The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    So I was riding around earlier this evening, and of course was wearing all my PPE (helmet, blind-you-bright-green-riding vest, riding goggles, etc.) My goggles were on pretty snug, and going down a residential street what I'm pretty sure was a wasp hit the lens of the right lens and somehow slipped right up underneath the foam of the goggle and right into the area where my eye is. I slammed on my brakes and pulled my goggles out and whatever was in there flew off.

    All of which left the person in the SUV who was directly behind me wondering what that was all about.
    And now an ad for Fresca, which I also haven't heard in years and which also has a nasty habit of popping into my head at random moments. Freaky. 

    Oooooh, an early ad for Home Depot. And for HP plain-paper faxes (back when most fax machines used thermal paper). They seem to be running a lot of national commercials on this show...these days, on say WTOP, almost all of the commercials are local.
    OH HELL YES. This tape has a KIIS-style ID from Q94 on it! Probably my favorite part of their early-1990s identity there...the (dated even by then, but still) Hot KIIS DJ tags.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    So I was riding around earlier this evening, and of course was wearing all my PPE (helmet, blind-you-bright-green-riding vest, riding goggles, etc.) My goggles were on pretty snug, and going down a residential street what I'm pretty sure was a wasp hit the lens of the right lens and somehow slipped right up underneath the foam of the goggle and right into the area where my eye is. I slammed on my brakes and pulled my goggles out and whatever was in there flew off.

    All of which left the person in the SUV who was directly behind me wondering what that was all about.

    Well that just sounds mildly horrifying.
  • Kexruct said:

    Just because I'm okay with and respect other people's beliefs doesn't mean I lack conviction.

    How you perceived that as a personal attack or criticism is beyond me
    I suppose it was quite a jump, wasn't it? I'm usually that guy in religious arguments.

  • i wish to come up with a song lyric for this signature, but no song lyrics are coming to mind
    Yarrun said:

    Hey, Yarrun!

    So, what exactly happened while I was gone? Or did anything happen in particular? 
    The forum template was turned to red and black for 13 milliseconds. AU and CA got married and had a wonderful relationship until Qwzra retconned it in a foolish attempt to appeal to the youth. I listened to Rush and didn't like it as much as I expected to; Imi disapproves. Mancrates came back for a day, and the events of that day were classified by the U.S. Secret Service. Also, it turns out that all users on this site are the same person, displaced in time through various dimensions under the orders of an unnamed chessmaster (who's really Nepeta, but don't spoil it; she's so cute when she thinks she's a mastermind).
    so, nothing out of the ordinary, then
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

  • Re: Reddit: There is one good subreddit: r/gamegrumps.

    Granted, I say that because I like Game Grumps, but still (and you should go watch them if you aren't already).
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Kexruct said:

    I suppose it was quite a jump, wasn't it? I'm usually that guy in religious arguments.

    The problem is whenever a religious discussion turns into such an argument where someone feels the need to jump in and moderate, it's already been lost. Like I said before, the incendiary element has to be sequestered from the very beginning. 
  • Kexruct said:

    I suppose it was quite a jump, wasn't it? I'm usually that guy in religious arguments.

    The problem is whenever a religious discussion turns into such an argument where someone feels the need to jump in and moderate, it's already been lost. Like I said before, the incendiary element has to be sequestered from the very beginning. 

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis



  • Let us mourn her with a traditional ballad

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    I'd never seen the Fight Song video until now...


    I'm don't think it really helps the songs credibility...assuming it had any to begin with...

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.


    wherein I counter by questioning reality itself as a desperation measure and claim victory

    I'll be in the corner with my fingers in my ears going NANANANANANANANAN so I can't hear you 

  • Manson is....


