The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



    Oh yeah, and someone posted all of PIzza Hut's 1990s "Pizza Head" commercials in one big glob. Yay!

    (Am I weird in thinking that most prog rock sounds like the B-side of Abbey Road?)
  • Hey, Lee! How's it going? Besides not getting ice cream, like a chump ;P
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    The B-side of Abbey Road could sorta be considered prog...
    Pretty good, though I was seriously depressed about something short, my family has a bunch of perverts in it. :P
  • Lee: Ah, not fun sailing. :/ Unfortunately, my extended family has a similar issue.
    JZ: Really? That kinda sucks...
  • Lee: Yeah, it is. But, it seems common in plenty of families. There's always at least one person.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    My entire family is a bunch of assholes save for a few

    This is why I live at least 100 miles from any known blood relation
  • "Not that I don't support "It Gets Better" - it's the best thing Dan has ever done. He deserves a lot of credit for it."

    Sorry but I'd beg to differ. It's just a bullshit PR campaign, nothing more. Telling kids to put up with bullying until they leave school is not constructive advice. It's cruel. School boards, school administrators, teachers, etc., need to have zero tolerance policy for bullying. It's not uncommon for teachers to bully unpopular kids themselves. That's where the changes need to be made. But that requires action, and it requires standing up to conservatives who fight anti-bullying campaigns tooth and nail (often claiming that bullying gay people is a christian right). The reason "It Gets Better" caught on with politicians and celebrities is because it's great PR and it requires absolutely NOTHING from them in the way of real action.

    It's cruelty to tell a kid to tolerate bullying. And to whom is this campaign even directed? The fat gay kids that Savage makes fun of himself? It's a campaign aimed at good looking white boys with great bodies and upper middle class families. Yes, THEY will do better once they start hitting the gay bars. But for most average looking kids from working class families, they will find a gay community that's often very much like High School, with cliques and teasing and rejection. Gay kids need to get support from society, and the kids that need that most are the kids that Savage himself would mock and demonize; kids of color, working class and poor kids, fat kids, kids with acne, and kids who are otherwise marginalized in society AND in our community.

    Even when you look at the videos on YouTube, you see politicians who've come out against marriage equality, sports teams that would never accept a gay person in their ranks, and celebrities who just want some good press. The gay kids who participate are often great looking white boys, who you know will be accepted in the gay community, and are already leading charmed lives. It's a campaign for the people Savage white male teenagers with athletic bodies who will be greeted with open arms.

    I'll take the campaign seriously when Savage speaks out on behalf of marginalized gay kids, and criticizes the gay community for iots racism and other prejudices. But he's the biggest bigot and bully of the bunch, and that's been proven from his many years as a "columnist." I often couldn't believe how prejudiced and intolerant he was in those columns.
  • thank you anonymous commenter person i couldn't have put it better my self.
  • also that person doesn't mention how transphobic Dan is.
  • image

    Let me tell you about my Pony Adventure character. Hes from my favorite animes. He has a black trenchcoat and a gun, but he only shoots the gun to hurt things, because he doesnt believe in killing. His name is Sephitrot Goglue. Sephitrot Goglue the Stampede. And he used to be an angel, but then he was a devil, and then when he was an angel and he was a devil he gave it up to be a pony because he fell in love with a mare who was really simple but she loved him with all of her heart. Also Sephitrot is a vampire and he bit the mare and drank all her blood but then she died and he was really sad about it so he perches on rooftops when its raining out and looks down at the ground like a gargoyle but but hes not a gargoyle because hes a vampire alicorn angel demon. And then because after he got bit by the vampire and caused him to kill his marefriend he got a big robot that he found under a rock and the big robot said “I am a big robot and I believe in the power of you!” and then the big robot said they would be friends and then the big robot said “Lets go get the vampire” And the vampire was an evil unicorn but he was also the head of this company. It was like a buff unicorn vampire. And so hes the head of this company, and he has a board of directors and they are all also vampires, and when he shows up in his robot, they all also have robots that were made out of different companies except their robots were made out of the cloned dead mounds of the vampires from the past because they have a time machine inside their robots, so he goes back in time to when hes an angel devil and meets himself and they team up because they are best friends because they are each other and he sees his girlfriend and he gets all bent out of shape because hes like “oh no i still love you but you are destined to die so i gotta fight the evil vampire corporation.” and the robots fight and theres some explosions because theyre in the city, but the city goes underground because it needs to not get exploded, and so the city is underground and while theyre fighting, hes like ” no, you dont understand! I am back in time!” and then they go “how can this be!” and their robots blow up because his robots better. and then hes like “I have defeated you!” and then the head CEO vampire demon buff unicorn shows up and is like “No!” and then surprises them and then stabs the big robot and it stabs through the cockpit into his heart, but he doesnt have a heart because hes a vampire alicorn angel demon from the past future. And then the vampire unicorn says “Im going to defeat you right now!” and then he says “Aha I have a trick up my sleeve!” and then the big robot changes into a slightly different robot. and then while hes transforming the evil vampire CEO unicorn is like “How could this be!” and then theres a big laser that shoots out of his chest because he believes in himself. And the laser hits the vampire unicorn and its like the sun but a hundred times worse and it blasts him back in time through the forward time and it hits his marefriend and it pushes her forward and then he goes forward into the future and his marefriends there and hes like “Im not a vampire because i erased him from the timeline. now we can be together” and then they go on a picnic
  • "Not that I don't support "It Gets Better" - it's the best thing Dan has ever done. He deserves a lot of credit for it."

