart surgery with a threading needle.

    I only really wish that because I don't have a scanner or anything like that.

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    If I ever get better at drawing I generally want to avoid the typical anime style

    Is this bad?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    At times I've wanted to write a novel, but thus far (a) I don't feel like I have the skills necessary to do one successfully, and (b) I haven't yet had a compelling inspiration for one.

    I've long wanted to be a humor writer. When I look at stuff like Cracked articles or TGWTG reviews or Dave Barry columns I think "I could do that!" But I worry that this isn't exactly a good thing to aspire to, because, well, are silly humor articles actually of any value?
  • At times I've wanted to write a novel, but thus far (a) I don't feel like I have the skills necessary to do one successfully, and (b) I haven't yet had a compelling inspiration for one.

    I've long wanted to be a humor writer. When I look at stuff like Cracked articles or TGWTG reviews or Dave Barry columns I think "I could do that!" But I worry that this isn't exactly a good thing to aspire to, because, well, are silly humor articles actually of any value?
    Humor articles are actually very difficult to write. Trust me on this one.
  • Morning
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    I only really wish that because I don't have a scanner or anything like that.

    I have an old scanner here that won't work with anything past Windows XP...I'd give it to you, if I had a way of doing so...
  • Anonus said:

    If I ever get better at drawing I generally want to avoid the typical anime style

    Is this bad?
    Not unless you're doing it because you consider it beneath you or something like this.

    I only really wish that because I don't have a scanner or anything like that.
    I have an old scanner here that won't work with anything past Windows XP...I'd give it to you, if I had a way of doing so...

    I appreciate the sentiment, but I ain't got anything with XP on it anyway.
  • Anonus said:

    If I ever get better at drawing I generally want to avoid the typical anime style

    Is this bad?
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Morning Tools.

    Silly humor articles, if done well, can at least make someone laugh and brighten their day a bit. I'd say that's worth something.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Anonus said:

    If I ever get better at drawing I generally want to avoid the typical anime style

    Is this bad?
    no, of course not. Anime is just a permutation of Carl Bark's style -- like just about everything else. Me, I started with the widest range of styles possible and I'd like to think that I'm still doing that but I know my style has refined a bunch especially over the last 1.5 years. 
  • edited 2012-11-28 02:44:27
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Anonus said:

    If I ever get better at drawing I generally want to avoid the typical anime style

    Is this bad?
    "Typical style" means kind of a cliché, so no, not bad to want to avoid it.

    ninja'd by less harsh answers

    I keep starting novels and then realizing they suck a few chapters in.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    SL: you can probably find a scanner or a scanner/printer combo at goodwill or the salvation army for like $5, not even kidding.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Hell, that inkjet/scanner printer I purchased 2 years ago was $23  new at Wal-mart. 
  • SL: you can probably find a scanner or a scanner/printer combo at goodwill or the salvation army for like $5, not even kidding.

    I will attempt to keep this in mind.

    I should point out that drawing is not something I'd like to do for a living. That'd strictly be a hobby.

    Ideally I'd like to be involved in rap music somehow, either as an artist or label-owner or something, but..yeah. :/

  • edited 2012-11-28 02:47:05
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    ^^^^^Said style just seems kinda stiff to that bad?

    Also looking at Forsythe's Deco avatar does reveal some Disney in it (though Disney influence was already evident in stuff like Astro Boy)...
  • Anonus said:

    ^^^^^Said style just seems kinda stiff to that bad?

    I'd say if you think all anime styles (there is definately more than one) are stiff you're probably just not familiar with the good stuff, cliche an answer that may be.

    Spirited Away and most of the movies by Studio Ghibli (Summer Wars is a more recent example) have some beautiful art.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    ...You know, I was planning to write 25 humorous Christmas-themed blog posts for the month of December, but it occurs to me that doing so would be going for quantity over quality and that's exactly the opposite of what I need to do if I want to improve my humor-writing skills...

    I think I'll cut it down to 12 (as in "Days of Christmas"). I have enough ideas that I can fill that out, but I can dedicate a little more effort to each one instead of just cranking out 25 unfunny, unpolished posts.
  • edited 2012-11-28 02:52:02
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    Anonus said:

    ^^^^^Said style just seems kinda stiff to that bad?

    I'd say if you think all anime styles (there is definately more than one) are stiff you're probably just not familiar with the good stuff, cliche an answer that may be.

    Spirited Away and most of the movies by Studio Ghibli (Summer Wars is a more recent example) have some beautiful art.

    I said "typical". Ghibli is excluded from that.
  • I don't know what you mean by "typical" then.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    ...maybe I'm just being stupid again :/

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

  • edited 2012-11-28 02:54:29

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    ... I meant to do that...

    Why is my text green?

    Shit. I think I have the plague guys. Shit.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Anonus said:

    ^^^^^Said style just seems kinda stiff to that bad?

    Also looking at Forsythe's Deco avatar does reveal some Disney in it (though Disney influence was already evident in stuff like Astro Boy)...
    Tezuka was the guy who basically created manga and anime. All of it comes from him, and he was directly influenced by (and was very good friends with) Carl Barks. Carl Barks also directly influenced (and was friends with) R. Crumb.  We know this nowadays, but years ago I thought that there couldn't be two more disparate styles than Crumb's and anime and they're basically fraternal twins. 
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    There's arguably no single typical anime style, but quite a lot of popular anime are produced on fairly tight schedules and budgets, which impose constraints on what they can do.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    Anonus said:

    ^^^^^Said style just seems kinda stiff to that bad?

    Also looking at Forsythe's Deco avatar does reveal some Disney in it (though Disney influence was already evident in stuff like Astro Boy)...
    Tezuka was the guy who basically created manga and anime. All of it comes from him, and he was directly influenced by (and was very good friends with) Carl Barks. Carl Barks also directly influenced (and was friends with) R. Crumb.  We know this nowadays, but years ago I thought that there couldn't be two more disparate styles than Crumb's and anime and they're basically fraternal twins. 
    huh, I didn't know this

    Justice42 said:

    ... I meant to do that...

    Why is my text green?

    Shit. I think I have the plague guys. Shit.
    the plague? nonsense

    :33 > you're just becoming nepeta!
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Justice42 said:

    ... I meant to do that...

    Why is my text green?

    Shit. I think I have the plague guys. Shit.
    Are you serious?  Because if so that is like the most bizarre glitch ever.

    Though, if there were a glitch that somehow converted entire posts into greentext (that specific colour, no less) I guess that would explain a lot...
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    For some reason I was wondering what Fouria G thinks of my traffic light animations, which is weird because I don't think he's into roadstuffs.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    now I'm off to bed

    good nights
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