The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    This is how I choose to spend my Saturday:

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Would you kindly send me a link to that video? I'm using my phone right now so it's not as easy to see the link myself.

  • I actually meant to via a PM because then I'd be much save it for later. Sorry >_>
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    aw yeah latest issue of Field and Stream arrived
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    The CEO of Hostess got a 300% pay increase this year.

    if I was the CEO I'd probably do the same thing
    Then I wouldn't cry if you got lynched
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    The CEO of Hostess got a 300% pay increase this year.

    if I was the CEO I'd probably do the same thing

    Then I wouldn't cry if you got lynched

    The compelling success story of John Schattner selling his 1971 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 to transform a tavern into a pizza restaurant, and then building a franchise of 3,500 restaurants over the course of 28 years, doesn’t really impress progressives. Those on the left see his estimated net worth of $250-600 million as coming mostly at the expense of others, instead of that he seized an opportunity in a marketplace and provided willing customers with a desired product; meanwhile employing thousands with jobs making things that people want.

    While progressives see the workers as making grossly less than what they are worth, and outrageously less than the owner and CEO, conservatives see the American dream in action and argue that even low-skilled workers lead a quality of life much better than most people in other countries. The right believes that people should be motivated to get ahead, not envy others’ wealth, be content with the relatively good lives they have, and overcome obstacles themselves as much as possible. The left sees this as a heartless and cold way to view the world.

    Further infuriating the left, conservatives believe that businesses are the business of those who own them and run them, and the idea of government telling people how to run their own businesses is anathema to the American way. Those on the right believe in competition’s ability to lower costs and prices, thereby making things more attainable to the masses; those on the left believe they are more about compassion, and thus they are more confident calling on government to force people to ‘do the right thing’ and make rich people ‘pay their fair share’ (even if the top 10% pay 70% of the taxes).

  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    The CEO of Hostess got a 300% pay increase this year.

    if I was the CEO I'd probably do the same thing

    Then I wouldn't cry if you got lynched


    Irrelevant rant
    So that justifies giving yourself a giant raise and dicking over the workers while the company is struggling?
  • Well, just because somebody has the right to do something doesn't mean that they should do it.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    So that justifies giving yourself a giant raise and dicking over the workers while the company is struggling?
    You're asking me if I'd allow myself the pleasure of enjoying the fruits of my accomplishment and ownership?

    Yes, I would. What sort of insane person wouldn't?

    But go ahead and say that you, a paragon of selflessness, would not. It won't fool me or anyone else. You think that CEO's paycheck is rightfully yours despite the fact that you did nothing to earn it. That's the most selfish attitude possible. 
  • It's not unreasonable to expect that people can enjoy the fruits of their accomplishments.

    But a 300% pay increase?

  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    You're asking me if I'd allow myself the pleasure of enjoying the fruits of my accomplishment and ownership?

    I never asked you that, I asked you if you thought it was justified to give yourself a 300% pay rise and then ask your workers for a 8% pay cut and then another 25% paycut x months later.

    Yes, I would. What sort of insane person wouldn't?

    But go ahead and say that you, a paragon of selflessness, would not. It won't fool me or anyone else. You think that CEO's paycheck is rightfully yours despite the fact that you did nothing to earn it. That's the most selfish attitude possible. 
    Do you even know how the market works?

    You don't demotivate the workforce when the company is struggling.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    It's not unreasonable to expect that people can enjoy the fruits of their accomplishments.

    But a 300% pay increase?

    Why not?

    It's his company. 
  • It's not unreasonable to expect that people can enjoy the fruits of their accomplishments.

    But a 300% pay increase?

    Why not?

    It's his company. 
    It's also kinda a dick move.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I like to think that if I were a CEO I would give more money to the workers who, you know, keep my damn company running rather than say "mine, all mine!" and hoard it all.

    But that would never happen in real life, because people with that attitude don't become CEOs.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    You're asking me if I'd allow myself the pleasure of enjoying the fruits of my accomplishment and ownership?