    Sorry but I'd beg to differ. It's just a bullshit PR campaign, nothing more. Telling kids to put up with bullying until they leave school is not constructive advice. It's cruel. School boards, school administrators, teachers, etc., need to have zero tolerance policy for bullying. It's not uncommon for teachers to bully unpopular kids themselves. That's where the changes need to be made. But that requires action, and it requires standing up to conservatives who fight anti-bullying campaigns tooth and nail (often claiming that bullying gay people is a christian right). The reason "It Gets Better" caught on with politicians and celebrities is because it's great PR and it requires absolutely NOTHING from them in the way of real action.

    It's cruelty to tell a kid to tolerate bullying. And to whom is this campaign even directed? The fat gay kids that Savage makes fun of himself? It's a campaign aimed at good looking white boys with great bodies and upper middle class families. Yes, THEY will do better once they start hitting the gay bars. But for most average looking kids from working class families, they will find a gay community that's often very much like High School, with cliques and teasing and rejection. Gay kids need to get support from society, and the kids that need that most are the kids that Savage himself would mock and demonize; kids of color, working class and poor kids, fat kids, kids with acne, and kids who are otherwise marginalized in society AND in our community.

    Even when you look at the videos on YouTube, you see politicians who've come out against marriage equality, sports teams that would never accept a gay person in their ranks, and celebrities who just want some good press. The gay kids who participate are often great looking white boys, who you know will be accepted in the gay community, and are already leading charmed lives. It's a campaign for the people Savage white male teenagers with athletic bodies who will be greeted with open arms.

    I'll take the campaign seriously when Savage speaks out on behalf of marginalized gay kids, and criticizes the gay community for iots racism and other prejudices. But he's the biggest bigot and bully of the bunch, and that's been proven from his many years as a "columnist." I often couldn't believe how prejudiced and intolerant he was in those columns.
  • granted entirely out of context that post doesn't make loads of sense.

    To clarify: It Gets Better is a thing that gay activist Dan Savage started to help gay teenagers fight bullying. The commenter is saying that it doesn't go far enough, and that Dan may be playing favorites...
  • It sounds like a bunch of social justicey crap.

    From what I've seen the It Gets Better campaign is very effective.
  • edited 2012-11-11 21:30:22
    Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Sorry but I'd beg to differ. It's just a bullshit PR campaign, nothing more.
    Telling kids to put up with bullying until they leave school is not constructive advice. It's cruel.
    School boards, school administrators, teachers, etc., need to have zero tolerance policy for bullying.
    It's not uncommon for teachers to bully unpopular kids themselves. That's where the changes need to be made.
    This is entirely true. And this fellow had me up to...
    But that requires action, and it requires standing up to conservatives who fight anti-bullying campaigns tooth and nail (often claiming that bullying gay people is a christian right).
    I need to see these monstrous conservatives who "fight anti-bullying campaigns" and no, Fred Phelps does not count. I also need to see where these people proclaim that beating up on gays, transsexuals, transgenders, and other marginalized groups is "our right." I've never fucking seen this, outside of lowlives who aren't a part of any real group but get lumped in as "right-wing" because it's convenient I guess.

