The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Not gonna criticize the obvious get-up or the bags of trash or the bag of mcdonalds food or the shit strewn all over the desk

    but that door, holy fuck that's nasty and shows that people in that house never wash their filthy mitts
  • edited 2012-11-18 02:05:43

    lee4hmz said:

    Wow, that must have cost a mint back in 1988. About the only thing that would have been more insane was what Hard Drivin' used, and that monstrosity involved TMS340 2D GPUs and Analog Devices DSPs for 3D.

    I told you that they just found the NES proto of Hard Drivin', right?

    ...and that it's a fully-functioning 3D port of the arcade game?
    ...I must see this. XD 
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    The game has been found and dumped but not quite released, but it's being done by the guys at Lost Levels so it's a pretty sure thing.
    That's actually quite impressive, given that they went from hardware PC graphics users would have killed for in 1990 down to a NES.

  • Holy shit that drop

    That is like cruel
  • So, just played Prototype.

    I don't think that the Corporal would enjoy how the military's depicted. For one thing, every soldier is killed with a single shot, no matter what it hits. And they're a bunch of lug-headed killers who are perfectly willing to shoot an unarmed woman in the head.
    Huh, apparently some of the later Atari system boards used PCI-base Voodoo Graphics chips, just like what was hot on PCs in 1996 or so:

    Main CPU : MIPS R5000 @ 200MHz (system clock 50MHz) 
    System Memory : 8MB, 512KB Boot ROM. 
    Graphics : 3DFX FBI with 2MB frame buffer, 2 x 3DFX TMU with 4MB texture memory. 
    Sound CPU : CAGE Sound System (33MHz TMS32C031 @ 33MHz) 
    Sound Memory : 8MB ROM, 512KB Boot ROM. 
    Other Chips : Galileo GT64010 system controller, National Semiconductor PC87415 IDE controller, Midway I/O ASIC, SMC91C94 ethernet controller, ADC0848 8 x A-to-D converters, 
    Board composition : Main PCB and Hard Drive. 
    Hardware Features : Textured 3D, all normal 3DFX features. 
  • Yarrun said:

    every soldier is killed with a single shot, no matter what it hits. And they're a bunch of lug-headed killers who are perfectly willing to shoot an unarmed woman in the head.

    sounds about right
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Yarrun said:

    every soldier is killed with a single shot, no matter what it hits. And they're a bunch of lug-headed killers who are perfectly willing to shoot an unarmed woman in the head.

    sounds about right
    I was gonna say
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    lee4hmz said:

    Huh, apparently some of the later Atari system boards used PCI-base Voodoo Graphics chips, just like what was hot on PCs in 1996 or so:

    Main CPU : MIPS R5000 @ 200MHz (system clock 50MHz) 
    System Memory : 8MB, 512KB Boot ROM. 
    Graphics : 3DFX FBI with 2MB frame buffer, 2 x 3DFX TMU with 4MB texture memory. 
    Sound CPU : CAGE Sound System (33MHz TMS32C031 @ 33MHz) 
    Sound Memory : 8MB ROM, 512KB Boot ROM. 
    Other Chips : Galileo GT64010 system controller, National Semiconductor PC87415 IDE controller, Midway I/O ASIC, SMC91C94 ethernet controller, ADC0848 8 x A-to-D converters, 
    Board composition : Main PCB and Hard Drive. 
    Hardware Features : Textured 3D, all normal 3DFX features. 
    The arcade NFL Blitz and some other Midway hardware used 3DFX too. It was pretty popular at the time but that kind of makes sense considering it was the only 3D solution on the market until PowerVR came along and they weren't very good, either
    PowerVR has gotten better, I hear (it's very popular in mobile phones these days), but I have no idea what the current state of the art in arcade boards is, so...
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Yarrun said:

    Also, you can pretty much consume the soul of a commanding officer without any of the grunts raising an eye.

    that sounds about right too
    Speaking of beds, I should go to bed now. Good night...
  • edited 2012-11-18 03:43:05

    ...and I miss home, and I miss the closets, the windows, the hallways
    And when we are gone, who will keep up the garden? 
    Like a mother calling her boy, I am, I am so unsafe
    But she can't do it alone 
    but there's nothing stronger than her prayers.
    Nothing stronger than the smell of reds. 
    My fathers reds

    Under bridges waiting to look forward, waiting for rushes ends
    Living in the moment is the homeless mantra, they know the busiest streets
    All we have, all we have, all we have is letting a sleeping dog lay
    All we have, all we have, all we have is letting a sleeping dog lay
    Your face lit up and for once, i enjoyed where i was
    The truth is jade plants die, the truth is muscles atrophy
    Softening your skin and hardening mine

    "I don't know where to begin
    I've thought about this day so much and thought of so many things I've wanted to say
    but now, now I can only look at you like the pictures I spend hours staring at 
    I don't think I've ever smiled so wide as when you were holding me up
    I was given a picture the other day of a past birthday
    We were together on our back deck

    I remember.
    You were covered in powdered sugar from the donuts you were eating
    I've always loved watching you smile

    Do you remember the mornings when we woke up early to ride bicycles to on the board walk or the night before my first homecoming when you taught me how to dance?

