The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Why is "work out" on that list?

    But anyway, people who complain about nerds being popular, or try to paint themselves as better than nerds, or claim that any of these people aren't "real" nerds, they're all the same to me.

    People need to just chill.

    Nope sorry

    by not being sufficiently outraged at someone stealing your nonexistent culture, you're gonna have to turn in your nerd cred. All of it.

    Including the Minecraft install on your computer. Get to it. I'm waiting. 
  • *smokes a cornpipe*

    now son, let me tell you about the times when people didn't care about definitions of words that had no real meaning to begin with.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I'm a huge fucking nerd myself and I don't see how other people finding some sort of value or chic to is threatening or offensive at all. Also people feigning anger because whatever they enjoyed now being popular is nothing new, either. "I was into ______________ before it was cool!"  They need to have a consolation trophy or something for this. 
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    So yeah, I like books, and music
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    and boobs
  • I like listening to things that give other people severe headaches.
  • I know, I wasn't being serious.

    Thought the cornpipe would give it away, but I'm bad at jokes.

    Anyway, I don't get people getting mad over what is and isn't nerd. I consider myself nerdy because I play Dungeons & Dragons sometimes, currently have DungeonCrawl Stone Soup open in a window, and have Toonami running in the background (I'm waiting for something good to come on). I would not really begrudge anyone who claimed nerdity and did not do these things.

    It's a silly distinction really. Have "nerds" of assorted stripe ever gotten along? I point to the age-old rivalry between sci-fi and fantasy fans as evidence that they have not. So I see no real need to group them together.

  • edited 2012-11-18 00:28:10

    Someone realtalking in the comments for that nerd crybaby video:

    This video is proclick because it demonstrates why nerds are so unlikable while it attempts to defend them. First the guy wants the viewer to imagine how awful it is not to be accepted and to feel alienated because of your hobbies. Then, he spends 8 minutes bitching about nerds being popular and nerdy shit being more acceptable. Nerds aren't unpopular because of their hobbies, they're unpopular because they're fucking babies.

    If they wanted to be accepted and not alienated, they'd work out, shower regularly, and make some effort to appear human. Instead, they expect the world to conform to a standard that better suits them.

    Followed by this reply:

    There is so much wrong here. You do realise the reason we are alienated correct? Because we are different. When we try to change ourselves, we still wont fit in because we havent changed and are trying to be something we aren't. This is coming from a man who desperatly tried.
    "Appear human"? "Shower regularly"? "Work out"? Stop spouting hate at us and stop using stereotypes to back your pitiful points.
    Wwwwooooooooowwww. I'm a gigantic nerd and I shower regularly and try not to act like an escapee from a T-shirt graphic in public. This guy Forsythe quoted has no excuse.

    Also, dammit quote plugin, that's not where <span style="normal"> or whatever crap you put at the top of the post goes! :P

  • Sinister Souls vs Gein vs Bratkilla 

  • I mean do collabs get more awesome than that?

    I think not.
  • I don't know who any of those people are.
  • edited 2012-11-18 00:32:44

    well you don't listen to enough hardcore drum'n'bass.

    Though usually Bratkilla makes crossbreed and dubstep
  • It's a combination of IDM and Darkstep, with hardcore techno influences.

    stupid name I know, but whatever
  • *shrugs*

    Sounds alright.

    In other obscure music related news, my friend DJ Nailz is releasing yet another mixtape next week, that yet again I'm sure about a dozen people total will hear because cassette elitism.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    lee4hmz said:

    Someone realtalking in the comments for that nerd crybaby video:

    This video is proclick because it demonstrates why nerds are so unlikable while it attempts to defend them. First the guy wants the viewer to imagine how awful it is not to be accepted and to feel alienated because of your hobbies. Then, he spends 8 minutes bitching about nerds being popular and nerdy shit being more acceptable. Nerds aren't unpopular because of their hobbies, they're unpopular because they're fucking babies.

    If they wanted to be accepted and not alienated, they'd work out, shower regularly, and make some effort to appear human. Instead, they expect the world to conform to a standard that better suits them.