    Mind you I'm not attacking you on pasting this, Mr. Truant. I'm just tired of these folks treating conservatives like they're the monster under the bed.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

    It can't get no worse!
  • lee4hmz said:

    To clarify: It Gets Better is a thing that gay activist Dan Savage started to help gay teenagers fight bullying. The commenter is saying that it doesn't go far enough, and that Dan may be playing favorites...

  • Mind you I'm not attacking you on pasting this, Mr. Truant. I'm just tired of these folks treating conservatives like they're the monster under the bed. 

    I am as well.
  • Working on Dubstep again.

    About halfway there. I can make dubstep, but I can't get it to oscillate the way I want it to. And I have no idea what to do with a song once dubstep's introduced into it.
  • but i don't understand

    when did igb become a bad thing
  • If you want I could at a later point find an article from a local rag that claimed anti-bullying laws were "promoting the Gay agenda"

    but that's as close to that as I can think of having seen off the top of my head.
  • but i don't understand

    when did igb become a bad thing
    Telling kids to put up with bullying until they leave school is not constructive advice. It's cruel.

  • I need to see these monstrous conservatives who "fight anti-bullying campaigns" and no, Fred Phelps does not count. I also need to see where these people proclaim that beating up on gays, transsexuals, transgenders, and other marginalized groups is "our right." I've never fucking seen this, outside of lowlives who aren't a part of any real group but get lumped in as "right-wing" because it's convenient I guess.

    Calling such people "right wing" is only true in the same sense that your high school Marxist is "left wing".

    It's technically true in a very vague sense, but not really. I think most conservatives in this country are quite reasonable people, rather than, say, the idiots on twitter in that article that was posted earlier today.

  • And the thing is, if you aren't in the group Dan favors so, young white upper middle class gay kids like he once was, is doesn't really get all that much better. Growing up doesn't magically make homophobia go away.
  • It puts all the impetus on the gay kids to put up with this bullshit rather than changing anything.

  • Mind you I'm not attacking you on pasting this, Mr. Truant. I'm just tired of these folks treating conservatives like they're the monster under the bed.

    ...yeah, it'll probably be a cold day in Hawaii before people learn to stop demonizing those who they disagree with.



    Sequels were made, and this faintly disturbs me.
  • but i don't understand

    when did igb become a bad thing
    Telling kids to put up with bullying until they leave school is not constructive advice. It's cruel.

    But if I'm not mistaken, that's not the point. The point is that... well... it gets better. 

    I doubt that organization doesn't contribute to anti-bullying laws.
  • IGB is a campaign, though.

    And something being well intentioned doesn't mean it actually helps. See: a fair number of laws.

  • IGB is a campaign, though.

    And something being well intentioned doesn't mean it actually helps. See: a fair number of laws.

    But with all the celebrities endorsing it and whatnot, I find it hard to imagine it doesn't help.

    I mean, it's Stephen Colbert telling you that it will be alright.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Re-reading old posts...

    ...For some reason I imagine that the project to fix the signage at Santa's North Pole campus includes a sign in the train station reading "SOUTHBOUND TRAINS".

    In the essay detailing his decisions, the designer comments that such a sign is silly and unnecessary but the client wanted him to include it anyway.

    I had to think about that one to get the joke. Am I actually less clever than I was a year ago?
  • I mean, it's Stephen Colbert telling you that it will be alright.

    Oh, that's fantastic.

    It will make you want to go to school when you get beaten up every day yes it will.

    i read that as

  • It puts all the impetus on the gay kids to put up with this bullshit rather than changing anything.

    So, igb's platform is similar to "If the bullyings were legitimate, gay kids' bodies would have a way of shutting that mess down." in that the predators are portrayed as naturally occurring and the victims are told to put on a bandage and suck it up? Your vitriol is justified then.

    The proper response to a continuous assault is not to fortify defenses, as they'll just be worn down. The proper response is to destroy the assaulters. Or learn how to hide so the assaulters can't find you, but that's only worked in Fallout 3.
  • I mean, it's Stephen Colbert telling you that it will be alright.

    Oh, that's fantastic.

    It will make you want to go to school when you get beaten up every day yes it will.
    ...It was a joke.