    Yes I remember. I hope she appreciated all my hard work

    I wish I had a different story to tell
    I seem I have drifted fairly far away from what you taught me 

    You were always the

    I'll admit there hasn't been much to smile about since, since you left

    I didn't leave, I fought for five years to stay at your side

    What do you remember about that night?

    I remember a family that loved their wife and mother very much.

    How can you say that? 
    We were liars
    We clung to those songs like we so desperately wanted to Cling to you.

    Then I don't think you heard the same song I did

    You had to know I was lying
    You had to know how much I hated myself for smiling like a fool
    For spending our last few minutes together deceiving you

    Matthew, your smile in the face of your greatest fear was the greatest gift a mother has ever received from her child 

    I miss you

    I know."

    Everyone cares, every eye carelessly tiptoes around you, watching you, 
    They'll wear black ties, and as they applaud, i'll count claps
  • edited 2012-11-18 04:07:00
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Justice's mention of the United States Flag Code in the other thread reminded me of something:

    In my middle school, one of the 8th grade classrooms had a patriotic mural a graduating class had painted. It prominently displayed a backwards American flag.

    I always wondered how nobody noticed that while it was being painted.
  • The day with its cares and perplexities is ended and the night is now upon us. The night should be a time of peace and tranquility, a time to relax and be calm. We have need of a soothing story to banish the disturbing thoughts of the day, to set at rest our troubled minds, and put at ease our ruffled spirits.

    And what sort of story shall we hear ? Ah, it will be a familiar story, a story that is so very, very old, and yet it is so new. It is the old, old story of love.

    Two lovers sat on a park bench with their bodies touching each other, holding hands in the moonlight.

    There was silence between them. So profound was theire love for each other, they needed no words to express it. And so they sat in silence, on a park bench, with their bodies touching, holding hands in the moonlight.

    Finally she spoke. "Do you love me, John ?" she asked. "You know I love you. darling," he replied. "I love you more than tongue can tell. You are the light of my life. my sun. moon and stars. You are my everything. Without you I have no reason for being."

    Again there was silence as the two lovers sat on a park bench, their bodies touching, holding handls in the moonlight. Once more she spoke. "How much do you love me, John ?" she asked. He answered : "How' much do I love you ? Count the stars in the sky. Measure the waters of the oceans with a teaspoon. Number the grains of sand on the sea shore. Impossible, you say. Yes and it is just as impossible for me to say how much I love you.

    "My love for you is higher than the heavens, deeper than Hades, and broader than the earth. It has no limits, no bounds. Everything must have an ending except my love for you."

    There was more of silence as the two lovers sat on a park bench with their bodies touching, holding hands in the moonlight.

    Once more her voice was heard. "Kiss me, John" she implored. And leaning over, he pressed his lips warmly to hers in fervent osculation...
  • edited 2012-11-18 04:04:24
    Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Corporal Forsythe's mention of the United States Flag Code in the other thread reminded me of something:

    In my middle school, one of the 8th grade classrooms had a patriotic mural a graduating class had painted. It prominently displayed a backwards American flag.

    I always wondered how nobody noticed that while it was being painted.
    That wasn't my post, that was Justice's - but yeah the flag deserves to be treated with respect. A few days ago on FB one of my Marines posted an image of a flag mounted upside down outside someone's base housing because they're mad about the presidential election. The upside-down flag is a signal for distress -- actual distress, not I'm-mad-about-the-results-of-democracy. What's worse is this happened on base housing where people should know better. 

    But then there's freedom of speech and that has to be protected too whether we like it or not. 
  • Many moons ago, when I went to Catholic school, our flag got blown down in a storm.

    After we got the new one out, it was accidentally placed on upside-down. No one realized until people started calling to complain.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Oh, my bad. Post fixed.

    The flag in the mural was displayed vertically, but had the stars on the right, as if it was merely rotated 90 degrees from the horizontal flag. Given that it was painted by a group of eighth-graders, I imagine it was simply a matter of not knowing better--I've seen plenty of older people make the same mistake--but I found it odd that nobody ever pointed out the error, especially considering this was right after 9/11 and people were all but draping themselves in American flags at the time.
  • Fuck me.

    I'm scheduled for a four hour shift tonight.

    I can't work tonight, my mom works tonight and we only have one car.

    Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck F-U-C-K.