    I never asked you that, I asked you if you thought it was justified to give yourself a 300% pay rise and then ask your workers for a 8% pay cut and then another 25% paycut x months later.
    I think already answered this twice already but yes, I would. If his workers don't like it, they're free to go find employment elsewhere and not try to strongarm someone like a bunch of mafia thugs.

    And yes, I know how the market works. I know that money doesn't magically appear out of nowhere like socialists actually believe. I know that money has to have value for it to be useful, something that socialists have no concept of.
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    And yes, I know how the market works. I know that money doesn't
    magically appear out of nowhere like socialists actually believe. I know
    that money has to have value for it to be useful, something that
    socialists have no concept of.
    I'm no socialist but I am an accountant and I know that you can't maximise your profits if you pissed everyone off.
    I think already answered this twice already but yes, I would. If his
    workers don't like it, they're free to go find employment elsewhere and
    not try to strongarm someone like a bunch of mafia thugs.
    They weren't trying to strongarm anything, they were fighting for a fair price of their labour. Why do you hate that fact? Is it because you were a solider and were immune to being pissed on from above?
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    But that would never happen in real life, because people with that attitude don't become CEOs.
    This is absolutely true. Profiting like a CEO is one hell of a motivator. 
  • I find it bizarre that you choose to defend Hostess's CEO, of all people, seeing as how that clearly didn't work out for the best for any party involved.

    Not only do the workers not have a job, but the CEO doesn't have a company.

  • Eh, in the end it's no biggie I guess.

    God will sort 'em out.

  • You're asking me if I'd allow myself the pleasure of enjoying the fruits of my accomplishment and ownership?

    I never asked you that, I asked you if you thought it was justified to give yourself a 300% pay rise and then ask your workers for a 8% pay cut and then another 25% paycut x months later.
    I think already answered this twice already but yes, I would. If his workers don't like it, they're free to go find employment elsewhere and not try to strongarm someone like a bunch of mafia thugs.

    And yes, I know how the market works. I know that money doesn't magically appear out of nowhere like socialists actually believe. I know that money has to have value for it to be useful, something that socialists have no concept of.
    But as we keep saying: just because it can be done doesn't mean it should be done.
  • edited 2012-11-17 15:27:47
    Hmm, I just heard the trailer for Doug Walker's new show, and it sounds...interesting. Like Be Kind Rewind meets 80s Dan, or something.
  • The sadness will last forever.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • edited 2012-11-17 15:31:50
    Oh, and Blip keeps running ads for something called "The Gauntlet". I doubt I'll watch it, but omgthatgirlwiththepinkhairissocutesqueeeeeeee 
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    I'm pretty sure the BBC was homophobic as fuck in the recent pass

    In other British telly news, Channel 4 censored the word gay from an afternoon broadcast of the Simpsons.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022



    I love posts like this

    Because it's the kind of thing Tumblr-goers can recognize as a joke, but the rest of the internet takes it seriously and thinks we're insane
  • I watched some Merlin, didn't like it.
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    I watched some Merlin, didn't like it.

    How long ago was that?

    Because it was shit for like 3 series
  • I think I watched the first series?

    Whatever, don't feel like trying it again.
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    Btw, my triggers are people who love British culture who aren't British so I hope you can respect that.
  • the british gave us d'n'b

    so i guess that makes them ok.
  • Though the germans the dutch and the czechs perfected it.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    They weren't trying to strongarm anything, they were fighting for a fair price of their labour. Why do you hate that fact? Is it because you were a solider and were immune to being pissed on from above?
    That's not the fact of why Hostess is failing, though.  Unions being greedy, lazy, selfish anachronisms are what killed Hostess. 

