The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout




    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Pennsylvania has the biggest DICK'S of all.


    Rereading that, I'm not sure if it comes off as a compliment or insult...
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    There's a Dick's right next to where I work.

    I've never been in it.
  • biggest DICK'S of all.

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    They're based in Pittsburgh...

    I find it interesting that two of the big sports stadia in Denver are named for those equipment chains (the Rapids play in Dick's Sporting Goods Park aka "The Dick" and the Broncos play in Sports Authority Field at Mile High, a rather goofy-sounding name if you ask me)...
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Dick's is based in Pittsburgh? Well, I guess that makes since as we have a lot of dicks here.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    seal of solomon
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    a super mario thing
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the soft machine
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    magic circle
  • I could go off the deep end, 
    I can kill all my best friends. 
    I can follow those stylish trends. 
    God knows I can make amends. 
    But I've got an angry heart filled with cancer and poppy tarts. 
    If this is how you folks make art, its fucking depressing. 

    And its sad to know that we are not alone and its sad to know there's no honest way out. 

    Im afraid to leave the house, 
    Im as timid as a mouse. 
    Im afraid if I go on I'll out wear my welcome. 
    Im not a courageous man. 
    I dont have any big, lasting plans. 
    Too cowardly to take a stand, I want to keep my nose clean. 

    And its sad to know that we are not alone in this, and its said to know there's no honest way out. 

    In this life we lead, we can conquer every thing, if we could just get the braves to get out of bed in the morning.
  • Wait, Truant, I thought you were a fan of Homestuck?
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    In 1986 my great-great-aunt died at the age of 97. This was the first time that someone I knew personally died. So, that was my introduction to the power of Death.

    You didn't need to know this, but I wanted to say it.
  • How on earth did i give you that impression
  • How on earth did i give you that impression

    You talk about it more often than someone who doesn't read it.
  • it is frequently a topic of discussion around here
  • You talk about it like you're a fan. And you bring it up when it wasn't being discussed previously.
  • edited 2012-11-08 20:10:40
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    I hate the sound of the human voice.  I've heard far too much of it lately.

    Too much homework, too little sleep, too little books.

    Every day, so much homework.

    I swear, one of these days, I'm going to sneak in a bag of cough drops and noisily crinkle the plastic wrappers in that way that makes everybody suffer.  I'm going to scratch everyone else's eardrums the way that the world scratches mine!  I shall be a noisy nuisance!

    And I will not stop, even when asked politely.
  • I intend to read it after it's complete.
  • It’s coming up on a year now since I got my current job as a pizza delivery girl, and I thought this would be a good time to delve into the little ever-expanding “WTFPIZZA” note I keep on my cell that helps me remember some of my more, uh - interesting deliveries.
    So without further ado and in no particular order, here’s some pizza customers who left a lasting impression on me thus far:
    - A bearded man who answered the door and periodically spat blood into a crusted Harley-Davidson coffee mug while counting out his cash.
    - A woman who slipped me a business card (in lieu of tip) for a laser tattoo removal clinic, explaining “In case you want to bring your mutilated skin back to how God intended it to be.”
    - At least three Batmans so far, but only one who did the voice.
    - An elderly Spanish woman who meekly presented me with a (rather classy) pearl-handled .32 snub nosed revolver and asked if I knew how to load it (I do) and also, if I could load it for her (I didn’t).
    - A group of EMT’s hanging out in the back of an ambulance at a recently extinguished (but still smouldering) house fire.
    - A man with a thick Alabama accent who admonished me for standing in front of his mailbox while I waited for him to answer the door.  He then explained how this was a federal offense because I was “obstructing the mail system” and demanded my social security number so he could “report me to the proper authorities”.
    - A group of young teenage girls (like 14-16) who begged me to buy a case of Bud Light (ew why) and bring it back to them.
    - A hotel room full of badass middle-aged women all dressed as Professor McGonagall from the Harry Potter films, who were also completely wasted on Jello shots.  They kept encouraging me to stay and party with them.
    - A 20-something dude who answered the door with an unsheathed katana dangling through a belt loop on his jeans.
    - Multiple instances of people asking if I would sell them pot. (bitch get your own dealer sheesh)
    - A guy who slipped a twenty directly into my shirt because I apparently was the “spitting image” of his deceased daughter.
    - A woman who admonished me for driving a Mazda, and wrote “get a real car” in the tip portion of my credit receipt.
    - A very drunk dude who gave me his iPhone and had me take a bunch of Myspace-esque pictures of the both of us.  He did the duck lips thing in every shot.
    - Multiple prank deliveries (joke’s on you motherfucker, I get paid for the gas AND I eat the pizzas you ordered)
    - An elderly man who wrote “FUCK OFF” as his signature on a credit receipt.
    - A thirty-something guy who begged to get his order for free because he “works so hard”.  He visibly teared up and sniffled when I told him I couldn’t do anything.
    - A dudebro wearing a bath robe and socks + sandals (indoors) who straight up wordlessly yanked the pizzas out of my hands without paying and shut the door.  Multiple knockings were of no avail.
    - A woman who angrily demanded to see my ID because she refused to believe my claims that I’m female.  She proceeded to snatch my driver’s license out of my hand, run back into her house and show it to her children while pointing back at me.
    - A kid no older than 14 who desperately tried to convince me to play WoW on the free custom server he was playing on. (But it has double XP!)
    - A guy who spent the entire time I was there digging a (impressively large) booger out of his nose.  He proceeded to smear it on, thankfully, HIS copy of the receipt.
    - An on-duty cop who flagged me down by intercepting me on the road before I got to the police station and pulling me over to get his pizza.
    - A drill instructor looking-guy who filled out his entire credit card receipt, specifically wrote “0.00” in the tip portion, then proceeded to write out a check for seventy-eight cents and handed it to me.  It said “pizza tip” in the “For” section.
    - A furious lady who yelled at me for a solid five minutes (I kept track) all about how long it took for her delivery to get to her.  She then tipped me an extra ten bucks on a six dollar order.  I dunno.
    - An incredibly stoned teenager trying and failing to look sober.  When I complimented his Adventure Time wallet (which was super cute) and asked where he got it, he immediately looked terrified, sat down on the floor and muttered “I… I don’t know….”
    - Obligatory naked man with unimpressive penis
    - A chick at a house party who answered the door and immediately turned to vomit into her mailbox.
    - A surly Korean mom with an amazing shoulder tattoo of a baby giving birth to a full-grown woman.
    - A man who lived in one of those mini-mansions inside a gated community, who sported a seemingly massive collection of what appeared to be solid glass spheres of varying size and color.  I only got a quick glance in his house but there had to be hundreds of them in display racks, tables, shelves - everywhere.
    - A group of 20-something guys who challenged me to sing the original Pokemon theme song, which I did.  And perfectly, I may add.
    - A completely iced-out musclebound gangster kid who was blaring Regina Spektor so loud and with so much bass I actually couldn’t hear anything he was saying.
    - An elderly guy who deadpan asked me if I knew anyone who could score him hollowpoint bullets.
    - An adorable older lesbian couple who were mortified that they didn’t have any extra money for a tip, so they gave me a big sack of pistachios instead.  It took me three weeks to finish the bag.
  • Guys, I have a moral dilemma.

