The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • and no fucks were given that day
  • sunn wolf said:

    the best song

    no no no youre not going on the page bottom .
  • is it just me or are quotes working now
  • silly wolfie

    the best song
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    sunn wolf said:

    thats actually funny and people are too touchy (sharing it on fb was probably dumb unless she just doesnt give any fucks at all)

    No, people aren't being too touchy. There's certain things you just don't do given the time and place and acting like that -- at Arlington of all places -- that's just fucked up.  I don't have a problem with anyone who thinks servicemembers are stupid assholes, but stepping on what's our property and acting that way is completely out of line. 
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Today's Penny Arcade is fucking hilarious. 
  • sunn wolf said:

    thats actually funny and people are too touchy (sharing it on fb was probably dumb unless she just doesnt give any fucks at all)

    No, people aren't being too touchy. There's certain things you just don't do given the time and place and acting like that -- at Arlington of all places -- that's just fucked up.  I don't have a problem with anyone who thinks servicemembers are stupid assholes, but stepping on what's our property and acting that way is completely out of line. 

    service members arent assholes and as a service member you do have the right to go 'hey wtf' at this lady if you so please. but my point is that --people-- are too touchy not service members and im assuming this is some typical fb bandwagon thing - because lets face it these things are - where half the people dont really care but are doing it to go 'omg look how outraged i am, our troops, look at me and give me the fleeting feeling of satisfaction i get from people liking and sharing a photo that i put up and possibly harassing this woman when all she did was take a photo where shes pretending to yell at a sign'

    nothing against you, nothing against service people, if you were there when she did this and you had chewed her out for it its fair enough, it actually affects you, and putting it on fb what the fuck did she expect, but most people on facebook who spread these kinds of things around tend to be awful and terrible.

    but w/e now everything to do with this has reminded me that the world is terrible, the internet is terrible, facebook is terrible, this woman is terrible but at least shes funny in a really dumb way.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    sunn wolf said:

    service members arent assholes and as a service member you do have the right to go 'hey wtf' at this lady if you so please. but my point is that --people-- are too touchy not service members and im assuming this is some typical fb bandwagon thing - because lets face it these things are - where half the people dont really care but are doing it to go 'omg look how outraged i am, our troops, look at me and give me the fleeting feeling of satisfaction i get from people liking and sharing a photo that i put up and possibly harassing this woman when all she did was take a photo where shes pretending to yell at a sign'

    oh okay 

    putting it that way is quite understandable 
  • edited 2012-11-19 19:28:33
    Moreover, generally speaking we look at people online as objects, not people.

    That was only tangentially related. I just felt like saying it.
  • silly wolfie

    the best song
    yea but you should still listen to pj harvey because theres a reason that Let England Shake was voted album of 2011 by like everyone (fake edit: i just looked it up and it was 16 publications. 16. sixteeeeen) although i get the sense its the kind of album you have to be english to fully "get" (like people who have never been in london at night will never fully "get" burial)

    but seriously in terms of consistent quality of music + lyrics i struggle to think of an album better, the lyrics could well stand on their own as poetry (and i say that about very, very, very few musical artists) and even beyond that the songs are fantastic

  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit

    I like this song
  • Kexruct said:

    Moreover, generally speaking we look at people online as objects, not people.

    That was only tangentially related. I just felt like saying it.

    We generally consider all humans that we don't empathize with as objects. That's why it's so easy to make fun of celebrities. And politicians. And Chris-Chan. And the trolls who troll Chris-Chan. And foreigners. And minorities. And military personnel that aren't the Corporal. And seventh thing.

    A matter of fact, the fact that we view a lot of people as objects is one of the worst things about humanity, hands down.

  • image

    I don't know what's more offensive

    the obvious 

    or her being so stupid as to post this on Facebook, to which it's currently been shared over a few thousand times in the past hour since. 
    Well, this is just needlessly offensive. And yes, sunny, the reason is got all these reblogs is because people love to criticize other people to feel better about themselves.

    I really want to go to sleep.
  • Why am I a human and not like

    a monitor lizard or some shit

    monitor lizards don't have to deal with this stuff

  • Why am I a human and not like

    a monitor lizard or some shit

    monitor lizards don't have to deal with this stuff

    replace monitor lizard with cat and you have 90% of what goes on in my head.
  • id rather not potentially get eaten by some thing, or potentially starve because someone else ate all the things or because its hella cold, being in a human civilisation owns, sorry

  • edited 2012-11-19 19:46:49
    Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    But it would still be cool to be like a cat person or something

    of course I only say that because I'm a giant fucking furry
  • But it would still be cool to be like a cat person or something

    of course I only say that because I'm a giant fucking furry
    there is also this.


