The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • I'm sorry I raped you, and called you a bucket.

    best porn dialogue ever

    and no it is not homestuck related
  • I was just thinking of those vaginas I saw.


    On the internet.
    wait no this is
  • edited 2012-11-01 11:49:36
  • President Obama began to question the future of his country. Desperate for answers, he humbly knelt before a crucifix made of Slim Jim `s.
  • As rioters descended upon the white house, he silently sat in the dark with a revolver & a glass of whiskey. His mouth stuffed with SlimJims
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Now I'm here
  • Touch the cow. Do it now. there some story behind this avatar that makes it terrifying or what?
  • It's from Scarlet Hell Mansion.

    It's significantly scarier when it's in full-size, in context, and you're reading said doujin at 3AM while sleep deprived.

    So yeah there's a bit of a story there.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I will have to seek this out
  • I don't recommend it. It's honestly not very good.

    It is less the image itself that is scary and more the memory of how I first reacted to it is. 

    If you're looking for weird Touhou doujin though, Bomber Grape is your man.

    the room is ripe with the stench of bitches!
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I still think that should be "rife"'s the translation, maybe.
  • I think it could work either way, but I agree that it's probably a translation issue.

    You can find his stuff on danbooru by searching for "bomber_grape" in the tags. But I recommend applying a heavy dose of adblock before going within thirty feet of Danny Booru.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    Currently trying to decide whether or not to go interview for a job I know I'm not going to take. My job coach said I should do it as practice, but I'm running on three hours of sleep and I don't really want to...
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    ^^Oh, I am familiar with the Dannybooru

    ^do it, there's no pressure
  • Doing NaNo this year :3
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    what's NaNo
  • National Novel Writing Month. Write 50,000 words between 1st - 30th November.
  • i always found the word requirement portion a tad dubious.
  • Got 2358 words so far...
  • i always found the word requirement portion a tad dubious.

    Well the entire point is to get you to make yourself stick to a deadline.

    Not necessarily to make you actually write anything good.

  • My writing is crappy, but it's fun
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Basically yeah, it's about discipline, not quality.

    I've never done NaNo, simply because I am always trying to write a novel.

  • i'm in your area
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Are there any foxy ladies here? because it turns out the Yudkowskymeister is wide open wink wink nudge nudge
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    I'm pretty sure that Randism and MLP are like polar opposites.

    They have a few things in common, actually

    for one they only function correctly in the realm of fantasy

  • edited 2012-11-01 14:30:15

    Less Love-Driven
    Less Old-Fashioned


    More Kinky
    More Scientific
    More Literary
    More Kind

    On the other hand.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Less Love-Driven
    Less Old-Fashioned


    I never took you for the nostalgic type
  • You'd be surprised.

  • I'm pretty sure that Randism and MLP are like polar opposites.

    They have a few things in common, actually

    for one they only function correctly in the realm of fantasy
    You and Truant always say the best things.
  • I happened to be in New York City during the annual Union Square pillow fight, so I showed up dual-wielding two pillows, a short maneuverable pillow for blocking incoming blows and a longer pillow in my right hand for striking. These two pillows were respectively inscribed "Probability Theory" and "Decision Theory"; because the list of Eliezer Yudkowsky Facts, which I had no hand in composing, says that all problems can be solved with probability theory and decision theory, and probability theory and decision theory are the names of my fists.

    That's pretty frickin' rad.

    seems like a cool dude overall.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    I happened to be in New York City during the annual Union Square pillow fight, so I showed up dual-wielding two pillows, a short maneuverable pillow for blocking incoming blows and a longer pillow in my right hand for striking. These two pillows were respectively inscribed "Probability Theory" and "Decision Theory"; because the list of Eliezer Yudkowsky Facts, which I had no hand in composing, says that all problems can be solved with probability theory and decision theory, and probability theory and decision theory are the names of my fists.

    That's pretty frickin' rad.

    seems like a cool dude overall.

    He also believes black people are less intelligent than white people.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Kexruct said:

    I'm pretty sure that Randism and MLP are like polar opposites.

    They have a few things in common, actually

    for one they only function correctly in the realm of fantasy
    You and Truant always say the best things.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    check your probability theory privilege
  • edited 2012-11-01 14:39:18

    Odradek said:

    I happened to be in New York City during the annual Union Square pillow fight, so I showed up dual-wielding two pillows, a short maneuverable pillow for blocking incoming blows and a longer pillow in my right hand for striking. These two pillows were respectively inscribed "Probability Theory" and "Decision Theory"; because the list of Eliezer Yudkowsky Facts, which I had no hand in composing, says that all problems can be solved with probability theory and decision theory, and probability theory and decision theory are the names of my fists.

    That's pretty frickin' rad.

    seems like a cool dude overall.
    He also believes black people are less intelligent than white people.

    Genetically or because black people are more likely to be born into poverty?

    WTF is with the quoteblocks. grrr.
  • so

    Stuck at the Galleria's gotten to 22K since roughly a year and a half ago.

    Maybe I can finish it for NaNo, though if I did so it would only be about 20,000 words. Still, I doubt I'll have time to do all 50k so that'd satisfy me if I got there.
  • Tre said:


    Stuck at the Galleria's gotten to 22K since roughly a year and a half ago.

    Maybe I can finish it for NaNo, though if I did so it would only be about 20,000 words. Still, I doubt I'll have time to do all 50k so that'd satisfy me if I got there.
    Good for you! :D
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    WTF is with the quoteblocks. grrr.

    I don't quite understand this Vanilla forum software myself. It's certainly the most unusual forum software I've ever seen. 
    Oh, Comcast of Arlington, you suck so bad it's hard to believe. Now they're saying the entire neighborhood is out again when it was supposed to have been fixed yesterday.
  • I like Courier New.
  • Thanks. :]

    I think taking it a bit slow has been beneficial to the story, it doesn't scream "12-year-ollllllllld!" anymore. (Even if it screams "16-year-old" I'd be okay with it, especially considering it's a teen novel, sorta)

    Right now, though, I'm kind of ready to start doing other stuff, so if I finish it soon I'll get around to those story ideas I wanted to flesh out more.
  • TreTre
    edited 2012-11-01 14:48:04
    I like Courier New.

    I like Rockwell.
  • edited 2012-11-01 14:48:32
    1But ever since I read House of Leaves I feel like I need to preface everything I say in Courier New with a superscript.
  • edited 2012-11-01 15:00:11
    You want a dwarf? There's your fucking dwarf. You want some better graphics? Fuck you. Dwarves can do lots of stuff. Like digging. Can you dig? Fuck no. Play Dwarf Fortress.
    2The TvTropes page for Dwarf fortress is funny.
  • It's also committed to painting any game that's not Dwarf Fortress as absolute shit, because no other game is complex enough.

    At least that was true the last time I saw it.

  • edited 2012-11-01 15:03:45

    It's also committed to painting any game that's not Dwarf Fortress as absolute shit, because no other game is complex enough.

    At least that was true the last time I saw it.

    3  I think you're exaggerating just a bit. As in, like, pretty much making it up.
  • Okay I'm sorry.

    Mostly dedicated.

    Also please stop typing like that. It's annoying as hell.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    After being underwhelmed by Star Wars as an 11 year-old and wondering what all the fuss was about, I stressed why everyone else couldn't see how tedious and banal it was, was it something wrong with me? A few years later, after watching The Smiths at Coventry Poly and experiencing the same disconnect between the dismal performance and most punters' seemingly religious experience, I realised that almost everybody else are idiots with no taste.

    10 bucks says this guy has never been laid
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