The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Guys what if CWC becomes the most exhaustively documented person in human history.

    What then.
  • Isn't he already?
  • Odradek said:

    Guys what if CWC becomes the most exhaustively documented person in human history.

    What then.

    The Forerunners will deem us unworthy of The Mantle and kill us all.

    And we will totally deserve it.

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Then Lions Gate can release a movie about him and if it is successful then we will have some nice tentpole sequels on the way :P
    CWC kind of reminds me of The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, except with mental illness instead of immune system dysfunction.
  • Regarding last page, I think OTC has actually gotten somewhat better, if only because there are more feminists there, less conservatives, and other little things like threads having to be approved by mods before anyone can post on them.
  • how can there be less conservatives there

    is that even possible?
  • Well, there's Starship Maxima, a Christian and Republican who isn't belligerent and stupid.
  • Starship Maxima stopped being retarded?

    Well that's good news i guess.
  • Bare Naked Ladies
  • I look straight in the window, try not to look below 
    Pretend I'm not up here, try counting sheep 
    But the sheep seem to shower off this office tower 
    Nine-point-eight straight down I can't stop my knees...
  • IJBM: Live recordings with panning issues
  • image

    screw audio quality i need these
    Rainbow Dash headphones. They're 20% cooler?

  • Oh my god this is beautiful.
    I want to punch that guy and his hair. Once each, even.

    and AHAHAHAHAHAHA that's the same Internet book Terezi used for one of her coolkid pictures! :lol:
  • edited 2012-11-12 21:19:37

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    Apparently that soulbonder chick on TVT was actually an all around nice person, thinking she was a fictional character aside.

    Actually she thought she was (for lack of a better term) semi-possessed by a fictional character.

    Some chick from one of the FF games if I remember correctly.

    DLC was indeed pretty nice, but she was also really emotional, which unfortunately made her incredibly easy for people to aggravate.

    Lightening from Final Fantasy XII. I think it was Rinoa fro from FFVIII before that. Really, it seemed like she collected these gals, but would move onto a new "primary" when something else came along.
  • Okay, I come home from school after Yuna had to pull a kid who was trying to hump me off of me, and find this big black thing sitting by the banister. So I'm like "WHAT THE DEUCE?!" and I'm thinking Mom got some kind of strange new machine for cleaning or something. 

    And then I get closer and find that the thing is actually the dilapidated remains of my computer chair, a recliner I dubbed as my "throne." 

    I knew it was breaking a long time ago, 'cause the left arm was loose from the rest of it, hanging by a few threads. But Mom was NEVER supposed to find out it was broken, 'cause she said after this one broke she was NOT going to get me another throne. She was gonna get me a wooden chair (I already have one, so now I'm thinking she was planning on using that the whole time) or no chair at all.

    Now, what I cannot do in a wooden chair: 
    -Eat, 'cause it has no arms that can be effectively used as tables. My desk cannot fit a plate full of food on it. 
    -Lie down and nap on during those tired nights when I don't wanna go to bed, but need to rest my body for a few minutes
    -Lie down on if I'm sick but still need access to the medicinal properties of FF, but am too weak to sit up. 
    -Use as a writing table. See the sentence relating to the desk and the plate full of food. 

    I am so pissed at my mom. She won't get me another throne 'cause she's blaming me for the previous two breaking, but they probably just broke from age like every other chair ever. I can't use the wooden chair that's usually only used for storage or extra seating for a guardian (NOT as a typing post, it is too far from the screen) doesn't even have ANY arms much less arms I can use as tables or sleep on. It has...nothing. It's practically just a stepstool with a back. 

    I cannot believe what I came home from school to. Quistis has set me up a spot on the floor, but I still can't get acquainted with the fact of eating on the floor, or lying on it, or having to kneel in order to see my FF clearly. 

    she doesn't seem like that much of a nice person

    Just saying.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    She was probably like 14 when she wrote that.
    If you're using ED as a resource, keep in mind that they're packrats, and a lot of people they've profiled haven't been newsworthy in years.
  • edited 2012-11-12 21:23:50
    i wish to come up with a song lyric for this signature, but no song lyrics are coming to mind
    Body is required.
    whatever, hh, i can make a textless post if i want

    is textless a word, though
  • edited 2012-11-12 21:23:25

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Well, she referenced Quistis, and yeah, she had ED stalkers for years before she even showed up to TvT. I don't think there's been much about her since she left TvT, but most of her ED stuff is probably from when she was a young teen.
  • well that makes more sense then.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    Okay, I come home from school after Yuna had to pull a kid who was trying to hump me off of me, and find this big black thing sitting by the banister. So I'm like "WHAT THE DEUCE?!" and I'm thinking Mom got some kind of strange new machine for cleaning or something. 

    And then I get closer and find that the thing is actually the dilapidated remains of my computer chair, a recliner I dubbed as my "throne." 