    I can say this because I have insight on this. I grew up in a union household with a father who was one of the loudest mouthpieces in the railroad union. The railroad union I'm speaking of is one of the most powerful and successful (so to speak) in the nation so it's no stretch to use them as a benchmark here. My father earned as much as a doctor or lawyer did even though he was borderline illiterate with no real education to speak of, so that should tell you the quality of the rabble that he worked with (of who, even in the 90's and early aughties were all white and heterosexual, by the way. No darkies or pansies hired here, no sir!)  The railroad and its union and most other jobs in America held in a stranglehold by union thugs operate purely on nepotism and self-interest, so I really don't see how yours or anyone else's arguments about how Hostess' CEO enjoying the prosperity of his position holds any water whatsoever. 

    Also, unions have no business existing anymore. The government needs to be tasked with responsibility of maintaining a fair and safe working environment, not a bunch of racist, sexist, illiterate thugs. 

    And because you brought up my time in the military, my father's selfish actions left me homeless and penniless. So, I lifted myself by the figurative and literal bootstraps (which, according to the left, are completely imaginary) and joined the military. Which is open to everyone, but requires a commitment and effort, two very scary words to people who expect a handout (like unions.) 

    Do I think that this elevates me somehow and that I shouldn't help anyone else out? Of course not. I believe that everyone has a responsibility help out everyone else out. People giving me a hand is where I got to where I am today; and I didn't get that help with a giant sense of entitlement or envy because others have it better than me.  And personally, I'm loathe to offer this same help whenever others demand such of me with that same sense of entitlement. 
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.


    Swift was the company I drove for
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Also, that trailer in the picture is one of Swift's enclosed car carriers which they use to deliver luxury-level cars around the country. 
  • edited 2012-11-17 16:16:49
    Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Oh, one other thing. Here's another "irrelevant" argument for you to ignore, probably because it contains "irrelevant" things such as facts and other troublesome things such as truth:

  • I get where you're coming from Forsythe.

    But it seems to me that CEOs nowadays don't really care about the long term viability of the companies they run. They just rack up bonuses and short term profit for the complany unsustainably then amscray with nifty retirement packages while leaving the company and the workers to flounder.

    It's not a matter of "being able to enjoy the fruit's of their labor", and I'm not saying that unions don't have problems, but that what companies need is leadership that's really invested in the long-term success of the company.
  • Ok why is this in the recommended videos bar on like every video I watch.
  • edited 2012-11-17 16:24:46
    Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    They weren't trying to strongarm anything, they were fighting for a fair price of their labour. Why do you hate that fact? Is it because you were a solider and were immune to being pissed on from above?
    That's not the fact of why Hostess is failing, though.  Unions being greedy, lazy, selfish anachronisms are what killed Hostess.
    Except no, what killed off Hostess was shitty greedy management that tried to take what they could.

    I can say this because I have insight on this. I grew up in a union household with a father who was one of the loudest mouthpieces in the railroad union. The railroad union I'm speaking of is one of the most powerful and successful (so to speak) in the nation so it's no stretch to use them as a benchmark here. My father earned as much as a doctor or lawyer did even though he was borderline illiterate with no real education to speak of, so that should tell you the quality of the rabble that he worked with (of who, even in the 90's and early aughties were all white and heterosexual, by the way. No darkies or pansies hired here, no sir!)  The railroad and its union and most other jobs in America held in a stranglehold by union thugs operate purely on nepotism and self-interest, so I really don't see how yours or anyone else's arguments about how Hostess' CEO enjoying the prosperity of his position holds any water whatsoever.

    I'll take your word for it because I don't have any experience dealing with American Unions.

    Also, unions have no business existing anymore. The government needs to be tasked with responsibility of maintaining a fair and safe working environment, not a bunch of racist, sexist, illiterate thugs.

    I agree with you, but as long as Corporatism exists. Unions have to exist because frankly there is no one else.

    And because you brought up my time in the military, my father's selfish actions left me homeless and penniless. So, I lifted myself by the figurative and literal bootstraps (which, according to the left, are completely imaginary) and joined the military. Which is open to everyone, but requires a commitment and effort, two very scary words to people who expect a handout (like unions.)
    Do you really believe "leftists" expect handouts?

    Also joining the military isn't lifting yourself by the bootstraps because you get paid with other people's money.