    Not really a dude that means to or expects to be taken seriously.
  • I'm indifferent to his music, but he has a proven reputation as being a real asshole to bandmates and other musicians, so I don't like him.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    calling him a musician is very generous of you

    I've always seen him more as a performance artist of the FUCK YOU MOM AND DAD variety
  • It'd be silly not to call him a musician, he definitely makes music, even if it's pretty much watered down less technically adept NIN riffs grafted into so-so alt-rock.
  • He also lacks Trent's excellent songwriting skills and willingness to experiment with his sound, so really there's never a good reason to listen to MM.

    Except to irritate your parents.
  • edited 2012-10-16 22:30:36
    Even in my days of loving terrible music as a young teen, I never much liked Manson. I'd say "watered down less technically adept NIN riffs grafted into so-so alt-rock" is a good summary of his work. Mostly, I know his cover songs actually. And even in the cases where the song could really use a cover, he just doesn't do a good job of both altering the song and keeping with its original...spirit, I guess.
  • His cover of 'Personal Jesus' was lame as fuck.
  • I've also heard him likened to Rob Zombie without whatever people find appealing about Rob Zombie.
  • edited 2012-10-16 22:36:17

    Rob Zombie is to My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult what Manson is to NIN.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis


    wherein I counter by questioning reality itself as a desperation measure and claim victory

    I'll be in the corner with my fingers in my ears going NANANANANANANANAN so I can't hear you 

    I break down the entymology of your argument and debate your argument by getting semantic.


    I've also heard Manson is an ass.

    My aunt went to see him in concert once and he came on stage wearing platform boots that raised him about a foot. He tripped on a cord that was on the stage and hit the ground hard.


    He was all class, though. He delt with the situation by lying there for a few minutes until someone came out to fetch him then cancled the rest of the show.


  • ^^I know a guy who's a big fan of theirs.

    Last I talked to him he was forming a band called Skin Kites :|

  • edited 2012-10-16 22:39:38

    Seriously every popular 90's industrial act was almost directly a dumbed down version of another act.

    'Cept Trent, even though he ripped off dudes he was more subtle about it and had legit skills and made it his own for the most part.

    Even though I can't forgive him for ripping off the concept of 'Nail' for 'The Downward Spiral'.
  • I know pretty much nothing about Industrial, but your statement reminds me a lot of people who claim Earl Sweatshirt is "ripping off" MF DOOM.
  • My aunt went to see him in concert once and he came on stage wearing
    platform boots that raised him about a foot. He tripped on a cord that
    was on the stage and hit the ground hard.

    He was all
    class, though. He delt with the situation by lying there for a few
    minutes until someone came out to fetch him then cancled the rest of the

    Man, I wish I could do that every time I fell down or bumped into a wall during the day. OF course, I'd probably get very little done. Also, I'd look like an ass.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I ran into Rob Zombie while I was drunk at Universal Studios Halloween some years back with him putting the mtv mike in my face and me on camera

    I slurred something and walked off. If I made it on TV I have no idea 
  • Listen you guizzz, nothing is original and somebody probably ripped off someone else where or not they realized it.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    btw I wonder if they still have Guinness on tap at Universal Studios
  • Did earl rip off MF DOOM? (*I have no idea if this is the case or not*)

    Oh and Ministry was totes original, first ones to come up with industrial metal, forgot about them for a moment.
  • edited 2012-10-16 22:44:44

    Listen you guizzz, nothing is original and somebody probably ripped off someone else where or not they realized it.

    read this.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Scarecrow by Ministry is one of the single greatest songs, ever. Definitely one of the few from the metal genre that I will still happily listen to
  • Dudpig van Masturbate-ho-ven is a composer and pianist whom many deem as influential and innovative due to his musically expressive compositions which set the standard for the Romantic era and music to this day. However, we all know that Masturbate-ho-ven actually rips off Kate Bush and her music. Masturbate-ho-ven plagiarized Kate's music and piano playing and in order to not get caught, he took a cue from his good friend and fellow Kate Bush plagiarizer Elton John and traveled to the past to release his derivative music and take all the credit for Kate's accomplishments. His "Fur Elise" piece totally rips off "And Dream of Sheep" and his 7th Symphony is a cheap imitation of "Violin" except the crafty prick changed the tempo and structure in order to destroy any evidence that he is a fraud. Beethoven, you stole a whole legacy of music history from Kate, now we will expose you, your thievery and the horrible corruptions of Kate's music you have unleashed unto the world.
  • Earl is a fan of DOOM's and they use a vaguely similar polysyllabic, often semi-nonsensical rhyming style. The similarities don't really go any farther than that. There is definately an influence there, but it's different than ripping something wholesale.

