The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • fucking PewDiePie.

    fucking people who complain about PewDiePie.

    fucking everything.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    fucking PewDiePie.

    fucking people who complain about PewDiePie.

    fucking everything.

    And then Super Lazuli was an antinatalists shark.
  • All I know about PewDiePie is that

    A.) He does LPs that loads of people with opinions that I respect hate, so I'll assume that he sucks but really I have no opinion.

    B.) He likes Nero's Day At Disneyland and has given him a lot of exposure, which is suhweet.

    So I guess that all evens out.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Initiating emergency protocol: Anti-Hate




  • edited 2012-10-07 21:50:13

    Seriously, NDAD is one of the best electronic artists around.

    You should listen to this.
  • Thing about PewDiePie is that he (along with Azuritereaction, I'll rant about him some other time) popularized the whole "I MAKE LP FUNNY BY HAVING FEED OF MY FACE TAKE UP HALF THE SCREEN" genre, which I cannot. Fucking. Stand. Add this to the fact that he has a fanbase that can and will actively seek out any other Let's Player who's done an LP of any game he's already done and downvote their videos into oblivion, because the person is "ripping him off", and the whole thing is just fucking obnoxious. It got so bad with Cry-Cry (an LPer I actually like) that PewDie had to actually tell people to stop, and even then, they really didn't.

    He's also indirectly responsible for making Mike Mnemonic quit Let's Plays, since all he does now is rant about PewDie. Technically, that's his own fault, but if people were coming onto my channel telling me how much I sucked in comparison to GLORIOUS PEWDIEPIE, I'd be pretty pissed too.

  • there are genres of LPs

    oh god what is with this planet shoot me
  • Well I call it a genre.

    Some people prefer the term "style".

    Point is, there are many, many unfunny people who make "hilarious" faces at a webcam and think their LP is funny. This is rarely the case, or if it is, it's not because of the camera feed.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    There are LPs with webcams of the person's face? I have never seen this and never want to.
  • Yes. Generally in the top-right corner.

    Azuritereaction is another guy who does it. Probably best known for his Lets Play of The LSD Dream Emulator. He's not funny either, but at least his fans aren't dicks.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I don't see the point...if I'm watching an LP, I wanna see the game, not somebody's ugly mug.
  • edited 2012-10-07 22:07:42
    Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    Generally, the purpose of this is to show the player's reactions to things in games that have a reputation for being scary or bizarre. Whether this is necessary is debatable.

    I watched an LP of a Sherlock Holmes adventure game by one Dodger from the Game Station that had a webcam of her face. It wasn't particularly intrusive, so I didn't mind it so much in that instance. But I understand how it could get annoying.
  • Imi gets it.

    But no, everyone else is all BUT THEYRE FACES ARE SO FUNNY LOL.

    I wouldn't even care if people didn't constantly flood comments sections begging LPers who don't to it to do it. Even freaking raocow's gotten requests to do it. Does anyone even know for certain that raocow is actually a human? Do you really want to get an answer to that question? No you don't.

  • Generally, the purpose of this is to show the player's reactions to things in games that have a reputation for being scary or bizarre. Whether this is necessary is debatable.

    I watched an LP of a Sherlock Holmes adventure game by one Dodger from the Game Station that had a webcam of her face. It wasn't particularly intrusive, so I didn't mind it so much in that instance. But I understand how it could get annoying.
    The ones that are tolerable only have a smallish window (eg. Minecraft LPer Captain Sparkles has one, but it's tiny and it's on the top left of the screen. Helps that Sparkles is actually interesting to watch), but many of the more obnoxious ones take up almost a full quarter of the screen, and it's maddening.
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    Yeah, it was tiny and on the top left corner. Not much interesting happened in it, but it didn't interfere with the video too much.

    Taking up a quarter of the screen sounds like it's on the same level as camcorder LPs.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

    Does anyone even know for certain that raocow is actually a human? Do you really want to get an answer to that question? No you don't.

    I certainly don't.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I liked LPs whenever whoever was making them did not feel the need to shit up the presentation with their voices or faces or anything else not related to the game

    I also despise running commentary

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    that song

    i haven't heard it since it was first posted in the original Heap
  • I also despise running commentary

    not sure if serious
  • Anonus: I have a small fascination with that song.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    I also despise running commentary

    not sure if serious
    no, I'm serious

    I want to see the game being played and not listen to some squeaky voiced Louis CK wannabe cracking cringe-worthy jokes 

    if they have pertinent info regarding the game to be shared, subtitle that shit or put it in the youtube commentary thing (so I can turn it off)
  • But that's not a Lets Play, that's a Walkthrough.

    I mean, the commentary is the entire point of an LP. If you don't like them, I can understand, but an LP without commentary isn't an LP.

  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    So you like longplays, then?
  • Guys the site's formatting is gone for me again.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    So you like longplays, then?