    I have to call off, I have to. I am not, the only way this could work is if I stayed with my mom at her work for eight hours. That's not an exaggeration or a joke. Eight god-fucking-damn hours. I'm not doing that. I have to call off. They're just going to have to deal. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

    What do I say, though. I'm not sure they'll really buy the schedule conflict thing.

  • oh my god just

    i wanna just fucking die

    I really just want to fucking ugh



    I can't do this. I can't I can't I can't. They goddamn promised me no more than three days a week. Fucking fuck fuck fuck. My schedule for next week is four days in a fucking row. That's not. Fucking. GODDAMMIT I HATE THIS.

  • I hate this. I hate this I hate this I hate this.

    I hate that they're fucking doing this to my schedule, I hate that I didn't fukcing knnow aout it til just now, a nd I hate that i'm melting down over fuar and a half goddammn hours

  • eugh. and if I tell my mom she'll try to force me to go.

    ugh. I could just call off without telling her, but that just seems so dishonest. i care a lot less about lying to work than I do my own mother.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    so let me get this straight

    if you go in to work for 4 hours, once you're done you have to kick it at McD's for 8 hours

    the solution is simple

    tell your job to allow you a 12 hour shift tonight and make some extra bank
  • I can't work extra hours. They won't let me. They only reluctantly let my goddamn manager work extra hours. They're really tight about schedule there.

    They don't care if you knock hours off (as long as you call in a minimum of two hours before your shift), but adding them is a no-no without going through the proper channels, which take weeks.

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Or just call off anyway...
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    I can't work extra hours. They won't let me. They only reluctantly let my goddamn manager work extra hours. They're really tight about schedule there.

    They don't care if you knock hours off (as long as you call in a minimum of two hours before your shift), but adding them is a no-no without going through the proper channels, which take weeks.


    well I'd still give it a try, telling them your situation and how you're not going to kick it in a McDonald's for 8 hours straight

    if you tell them you'll go ahead to work if they give you those 8 extra hours at least they can't say that you're trying to slob off work, if they go ahead and give you those 8 hours it's bonus for you
  • ^^But I don't want to. That's the thing.


    calling off is a last resort when you're deathly ill. I don't want to be "that guy" who calls off whenever something goes wrong. On the other hand, I don't want to sit in the deserted dining room of a goddamn McDonald's for eight hours either.

    Ugh. My job is stressful enough at the minimum I'm put through as-is. Stuff like this...just....bleh.

    I'm not cut out for this "real world" thing all you worldly people talk about, I suppose.

    well I'd still give it a try, telling them your situation and how you're not going to kick it in a McDonald's for 8 hours straight

    if you tell them you'll go ahead to work if they give you those 8 extra hours at least they can't say that you're trying to slob off work, if they go ahead and give you those 8 hours it's bonus for you

    In honesty, in the logical part of my brain, I doubt they'd give a damn if I gave good notice. My manager Chris might but fuck him, he's one of those passive-aggressive tear-you-down-through-backhanded-compliments people anyway. Last time all I got in the way of feedback on it was my other manager asking me if my ear was better (I called off because the thing was fucking oozing. That's not something you can work in front of customers with.)

    I just....don't want to. I think it's a remnant of the part of my brain who always knew there was something "naughty" about skipping school so never wanted to do it.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    I'm not cut out for this "real world" thing all you worldly people talk about, I suppose.

    Spoiler alert: Neither is anybody else.
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
  • I really wish I'd checked this damn thing earlier. I just foolishly assumed my schedule was going to remain Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday like it's been. But they went and fucking changed it and uggh.

    The joys of working part time.

  • The sadness will last forever.
  • Spoiler alert: Neither is anybody else.

    That's what everyone says. But I rarely see anyone else have a meltdown over their 13 1/2 hours a week job.
  • The sadness will last forever.
    privilege is the new p word
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Another consideration is if hours are really that hard to come by at your job, someone else will probably jump at covering yours so I wouldn't worry about it too much
  • The sadness will last forever.
    living privilege
  • That's true, Quran's always saying he needs extra hours (and he actually does, he's got rent to pay. cheez-its.)
  • The sadness will last forever.

  • Fuck it. I'm gonna activate my new phonecard, put minutes on my phone, call them, say I'm sick or something, and that will be that.

    Of course I was at that seminar yesterday, but people get sick overnight. Shit happens.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    privilege is the new p word

    Fouria G brought up a good point related to that concept, though, and that's what was discussed by WEB Dubois and a few others which definitely has merit. Of course, the Internet has murdered whatever value that word has, for many years to come at least. 
  • Ugh. I feel horrible doing this I just....

    fucking christ I have no spine at all.

  • well I am officially crying

    yeah about missing

    four hours of work...yeah


    I just don't know what to do.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    well I am officially crying

    yeah about missing

    four hours of work...yeah


    I just don't know what to do.

    dude it's not the end of the world
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