    My mother brought home Chick-fil-a.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Pretty sure you eating a chicken sandwich isn't going to make anyone more or less gay
  • Eat it, not eating it would not undo purchasing it.
  • Pretty sure you eating a chicken sandwich isn't going to make anyone more or less gay

    And then he ate the sammitch and the entire world became every bit as gay as i am

    the end
  • edited 2012-11-08 20:36:28
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Don't eat it.  Eating it won't help anything.

    ^ Ah, but I planned for that, you see.  See, I am eating Corn Flakes, which, as everyone knows, are the official food of Aces and Ace Pride.  Nice try, though.
  • edited 2012-11-08 20:36:42

    Aliroz_ said:

    Don't eat it.  Eating it won't help anything.

    but neither will not eating it
  • it's the buying that's morally questionable, not the ingestion
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    to eat or not to eat, that is the question

    Eat it.
  • It’s coming up on a year now since I got my current job as a pizza delivery girl, and I thought this would be a good time to delve into the little ever-expanding “WTFPIZZA” note I keep on my cell that helps me remember some of my more, uh - interesting deliveries.
    So without further ado and in no particular order, here’s some pizza customers who left a lasting impression on me thus far:
    - A bearded man who answered the door and periodically spat blood into a crusted Harley-Davidson coffee mug while counting out his cash.
    - A woman who slipped me a business card (in lieu of tip) for a laser tattoo removal clinic, explaining “In case you want to bring your mutilated skin back to how God intended it to be.”
    - At least three Batmans so far, but only one who did the voice.
    - An elderly Spanish woman who meekly presented me with a (rather classy) pearl-handled .32 snub nosed revolver and asked if I knew how to load it (I do) and also, if I could load it for her (I didn’t).
    - A group of EMT’s hanging out in the back of an ambulance at a recently extinguished (but still smouldering) house fire.
    - A man with a thick Alabama accent who admonished me for standing in front of his mailbox while I waited for him to answer the door.  He then explained how this was a federal offense because I was “obstructing the mail system” and demanded my social security number so he could “report me to the proper authorities”.
    - A group of young teenage girls (like 14-16) who begged me to buy a case of Bud Light (ew why) and bring it back to them.
    - A hotel room full of badass middle-aged women all dressed as Professor McGonagall from the Harry Potter films, who were also completely wasted on Jello shots.  They kept encouraging me to stay and party with them.
    - A 20-something dude who answered the door with an unsheathed katana dangling through a belt loop on his jeans.
    - Multiple instances of people asking if I would sell them pot. (bitch get your own dealer sheesh)
    - A guy who slipped a twenty directly into my shirt because I apparently was the “spitting image” of his deceased daughter.
    - A woman who admonished me for driving a Mazda, and wrote “get a real car” in the tip portion of my credit receipt.
    - A very drunk dude who gave me his iPhone and had me take a bunch of Myspace-esque pictures of the both of us.  He did the duck lips thing in every shot.
    - Multiple prank deliveries (joke’s on you motherfucker, I get paid for the gas AND I eat the pizzas you ordered)
    - An elderly man who wrote “FUCK OFF” as his signature on a credit receipt.
    - A thirty-something guy who begged to get his order for free because he “works so hard”.  He visibly teared up and sniffled when I told him I couldn’t do anything.
    - A dudebro wearing a bath robe and socks + sandals (indoors) who straight up wordlessly yanked the pizzas out of my hands without paying and shut the door.  Multiple knockings were of no avail.
    - A woman who angrily demanded to see my ID because she refused to believe my claims that I’m female.  She proceeded to snatch my driver’s license out of my hand, run back into her house and show it to her children while pointing back at me.
    - A kid no older than 14 who desperately tried to convince me to play WoW on the free custom server he was playing on. (But it has double XP!)
    - A guy who spent the entire time I was there digging a (impressively large) booger out of his nose.  He proceeded to smear it on, thankfully, HIS copy of the receipt.
    - An on-duty cop who flagged me down by intercepting me on the road before I got to the police station and pulling me over to get his pizza.