    I guess that's what they'd be called then, yeah

    One of the things I enjoy is seeing the differences between system ports of the same game, and nothing makes me turn off a video quicker then hearing some guy pipe up in the middle of Parodius discussing his very important thoughts on the flying pirate cat ship
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    I feel your pain.

    There are very few let's players I can actually stand to watch, Raocow being the only one that pops up at this point.

    I do, however, greatly enjoy screenshot let's plays.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    I do, however, greatly enjoy screenshot let's plays.
    These are an exception for me, too. They're especially nice when it comes to long-ass adventure games and RPGs like Silent Hill and FF. They also take a hell of a lot of work to put together so I gotta give the folks who put them together major props.
  • *blush*

    No, but anyway, is the site formatting gone for anyone else, or is this a me-issue?
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    It looks fine to me. Try clearing your cache.
  • Everything's fine here.

    Also, have I mentioned how goddamn annoying sophomore year is in terms of work? Seriously, it's like we're not supposed to have lives or something.

    And my school in particular wants me to do 25 hours of community service per year, which I've got to catch up on from last year when I was a lazy bum. Nyehh.
  • Tre said:

    Everything's fine here.

    Also, have I mentioned how goddamn annoying sophomore year is in terms of work? Seriously, it's like we're not supposed to have lives or something.

    And my school in particular wants me to do 25 hours of community service per year, which I've got to catch up on from last year when I was a lazy bum. Nyehh.

    The only thing worse than too much work is not enough work.

  • Do not go gentle into that good night, 
    Old age should burn and rage at close of day; 
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    Though wise men at their end know dark is right, 
    Because their words had forked no lightning they 
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright 
    Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, 
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, 
    And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, 
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight 
    Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, 
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    And you, my father, there on the sad height, 
    Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray. 
    Do not go gentle into that good night. 
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
  • Kexruct said:

    Tre said:

    Everything's fine here.

    Also, have I mentioned how goddamn annoying sophomore year is in terms of work? Seriously, it's like we're not supposed to have lives or something.

    And my school in particular wants me to do 25 hours of community service per year, which I've got to catch up on from last year when I was a lazy bum. Nyehh.

    The only thing worse than too much work is not enough work.

    I disagree, having too much work is waaaaaaaaay worse.
  • It looks fine to me. Try clearing your cache.

    Fixed itself somehow.


  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Having found myself in the situation where you don't have enough work, I would argue that I'd rather have too much.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis



    Look at this.

  • Kexruct said:

    Tre said:

    Everything's fine here.

    Also, have I mentioned how goddamn annoying sophomore year is in terms of work? Seriously, it's like we're not supposed to have lives or something.

    And my school in particular wants me to do 25 hours of community service per year, which I've got to catch up on from last year when I was a lazy bum. Nyehh.

    The only thing worse than too much work is not enough work.

    I disagree, having too much work is waaaaaaaaay worse.
    I feel stupid if an academic class doesn't assign me work.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I'm not sure if I'd like too much, or too little.

    Too much work and I need to refocus my life, E.G. I have to stop posting here. Though, I feel pretty fulfilled about what I accomplish.

    Too little and I have much more free time and time to spend with my family. However, there's an ever-present sensation that I should be being more productive.
  • You meant so much to all of us
    You were special and that's no lie
    You brightened up the darkest day
    And the cloudiest sky

    Your smile alone warmed hearts
    Your laugh was like music to hear
    I would give absolutely anything
    To have you well and standing near

    Not a second passes
    When you're not on our minds
    Your love we will never forget
    The hurt will ease in time

    Many tears I have seen and cried
    They have all poured out like rain
    I know that you are happy now
    And no longer in any pain.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    Maybe he did...

  • Harsh words & violent blows
    Hidden secrets nobody knows
    Eyes are open, hands are fisted
    Deep inside I'm warped & twisted
    So many tricks & so many lies
    Too many whens & too many whys
    Nobody's special, nobody's gifted
    I'm just me, warped & twisted
    Sleeping awake & choking on a dream
    Listening loudly to a silent scream
    Call my mind, the number's unlisted
    Lost in someone so warped & twisted
    On my knees, alive but dead
    Look at the invisible blood I've bled
    I'm not gone, my mind has drifted
    Don't expect much, I'm warped & twisted
    Burnt out, wasted, empty, & hollow
    Today's just yesterday's tomorrow
    The sun died out, the ashes sifted
    I'm still here, warped & twisted

  • image

    Now to find a free, non-sucky bubble letter typeface.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    You could easily create that effect in a graphics editor, though.
  • I could.

    At the very least I'd need a good handwriting font that is not Noteworthy.
  • can I see a sceenshot of that version of the cover? It looks nice.
  • image

    Feel free to use it as is if you want, but I'll add the name in in a bit.
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