  • sunn wolf said:

    id rather not potentially get eaten by some thing, or potentially starve because someone else ate all the things or because its hella cold, being in a human civilisation owns, sorry

    Yeah but if you're a monitor lizard you kinda can't care.

    Also why do you always type like you're on a cellphone

    are you on a cellphone.

  • But it would still be cool to be like a cat person or something

    of course I only say that because I'm a giant fucking furry
    oh u edited the 2nd line in, saved me the work of saying it, thumbsup
  • edited 2012-11-19 19:53:19
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Well, I don't think it's so much a lack of empathy for those who you do not know well as much as it is a lack of, well, consequences for treating those you do not know well as objects.

    If you mock a celebrity, or someone that lives thousands of miles away, you don't think that they will hear you.  You think that you're far enough away that you aren't hurting anyone.  When you give large groups of people labels, it's easier to disassociate the people you're talking about with the living, breathing, individuals you are disparaging; because you know that, say, "The Irish" is a term, an idea, a name for loads of different people that refers to no one individual in particular.

    The less you feel that the person you're talking about can hear you, and the less the identity you are talking about is connected to a specific individual person, the easier it is to mock.

    You humans are a funny bunch.  You do all you can to help Lonesome George live a long, peaceful, and happy life, you give so much effort into protecting the threatened, endangered, and vulnerable species, and then you go and sell Alligator heads on the market.
  • sunn wolf said:

    id rather not potentially get eaten by some thing, or potentially starve because someone else ate all the things or because its hella cold, being in a human civilisation owns, sorry

    Yeah but if you're a monitor lizard you kinda can't care.

    Also why do you always type like you're on a cellphone

    are you on a cellphone.

    do people still say cellphone

    also maybe i am or maybe i am not. and maybe i enjoy being a mysterious fuck.

  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit

    crazy mysterious british music man
  • also you do care on a instinctual level, like if you dont find the food then you feel hungry, well youre not aware that human civilisation exists and living "comfortably" is possible but ignorance ain't bliss
  • so i googled mysterious fuck

    and now i have ascertained wolfie's true form

  • so i googled mysterious fuck

    and now i have ascertained wolfie's true form


  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    but i thought sunny was younger and cuter
  • he is

    but that is still his true form
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    You could be an El Hierro Giant Lizard.

    They live peaceful and contented lives.

    I'd give you belly rubs, food, and ear scratches.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Speaking of PJ Harvey...

  • sunn wolf said:


    Spaceghostpurrp is an....interesting person.

    p sure you can get them whether cat or not
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    sassy sisters

    dressed in nothing



  • sassy sisters

    dressed in nothing



  • Speaking of PJ Harvey...


    sunn wolf said:


    Spaceghostpurrp is an....interesting person.
    id imagine anyone who thinks 'yeah spaceghostpurrp is a great thing to call myself' is an interesting person
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    oops, you caught me, I'm secretly flamingly heterosexual
  • sassy sisters

    dressed in nothing




    interesting fact: my mind read this as though it was to the tune of this

  • oops, you caught me, I'm secretly flamingly heterosexual

    i knew it
    Lemon curry?
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    sunn wolf said:

    sassy sisters

    dressed in nothing




    interesting fact: my mind read this as though it was to the tune of this

    And now you've got me doing it...
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    reading some news report about animal rights activists upset that their flying drone used to monitor and photograph hunters keeps getting shot down words, really
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    is SpaceGhostPurrp a good musician?
  • edited 2012-11-19 20:34:17
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^^ Hmm... Was this over a legally protected area?
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    ^^^ Hmm... Was this over a legally protected area?

    I have no idea

    all I know is sending something flying over a bunch of rednecks with guns is one of the purest forms of asking for it
  • edited 2012-11-19 20:39:34
    I wonder when everyone will realize the legalization of marijuana isn't a big civil rights issue but just the legalization of another thing that can make you stupid for a period of time.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    ^^^ Hmm... Was this over a legally protected area?

    I have no idea

    all I know is sending something flying over a bunch of rednecks with guns is one of the purest forms of asking for it
    Of course. But that doesn't change my default response to poachers and sport hunters...

    In case you're wondering, it's, "Get fucked and die."
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