    I mean, I understand why this would be a touchy subject for you. Honestly, I probably have no right to speak for anyone insofar as LGBT rights are concerned.

    But may I ask what else they are supposed to do?
  • The proper response to a continuous assault is not to fortify defenses, as they'll just be worn down. The proper response is to destroy the assaulters. Or learn how to hide so the assaulters can't find you, but that's only worked in Fallout 3.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Yarrun said:


    Sequels were made, and this faintly disturbs me.

    I don't tolerate this kind of shit either. Kids need to be kids and the last thing they need to have crammed down their throat is politics. 
  • I like to think there is some magical land where fixing problems rather than just living with them is considered the standard course of action.

    I don't tolerate this kind of shit either. Kids need to be kids and the last thing they need to have crammed down their throat is politics.

    This is very true.

    I was the stupidest kind of conservative for a number of years because my mom taught me that the farther right policies were, the better they were.

    I'm not saying conservatism is bad, but that kind of indoctrination--intentional or not--certainly is. My stepdad has turned my little brother into the worst kind of kiddie liberal. It's disheartening, really. The kid's ten, and he's an Obama supporter despite not being able to say the man's name.

  • With Academy Awards being handed out to movies about racist cops, gay
    cowboys, and communist sympathizers, Hollywood has declared an outright
    war on traditional values. But instead of getting angry at the movie
    business, parents should teach their kids to laugh at it, this according
    to best-selling children's author Katharine DeBrecht…

    -- whose book turned heads in Hollywood after being given out in Oscar
    party gift bags on Sunday night -- satirizes Barbra Streisand, Madonna,
    Tom Cruise, Britney Spears, Jack Nicholson, and Sean Penn with cartoon
    look-alikes who appear in the hamper of two young sisters to tell them
    how to behave and to sell them useless trinkets. The girls meet a number
    of other goofy celebrities along the way and in the process come to
    realize that stars don't always know best.

    "The liberal elites
    running Hollywood have no intention of ceasing their relentless attack
    on traditional values," claims DeBrecht, a mother of three. "It's almost
    impossible for parents to block out all of the left-wing messages that
    Hollywood and its media friends are bombarding our kids with. The
    solution is for parents to teach their children to laugh at Hollywood
    and to regard celebrities as silly people."

    I think it's telling that the only Academy Award winner that I can recognize is Brokeback Mountain.

    Also, who in blazes still pays attention to Britney Spears?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    To tie this back in: "SOUTHBOUND TRANS" sounds like the name of a group advocating for transgender rights in the southern U.S.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    It puts all the impetus on the gay kids to put up with this bullshit rather than changing anything.

    And I agree, they shouldn't. School systems don't do anything to prevent this sort of thing and claim there's nothing they can do when in fact they let it continue because most middle and high school teachers never left school themselves.

  • edited 2012-11-11 21:54:50
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I think "racist cops" refers to Crash...

    ^I wish the school systems cared too

    It feels like they actively try not to care sometimes
  • And I agree, they shouldn't. School systems don't do anything to prevent this sort of thing and claim there's nothing they can do when in fact they let it continue because most middle and high school teachers never left school themselves.

    Let me tell you about the horrors of school teachers seeking the approval of their students.

    Let me tell you

    about it.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Kexruct said:

    But if I'm not mistaken, that's not the point. The point is that... well... it gets better.

    The problem is that "it gets better" really means "you learn to put up with other people's bullshit" instead of "people stop doing bullshit to begin with."

    In any event, it irritates me to no end that transgenderism is still a joke to (seemingly) most people...
  • Mr. Truant said:The proper response to a continuous assault is not to fortify defenses, as they'll just be worn down. The proper response is to destroy the assaulters. Or learn how to hide so the assaulters can't find you, but that's only worked in Fallout 3.

    But there are plenty of organizations devoted to anti-bullying legislation and that kind of thing. But that doesn't make kids feel better. Because it's not about
    them. It's about an idea. That's where IGB comes in. Besides, most importantly, it's a helpful message: "Things will get better." There are no other implications.
  • Kexruct said:

    But if I'm not mistaken, that's not the point. The point is that... well... it gets better.

    The problem is that "it gets better" really means "you learn to put up with other people's bullshit" instead of "people stop doing bullshit to begin with." 
    But that's actually a very applicable message. If you try to change everyone no one will change.
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