    Followed by this reply:

    There is so much wrong here. You do realise the reason we are alienated correct? Because we are different. When we try to change ourselves, we still wont fit in because we havent changed and are trying to be something we aren't. This is coming from a man who desperatly tried.
    "Appear human"? "Shower regularly"? "Work out"? Stop spouting hate at us and stop using stereotypes to back your pitiful points.
    Wwwwooooooooowwww. I'm a gigantic nerd and I shower regularly and try not to act like an escapee from a T-shirt graphic in public. This guy Forsythe quoted has no excuse.

    Also, dammit quote plugin, that's not where <span style="normal"> or whatever crap you put at the top of the post goes! :P
    The guy making the suggestion in that quote is talking about what a lot of folks doing this nerd thing don't do, and it's true. Another thing they don't do is cry about how everyone ignores and rejects them in an 11 minute youtube video. That's the whole thing about being a huge damn nerd, you're focused on your interests and not what the world at large thinks of that. 

    Also Lee this forum software is the weirdest I've ever used. I'm used to oldschool stuff, and being able to paste text directly it's lifted took me a while to get used to. I'm not complaining, but if there's one thing I wish I could do, is have a setting for permanent "as-text" on everything. 
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.


    Sounds alright.

    In other obscure music related news, my friend DJ Nailz is releasing yet another mixtape next week, that yet again I'm sure about a dozen people total will hear because cassette elitism.

    Are you serious about the whole cassettes thing? I just saw some cassettes NIP at a garage sale today, I should have bought those and ebayed em'.
  • Son if you think Vanilla's markup is bad, register to use TVTropes' forum for a minute or two.

    Well actually I think you have to wait like a week before posting regularly now or something because Fast Eddie has gone robolupu.



    Point is, there's nothing like ''this'' being italics and '''this''' being bold.

    Which yes, meant that if you wanted to do bold italics you had to do '''''this'''''.

    I think TVTropes as a site on the whole is over-hated on, but the formatting is probably the part of the site you'll get the most agreement on as far as being stupid.

    Are you serious about the whole cassettes thing? I just saw some cassettes NIP at a garage sale today, I should have bought those and ebayed em'.

    Am I serious that there is a rather large group of musicians who will never get the recognition they deserve because they refuse to allow their music anywhere within thirty feet of a computer? Yes.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    ...that sounds more like Wikipedia's markup than anything else
    Oh, I wasn't talking about the suggestion being inexcusable, I was talking about the horribly whiny "stop spouting hate at us" response. 

    And yeah, Vanilla definitely has its quirks. Still, it's nicer than phpBB (which as I understand it had some nasty security holes a few years back), and quite a bit nicer than the cobbled-together PmWiki hack TV Tropes uses.
  • ...that sounds more like Wikipedia's markup than anything else

    Have you ever tried embedding a picture on TVTropes.

    DO YOU KNOW THE HORROR?!?!?!?!?!

  • edited 2012-11-18 00:48:58
    Really, SL? TVT's markup is more like the Markdown markup on Tumblr. I mean, things like the italics and bold make sense, it's simply "add italics markup to bold markup to combine the two." Maybe I'm just biased because I know how to do forum markup on TVT well enough, but it's not like you're working with C++.

    ^Honestly, I actually like that I don't see a lot of image macro usage there. It makes people either have to really work at it or think of something actually good to say.
  • It's really annoying if you're trying to share pictures in a photo thread or something.

    Yes, you can just link them, but it's the idea.

    Also fragments of the markup randomly being disabled because they don't work, etc.

    It makes people either have to really work at it or think of something actually good to say.

    I take it you've never met Not So Badass Longcoat.

  • edited 2012-11-18 00:52:32
    I have, actually. I've spoken with him on IRC. Your point?

    And, also, the whole "you have to wait a week to post" probably has a bit to do with the whole Great Troper Tales Question of 2010/11. That, and random SA trolls.
  • I have, actually. I've spoken with him on IRC. Your point?

    He had a tendency to spam this stupid U TROLLAN macro.

    My wider point is that it does not prevent that.

    And, also, the whole "you have to wait a week to post" probably has a bit to do with the whole Great Troper Tales Question of 2010/11. That, and random SA trolls.

    A week to post is waaaay more recent than the deletion of Troper Tales.

    Also there were no trolls from Something Awful, a bunch of wannabe goons randomly decided everything SA said was gospel, true, but no one on SA ever came over to TVTropes and stirred anything, as far as I know.

