The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • "Get fucked and die" is something that happens to almost everyone really.

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Kexruct said:

    I wonder when everyone will realize the legalization of marijuana isn't a big civil rights issue but just the legalization of another thing that can make you stupid for a period of time.

    It's not one or the other, but both. It's about the right to get yourself stupid over a period of time and not get thrown in jail for it.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    "Get fucked and die" is something that happens to almost everyone really.

    True. "Eat shit and die" is more appropriate under the circumstances, perhaps.

    I really hate people that kill things simply because they can.
  • Kexruct said:

    I wonder when everyone will realize the legalization of marijuana isn't a big civil rights issue but just the legalization of another thing that can make you stupid for a period of time.

    It's not one or the other, but both. It's about the right to get yourself stupid over a period of time and not get thrown in jail for it.
    I mean, it's not a huge deal.

    But my brother's drug habits affected far more people than just him for example.
  • Anonus said:

    is SpaceGhostPurrp a good musician?

    He's...okay, if you're into the particular brand of rap music he makes.

    I prefer some of the other people in Raider Klvn, generally. I think Denzel Curry is much better than Space.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Of course. But that doesn't change my default response to poachers and sport hunters...

    In case you're wondering, it's, "Get fucked and die."
    There's not too much sympathy out there for people who kill for sport, I'd hope
  • I look straight in the window, try not to look below 
    Pretend I'm not up here, try counting sheep 
    But the sheep seem to shower off this office tower 
    Nine-point-eight straight down I can't stop my knees. 
  • i just kill to satiate my ungodly lust for suffering
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    i just kill to satiate my ungodly lust for suffering

    your favorite victim: this thread

    oh ho ho
  • i am become boringpost, destroyer of threads
  • I hate working on movie making projects
    with people who don't like making movies.

    Why into Katie
    20 City
    Windy city
    Why into kg
  • And what band is that?

    I will eat my air if it's the obvious answer of "Gaza".

  • Well it does say GAZAMUSIC, and right next to that is their logo, which says Gaza

    so yes it is Gaza
  • gaza frenzy

    by bassnectar
  • this one time in kerrang my brothers album was reviewed next to a gaza album
  • but then kerrang was a terrible magazine, the end
  • if youre interested he got 3 Ks, which is one K less than gaza.
  • i have never read kerrang
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I don't think it has a US edition...
  • There was a TV station named Kerrang! over when I was in the UK but I've never seen anything related to it here.

    Kerrang! is fun to say though.
  • yeah it has a tv station + radio

    its a really bad magazine though so nobody is missing anythhing

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I read Viz whenever I could find it at Tower Records and the like
  • TreTre
    edited 2012-11-19 21:27:51
    I liked E4 when I was over there.

    Skins, Scrubs, New Girl, Happy Endings and HIMYM on one channel? Yes, please.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    That reminds me

    Millie Tant was quite prophetic wasn't she
  • Tidus looks like Meg Ryan.
  • things that come up when i google my brothers old bands name:

    - a company that apparently delivers you beauty products to your door
    - a Twilight fan fiction
    - a song with the same name as their band, but that is not by them, but is by a generic rock band instead
    - a Naruto fan fiction
    - some kind of forum roleplay thread thing
    - an erotic BBC Sherlock fan fiction (that exists?!!?!)
    - an atmospheric black metal song that isnt that good
    - a teen wolf fanfic (okay seriously what is with all the fanfics called this)

  • ...guthy-renker
  • an erotic BBC Sherlock fan fiction (that exists?!!?!)

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Now I'm here
  • Aliroz_ said:

    Well, I don't think it's so much a lack of empathy for those who you do not know well as much as it is a lack of, well, consequences for treating those you do not know well as objects.

    If you mock a celebrity, or someone that lives thousands of miles away, you don't think that they will hear you.  You think that you're far enough away that you aren't hurting anyone.  When you give large groups of people labels, it's easier to disassociate the people you're talking about with the living, breathing, individuals you are disparaging; because you know that, say, "The Irish" is a term, an idea, a name for loads of different people that refers to no one individual in particular.

    The less you feel that the person you're talking about can hear you, and the less the identity you are talking about is connected to a specific individual person, the easier it is to mock.