    Do I think that this elevates me somehow and that I shouldn't help anyone else out? Of course not. I believe that everyone has a responsibility help out everyone else out. People giving me a hand is where I got to where I am today; and I didn't get that help with a giant sense of entitlement or envy because others have it better than me.  And personally, I'm loathe to offer this same help whenever others demand such of me with that same sense of entitlement. 
    Except the union of Hostess wasn't demanding anything, they were fighting a massive paycut while the management got a giant payrise.

    God, why is that such a hard concept for you understand?

  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    Oh, one other thing. Here's another "irrelevant" argument for you to ignore, probably because it contains "irrelevant" things such as facts and other troublesome things such as truth:

     Can you sum up the video please because I'm not really in the position to watch 7 minutes of Judge Judy.
  • judge judy

    oh gog
  • They weren't trying to strongarm anything, they were fighting for a fair price of their labour. Why do you hate that fact? Is it because you were a solider and were immune to being pissed on from above?
    That's not the fact of why Hostess is failing, though.  Unions being greedy, lazy, selfish anachronisms are what killed Hostess. 

    I can say this because I have insight on this. I grew up in a union household with a father who was one of the loudest mouthpieces in the railroad union. The railroad union I'm speaking of is one of the most powerful and successful (so to speak) in the nation so it's no stretch to use them as a benchmark here. My father earned as much as a doctor or lawyer did even though he was borderline illiterate with no real education to speak of, so that should tell you the quality of the rabble that he worked with (of who, even in the 90's and early aughties were all white and heterosexual, by the way. No darkies or pansies hired here, no sir!)  The railroad and its union and most other jobs in America held in a stranglehold by union thugs operate purely on nepotism and self-interest, so I really don't see how yours or anyone else's arguments about how Hostess' CEO enjoying the prosperity of his position holds any water whatsoever. 

    Also, unions have no business existing anymore. The government needs to be tasked with responsibility of maintaining a fair and safe working environment, not a bunch of racist, sexist, illiterate thugs. 

    And because you brought up my time in the military, my father's selfish actions left me homeless and penniless. So, I lifted myself by the figurative and literal bootstraps (which, according to the left, are completely imaginary) and joined the military. Which is open to everyone, but requires a commitment and effort, two very scary words to people who expect a handout (like unions.) 

    Do I think that this elevates me somehow and that I shouldn't help anyone else out? Of course not. I believe that everyone has a responsibility help out everyone else out. People giving me a hand is where I got to where I am today; and I didn't get that help with a giant sense of entitlement or envy because others have it better than me.  And personally, I'm loathe to offer this same help whenever others demand such of me with that same sense of entitlement. 
    I'm watching The Cinema Snob's ET Week (yes, finally), and he mentions a banana's vagina. My first thought was

  • Oh, one other thing. Here's another "irrelevant" argument for you to ignore, probably because it contains "irrelevant" things such as facts and other troublesome things such as truth:


  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Do you really believe "leftists" expect handouts?
    No, I accept it as inarguable fact.
    Also joining the military isn't lifting yourself by the bootstraps because you get paid with other people's money.

    ...are  you actually arguing that I just showed up and they handed me a uniform, a paycheck, keys to a barracks room, free medical and dental, and a GI Bill that I didn't have to pay into first?

    Are you arguing that I didn't have to go through this: earn any of that?

    Are you actually arguing that people in the military don't put their lives up for any sort of risk whatsoever, and they don't sign many of their basic rights away,  and that they aren't on call 24 hours a fucking day for four years of their lives?  I mean, you do realize that you can't just quit an enlistment like a job, right? Right?

    I'm not replying to you anymore unless I understand exactly where you're coming from on this because if it's what I think it is, you have no clue about anything whatsoever and are in desperate need of getting one. 

  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    Do you really believe "leftists" expect handouts?
    No, I accept it as inarguable fact.
    Then you're quite mad and there isn't any point responding to you either because you don't have a clue about anything.
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