    I knew it was breaking a long time ago, 'cause the left arm was loose from the rest of it, hanging by a few threads. But Mom was NEVER supposed to find out it was broken, 'cause she said after this one broke she was NOT going to get me another throne. She was gonna get me a wooden chair (I already have one, so now I'm thinking she was planning on using that the whole time) or no chair at all.

    Now, what I cannot do in a wooden chair: 
    -Eat, 'cause it has no arms that can be effectively used as tables. My desk cannot fit a plate full of food on it. 
    -Lie down and nap on during those tired nights when I don't wanna go to bed, but need to rest my body for a few minutes
    -Lie down on if I'm sick but still need access to the medicinal properties of FF, but am too weak to sit up. 
    -Use as a writing table. See the sentence relating to the desk and the plate full of food. 

    I am so pissed at my mom. She won't get me another throne 'cause she's blaming me for the previous two breaking, but they probably just broke from age like every other chair ever. I can't use the wooden chair that's usually only used for storage or extra seating for a guardian (NOT as a typing post, it is too far from the screen) doesn't even have ANY arms much less arms I can use as tables or sleep on. It has...nothing. It's practically just a stepstool with a back. 

    I cannot believe what I came home from school to. Quistis has set me up a spot on the floor, but I still can't get acquainted with the fact of eating on the floor, or lying on it, or having to kneel in order to see my FF clearly. 


    Holy fuck.

    I'm almost willing to excuse that, because (a) I've been blamed for breaking a bunch of chairs in my day and (b) she was probably like 13 when she wrote it.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    ...and I've been njnja'd several times over. Fuck
  • i wish to come up with a song lyric for this signature, but no song lyrics are coming to mind

    WARNING: The announcement you are about to read is canon.

    Tales of Game’s Studios is excited to announce The Magical Realms of Tír na nÓg: Escape from Necron 7 – Revenge of Cuchulainn: The Official Game of the Movie – Chapter 2 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa, the sequel to the 2008 edutainment tour de force Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden. Barkley 2 is an action RPG that continues the story of the previous game and features an open, non-linear world for players to explore and discover. Barkley 2 pits the player as X114JAM9, an amnesiac baller with no recollection of his past and no concept of his incredible b-ball destiny. Only the arcane wisdom of the otherworldly slam scholar Cyberdwarf can reclaim his lost memories… and lost b-ball powers. But first, X114JAM9 must evade the sinister grasp of the malevolent A.I. Cuchulainn, his would-be captor and the ancient nemesis of all ballers, hoopsters, slammers and jammers.

    The ball is in your court. The fate of the galaxy, the Post-Cyberpocalypse and all of b-balldom is in your hands. Do you have the courage, vigor and sagacity to slam with the best? Or are you just going to jam with the rest?

    “Barkley 2 is the game that will change the RPG playing field forever. The edutainment revolution is nigh.”
    - Tales of Game’s

    “Tales of Game’s have one-upped themselves with Barkley 2. With a focus on rich narrative, strong characters, open-ended exploration, serious choice and consequence, Barkley 2 is a game that will have echoes throughout the edutainment industry.”
    - Tales of Game’s

    “When a winning concept, a talented, battle-tested crew, and a noble destiny collide… [Barkley 2 is] a financier’s dream combination.”
    - Tales of Game’s

    “The Post-Cyberpocalypse has never looked so grim… or so beautiful. Barkley 2 is the first game to make me question if vidcons have the capacity to be art.”
    - Barack Obama

  • edited 2012-11-12 21:31:19

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    If we couldn't at least get a partial pass for saying/doing stupid things when we where young then everyone on the planet would be well and truly fucked.
  • Justice42 said:

    If we couldn't at least get a partial pass for saying/doing stupid things when we where young then everyone on the planet would be well and truly fucked.

    this is true
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Now I'm here
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Hi Imi.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Hi Anonus, I see you are still an Administrator.
  • Oooh, can I be an administrator too?
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Hi Jumpingzombie. I see you still do not have a signature.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    HI IMI
  • Signatures are for chumps. Also, I keep forgetting to put one in.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Hi Central Avenue, I see you are still using a John Steinbeck quote as a signature. It kind of reminds me of a passage from Slaughterhouse-Five, incidentally.
  • Re: Encyclopedia dramatica

    I don't like ED that much. The entire thing just seems so mean spirited.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I stay away from it.

  • my second amv!!! i think in this relationship sonic would be the seme i mean i don't know for sure or anything i just think behind closed doors he would have a very domineering personality and a bigger pee pee then the oncel er
  • At least with the CWC wiki they stick with someone who deserves all the crap that he gets.

  • my second amv!!! i think in this relationship sonic would be the seme i mean i don't know for sure or anything i just think behind closed doors he would have a very domineering personality and a bigger pee pee then the oncel er

  • press play on both of these at the same time.
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