The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    USA #1
    Needs more Lady Liberty with a lightsaber. XD
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    USA: #1 in being douchebags
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Washington, D.C. – In a controversial move sure to send shockwaves throughout the Corps, President Obama announced today that Commandant of the Marine Corps General Jim Amos will soon be replaced by General James Mattis.

    Mattis is excited that he can leave the briefing room to get back to “systematically tracking and killing the nation’s enemies with his bare hands,” but he also has other plans for sweeping changes across the Marine Corps.

    “These air wingers and admin folks think they are sitting pretty, only heading to the gym or not doing PT at all,” said Mattis, in between his third round of 350lb back squats. “So I’ll also be leading them in 15 mile runs until they shape up.”

    Finally, Mattis says he’ll reverse the no-hazing policy that Marines have been under since the nineties, saying that it’s “good goddamn training.”

    “Listen, I don’t like stupid shit,” said Mattis. “but if you’re one of my fine young men about to go on deployment and you have a boot who isn’t listening, I think it’s a valuable training tool to duct tape him to a bench, mentor on an emotional level with a wall-to-wall counseling session, or make him dig a hole to China.”

    Mattis continued: “I mean hell, that’s where we’re going [China] eventually anyway. Might as well train like we fight.”

  • Well.

    Now I've heard everything.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • edited 2012-11-17 23:27:31
    Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    currently watching this

  • edited 2012-11-17 23:30:39

    > Implying all subcultures aren't commodified
  • watch 5 hours of the big bang theory

    how is he still alive
  • I couldn't watch 5 minutes of that show without wanting to claw my eyes out.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I saw a commercial for it once and wanted to destroy the world
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.





    I'll have the chicken



  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    wait wait wait woah

    what the fuck woah

    He says, "Native Americans were branded as warriors for the purposes of selling products..."

    Wow.  Has this Pocahontas-inspired friends-with-all-the-trees-and-animals manufactured bullshit notion of political correctness finally overwritten the facts of history? In any case, I have news for this guy:

    Why does the U.S. military have helicopters named "Apache" and "Comanche"? They name their weapons systems after the fiercest tribes, because they want some of that fierceness to rub off.

    Back in the 1930s, the warrior spirit was still strong in Indians and white men alike. At that time, the Oceti Sakowin Hunkpapa Sioux elders of Standing Rock honored the University of North Dakota by giving them permission to use the name "Fighting Sioux" for their sports teams.

    At that time, many old people, both whites and Indians, still remembered the last wars. Wounded Knee was more recent for them than World War II is for us. Yet they saluted each other, warrior to warrior. Because one fighting people understands another.

    Today, they tell us that the "Fighting Sioux" name is an insult to Indians, and we must demand that the university change it. I guess that goes for the Apache and Comanche helicopters too. I’ve written other columns on this issue. Everyone knows where I stand. I’m with the Sioux elders, who believe that a warrior can respect and honor his foe.

    Some people get it. Some don’t.

    [Dr. David Yeagley is a Native American teaching Humanities and Psychology at Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma City.]

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    hahahah "nerd and gamer culture" holy shit
  • I admit the analogy he draws is pretty facepalm worthy.

    but on the other hand


    Look at her.

    Don't you feel the overwhelming need to cave her face in?
  • Well.

    Now I've heard everything.

    Those videos should not have been mixed together.

    Song is okay. Kind of. But the color schemes on those videos are not working together.
  • Meanwhile, elsewhere on the internet.

    edit: I just realized I forgot to black the second instance of Cody's name out, LOL.

    In my defense there are probably dozens to hundreds of people named that.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    he just said some TV show is "misandric against nerds"

    what the fuck

    does he even know what the word "misandry" or "misogyny" means
  • Don't you feel the overwhelming need to cave her face in?

    I don't hate random people on the internet for taking derpy pictures of themselves.

    So, no, not really.

  • Don't you feel the overwhelming need to cave her face in?

    I don't hate random people on the internet for taking derpy pictures of themselves.

    So, no, not really.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the king of town
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    I admit the analogy he draws is pretty facepalm worthy.

    but on the other hand


    Look at her.

    Don't you feel the overwhelming need to cave her face in?
    I understand that and know that these people calling themselves huge nerds can be annoying especially whenever they try to ingratiate themselves by discussing Marmaduke whenever the discussion of comics pops up

    but this guy is getting major league butthurt over this shit 
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I think these nerds are getting too uppity. We jocks need to put them in their place again
  • they try to ingratiate themselves by discussing Marmaduke whenever the discussion of comics pops up

  • No one has ever read Marmaduke.

    No one.

    No newspaper comic strip fan, no regular comic fan, no random person on the street, nor phantom, nor demon.

    It exists solely to fill whitespace when the publishers of a given newspaper cannot afford a more expensive or better comic.

  • i have read it
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I read it about twice before realizing it was not worth the ten seconds to do so
  • No you haven't.

    If you thought you did, 'twas but a dream.

    If you actually did, then you don't exist.

  • oh man I forgot all about this tumblr.

  • That is the most tastelessly unfunny thing I've ever seen.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    No one has ever read Marmaduke.

    No one.

    No newspaper comic strip fan, no regular comic fan, no random person on the street, nor phantom, nor demon.

    It exists solely to fill whitespace when the publishers of a given newspaper cannot afford a more expensive or better comic.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Serial killers are boring.
  • That is the most tastelessly unfunny thing I've ever seen.

    You remember? Degenerate Whore made a thread full 'o these a while back.
  • Clearly a hoax. A clever one at that, after all, who would be able to prove him wrong?

    You remember? Degenerate Whore made a thread full 'o these a while back.

    I don't actually, but I forget things all the time.

    I can't remember my own middle name some days, mayn.

    Also it's just kind of bland. It's offensive, but not in a funny way. It's just kinda....meh.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    "DESTROY THE WORLD" was a reference to Under the Volcano, nobody cares, did you know the Whopper was invented in 1957?
  • "DESTROY THE WORLD" was a reference to Under the Volcano, nobody cares

    I do, cuz I wanna read that book.
  • i wish to come up with a song lyric for this signature, but no song lyrics are coming to mind
    I heard someone mention books. Is it good books?
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Someone realtalking in the comments for that nerd crybaby video:

    This video is proclick because it demonstrates why nerds are so unlikable while it attempts to defend them. First the guy wants the viewer to imagine how awful it is not to be accepted and to feel alienated because of your hobbies. Then, he spends 8 minutes bitching about nerds being popular and nerdy shit being more acceptable. Nerds aren't unpopular because of their hobbies, they're unpopular because they're fucking babies.

    If they wanted to be accepted and not alienated, they'd work out, shower regularly, and make some effort to appear human. Instead, they expect the world to conform to a standard that better suits them.

    Followed by this reply:

    There is so much wrong here. You do realise the reason we are alienated correct? Because we are different. When we try to change ourselves, we still wont fit in because we havent changed and are trying to be something we aren't. This is coming from a man who desperatly tried.
    "Appear human"? "Shower regularly"? "Work out"? Stop spouting hate at us and stop using stereotypes to back your pitiful points.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    That is one baller and metal illustration
  • Why is "work out" on that list?

    But anyway, people who complain about nerds being popular, or try to paint themselves as better than nerds, or claim that any of these people aren't "real" nerds, they're all the same to me.

    People need to just chill.

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