    - A drill instructor looking-guy who filled out his entire credit card receipt, specifically wrote “0.00” in the tip portion, then proceeded to write out a check for seventy-eight cents and handed it to me.  It said “pizza tip” in the “For” section.
    - A furious lady who yelled at me for a solid five minutes (I kept track) all about how long it took for her delivery to get to her.  She then tipped me an extra ten bucks on a six dollar order.  I dunno.
    - An incredibly stoned teenager trying and failing to look sober.  When I complimented his Adventure Time wallet (which was super cute) and asked where he got it, he immediately looked terrified, sat down on the floor and muttered “I… I don’t know….”
    - Obligatory naked man with unimpressive penis
    - A chick at a house party who answered the door and immediately turned to vomit into her mailbox.
    - A surly Korean mom with an amazing shoulder tattoo of a baby giving birth to a full-grown woman.
    - A man who lived in one of those mini-mansions inside a gated community, who sported a seemingly massive collection of what appeared to be solid glass spheres of varying size and color.  I only got a quick glance in his house but there had to be hundreds of them in display racks, tables, shelves - everywhere.
    - A group of 20-something guys who challenged me to sing the original Pokemon theme song, which I did.  And perfectly, I may add.
    - A completely iced-out musclebound gangster kid who was blaring Regina Spektor so loud and with so much bass I actually couldn’t hear anything he was saying.
    - An elderly guy who deadpan asked me if I knew anyone who could score him hollowpoint bullets.
    - An adorable older lesbian couple who were mortified that they didn’t have any extra money for a tip, so they gave me a big sack of pistachios instead.  It took me three weeks to finish the bag.
    >See this same post on tumblr
    >Browse op's account
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    and the entire world became every bit as gay as i am

    that explains my sudden desire to replace the drapes in my house
  • edited 2012-11-08 20:39:25
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    ^^Is it full of porn or something?

    ^But what about screwing guys
  • edited 2012-11-08 20:39:50

    i don't know if i'm being offensive here

    but is it bad that i want to unsee a picture of a transwoman showing her penis

    because uhm

    i do
  • Anonus said:

    Is it full of porn or something?

    she is naked a fair amount

    She has reaaaaaaallllly nice shoulders. >_>
  • edited 2012-11-08 20:40:49

    Kexruct said:

    but is it bad that i want to unsee a picture of a transwoman showing her penis

    because uhm

    i do
    not really i think
  • I think that Wyatt Cenac went back in time, got surgery to look white, and became Bob Ross.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Anonus said:

    ^But what about screwing guys

    Depends. Are they bringing me gifts of drapes
  • I got an erection because I saw the word drapes.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

  • Okay, this is getting... um.

    I've had to take off my pants.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    okay full stop

    subject change

    I'm playing Zelda II Adventure of Link at the moment

    I forgot what an asshole this game was
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    It's too difficult for its own good. Although, besides that, I don't think it's bad.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    It's too difficult for its own good. Although, besides that, I don't think it's bad.

    I enjoyed it too but damn it's an unforgiving game

  • experiencing heavy blood loss
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Go get a fucking band-aid.
  • you misunderstand
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    What else is new?
  • Okay, since this is about the least funny thing I've ever done and I'm already ashamed of it, I'm going to just post this.
  • edited 2012-11-08 21:07:19
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    Imi, make up some sort of personalities and back-stories for the people in this image!
  • "I seen this one shit on the news a couple weeks ago that made me sick. 
    Some dude was drunk and drove his car over a bridge, 
    and had his girlfriend in the trunk, and she was pregnant with his kid, 
    and in the car they found a tape, but they didn't say who it was to. 
    Come to think about, his name was... it was you. 

    This was a depressing song.
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