    But I don't know enough about Industrial to say if that's the case here or not.

    Incidentally, I recommend Flying Lotus' "Between Friends" if you're looking to briefly hear what Earl's like. It's one of his better songs and it's a pretty good summation of his style. It also has Captain Murphy on it, who is basically to hip-hop currently what Burial was to Dubstep when he came out. That is to say, most people are far more focused on speculating his identity than appreciating his music.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Dudpig van Masturbate-ho-ven is a composer and pianist whom many deem as influential and innovative due to his musically expressive compositions which set the standard for the Romantic era and music to this day. However, we all know that Masturbate-ho-ven actually rips off Kate Bush and her music. Masturbate-ho-ven plagiarized Kate's music and piano playing and in order to not get caught, he took a cue from his good friend and fellow Kate Bush plagiarizer Elton John and traveled to the past to release his derivative music and take all the credit for Kate's accomplishments. His "Fur Elise" piece totally rips off "And Dream of Sheep" and his 7th Symphony is a cheap imitation of "Violin" except the crafty prick changed the tempo and structure in order to destroy any evidence that he is a fraud. Beethoven, you stole a whole legacy of music history from Kate, now we will expose you, your thievery and the horrible corruptions of Kate's music you have unleashed unto the world.
    somebodymad.txt  (if this is a joke I can't tell)
  • I'm saying that these bands took specific styles from certain bands, made in a bit more accessible, and caught a ride on the gravy train.
  • Well it's claiming Beethoven ripped off a musician born over a hundred years after him, so I sure hope it's a joke.

    I'm saying that these bands took specific styles from certain bands, made in a bit more accessible, and caught a ride on the gravy train.

    I think even that's a bit of a stretch, if only because I've heard similar claims in the rap community that just don't hold any water (go read about Big L for rap's own Kate Bush, by the way). But again, you know more Industrial than I do, and honestly, I don't care too much. Sorry if I'm being annoying.
  • Dudpig van Masturbate-ho-ven is a composer and pianist whom many deem as influential and innovative due to his musically expressive compositions which set the standard for the Romantic era and music to this day. However, we all know that Masturbate-ho-ven actually rips off Kate Bush and her music. Masturbate-ho-ven plagiarized Kate's music and piano playing and in order to not get caught, he took a cue from his good friend and fellow Kate Bush plagiarizer Elton John and traveled to the past to release his derivative music and take all the credit for Kate's accomplishments. His "Fur Elise" piece totally rips off "And Dream of Sheep" and his 7th Symphony is a cheap imitation of "Violin" except the crafty prick changed the tempo and structure in order to destroy any evidence that he is a fraud. Beethoven, you stole a whole legacy of music history from Kate, now we will expose you, your thievery and the horrible corruptions of Kate's music you have unleashed unto the world.
    somebodymad.txt  (if this is a joke I can't tell)
    they are accusing Beethoven of stealing from kate bush and covering it up with time travel

    no they are not serious.

  • I like this.

    it goes a bit fast for me to parse all those lyrics though.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    In the comics world we all know that everything is ripped directly off of about 20% Jack Kirby and 80% Carl Barks

    and we're cool with this
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.


    That's, like, just one step up from being compared to Nickelback

    I just

    I dunno
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    In fact Carl Barks' influence can't be overstated. He directly influenced Tezuka, not generic Disney shit. Even Tezuka knew who was the "good duck artist"
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