  • edited 2012-11-18 00:59:10
    Oh, yeah, I forgot, the image has to be uploaded to TVT. Still, this isn't a big deal, is it? And, again, image macro use is not that high, and I like that.

    Okay, you might have a point there, but still.
  • Oh, yeah, I forgot, the image has to be uploaded to TVT. Still, this isn't a big deal, is it?

    In of itself is it some sort of irredeemable flaw that would damn the whole site on its own? No. But it's one thing of many.
  • Eh, honestly, I find it easier to use than some other markup systems.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

    and boobs

    yeah almost forgot
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.


  • edited 2012-11-18 01:25:36
    Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Anyway getting back onto the subject of being huge fucking nerds


    This is a screenshot from the game I'm writing about, unaltered. Look at the color depth on that motherfucker. That's because it's referencing a 24-bit (16 million colors) color table and able to display 8192 colors at the same fucking time. This arcade hardware was doing this sort of pimp thing in 1988. 


    I love the cloud in the far background here, that's all
    Wow. The first home system that would get anywhere close to that (and that wasn't the Neo-Geo) wouldn't come out until, oh, 1994.
  • edited 2012-11-18 01:40:14

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    lee4hmz said:

    Wow. The first home system that would get anywhere close to that (and that wasn't the Neo-Geo) wouldn't come out until, oh, 1994.

    dude look at the fucking hardware under the hood this thing had

    CPU : 2 x 68000 @ 12.288 MHz
    Sound CPU : M6809 @ 3.072 MHz
    MCU : HD63705 @ 2.048 MHz
    Extra MCU : Namco C68 (not present in all games)
    Sound Chips : Yamaha YM2151 @ 3.57958 MHz FM + C140 24 channel stereo PCM sample player
    The 4 CPU's are all connected via a central 2KByte dual port SRAM. The two
    68000s are on one side and the 6809/63705 are on the other side.
    Each 68000 has its own private bus area AND a common shared area between the
    two devices, which is where the video ram/dual port/Sprite Generation etc
    logic sits.
    Standard Graphics Board (there are game specific variations):
    2 x Static tile planes (36x28 tiles)
    4 x Scolling tile planes (64x64 tiles)
    1 x Rotate/Zoom tile plane (256x256 tiles)
    128 Sprites (128 Sprites displayable, but 16 banks of 128 sprites)
    Video resoution : 288x224
    Colours : The system has 8192 pens of which 4096+2048 are displayable at any given time. These pens reference a 24 bit colour lookup table (R8:G8:B8)
    2 x Static tile planes (36x28 tiles)
    4 x Scolling tile planes (64x64 tiles)
    Board composition : Graphics Board and CPU board
  • In kinda nerdy news on my end i got my hands on a very nice Alesis SR-16 multisample pack.
    Wow, that must have cost a mint back in 1988. About the only thing that would have been more insane was what Hard Drivin' used, and that monstrosity involved TMS340 2D GPUs and Analog Devices DSPs for 3D.
  • image

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    lee4hmz said:

    Wow, that must have cost a mint back in 1988. About the only thing that would have been more insane was what Hard Drivin' used, and that monstrosity involved TMS340 2D GPUs and Analog Devices DSPs for 3D.

    I told you that they just found the NES proto of Hard Drivin', right?

    ...and that it's a fully-functioning 3D port of the arcade game?
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    In kinda nerdy news on my end i got my hands on a very nice Alesis SR-16 multisample pack.

    One of the things I'm gonna do in Japan next month is shop around for that kind of shit, so if you want to tell me what to look for
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    HA HA HA YOU HUGE FAT DORK YOU'RE GONNA BUS- ... oh shit look at that, damn
  • Hey, that dude has just about the right amount of chub. :3
  • edited 2012-11-18 02:01:52

    In kinda nerdy news on my end i got my hands on a very nice Alesis SR-16 multisample pack.

    One of the things I'm gonna do in Japan next month is shop around for that kind of shit, so if you want to tell me what to look for
    Actually, I'm willing to bet Lee knows more about cool old synths and drum machines than I do. >_>
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I'm not going to criticize anyone's physique who can do a perfect back flip
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Actually, I'm willing to bet Lee knows more about cool old synths and drum machines than I do. >_>

    Well I'm definitely going to be hunting for old Soundcanvases and the like but if there's anything new or cheap that can be found I'm all ears

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