    You humans are a funny bunch.  You do all you can to help Lonesome George live a long, peaceful, and happy life, you give so much effort into protecting the threatened, endangered, and vulnerable species, and then you go and sell Alligator heads on the market.

    Also true.

    Still, the objectification does happen. But I guess that applies more in situations when you know you're hurting someone. Like you're mugging this one guy. Or breaking into this one guy's house and taking his TV. Or this other guy's house and his speakers. Or this third guy's house and his cable.

    This theoretical you sure does like his afternoon TV.
  • an erotic BBC Sherlock fan fiction (that exists?!!?!)

    i mean i know it must, law of the internet, but i still thought of general british telly as being untainted by these things. then again, doctor who is basically the most nerd bait thing in the world, so.
  • edited 2012-11-19 21:41:33
    Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    Today in Conservation Biology, we briefly talked about rainbow trout and how they outcompete other fish when they're introduced for fishing. The first thing I thought of afterward was this: it's weird that a local brewery whose logo is a painting of a rainbow trout is using a fish that isn't actually from Atlanta to represent themselves.

    The second thing I thought of was trout with social justice tumblrs.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    ...I was under the impression that BBC Sherlock has a bazillion erotic fanfics
  • sunn wolf said:

    an erotic BBC Sherlock fan fiction (that exists?!!?!)

    i mean i know it must, law of the internet, but i still thought of general british telly as being untainted by these things. then again, doctor who is basically the most nerd bait thing in the world, so.
    dude that show has a running gag of people assuming watson and sherlock are together

    of course they are getting shipped
  • ...I was under the impression that BBC Sherlock has a bazillion erotic fanfics
    Basically this

    i still thought of general british telly as being untainted by these things

    I have no idea how you would think this.
  • edited 2012-11-19 21:45:41

    i didnt even watch it. its just... okay, this is a thing.


    well im off for the night, i was gonna post a youtube of Fuck Everything by Zelienople but the only youtube of it has been disappeared, so just imagine a song that doesnt at all sound like a song that would be called 'Fuck Everything' instead and youre getting there. did you think melancholy guitar, half-heard vocals, muffled percussive noises, occasional flutey thing? yeah, thats it. good night

  • it's Istanbul not Zelienople that's Istanbul not Zelienople.
  • edited 2012-11-19 21:54:33

    are you on a cellphone.

    Those who think getting a car phone is not possible, haven't kept up with the fucking times NERERNERNERNRERNERERNERER
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Today in Conservation Biology, we briefly talked about rainbow trout and how they outcompete other fish when they're introduced for fishing. The first thing I thought of afterward was this: it's weird that a local brewery whose logo is a painting of a rainbow trout is using a fish that isn't actually from Atlanta to represent themselves.

    The second thing I thought of was trout with social justice tumblrs.
    Whenever I think of rainbow trout I think back to my childhood of fishing for them in the Pecos and how delicious they are
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    There's not too much sympathy out there for people who kill for sport, I'd hope

    Unless they happen to be feline, in which case they're adorable and everybody loves them.
    sunn wolf said:

    - an erotic BBC Sherlock fan fiction (that exists?!!?!)

    Silly Sunny, Sherlock is a show Tumblr likes. Of course there's erotic fanfiction of it.
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."

    There's not too much sympathy out there for people who kill for sport, I'd hope

    Unless they happen to be feline, in which case they're adorable and everybody loves them.
    This is why if I ever get a cat, they will be an "indoor" cat. Hey, I'm taking a Conservation Biology class, what'd you expect?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Fanart I want to see: Twilight Sparkle and Hermione Granger teaching each other new spells
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    While Neville and Rarity make out in the background
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    But, but but there's a band named Zelienople! and they are from Chicago!
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I was always struck by the bazillion British TV channels

    For god's sake the British version of Nicktoons TV had its own spinoff for a time, why isn't that the case here

    They could have used THAT as a dumping ground for the old stuff when they took it off Nicktoons but before '90s nostalgia was deemed commercially viable
  • There's not too much sympathy out there for people who kill for sport, I'd hope

    Unless they happen to be feline, in which case they're adorable and everybody loves them.
    (*Stops nomming an endangered egret*)


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