The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



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  • image

    hi there image macro lady can i strangle the fuck out of you and eat your corpse
  • I stopped reading when I realized that quite a few of those were either A) accompanied by rant-captions that were clearly written by other SJ bloggers or B) addressing Sally as a real person.

    I'm not sure which is more frightening. That these people have weaponized memes against each other, or that they think they can talk to them.

  • Frosty said:

    Drag queens need not be gay, or LGBT at all. Even just regular transvestites can be perfectly straight and cisgendered.

    This is true.
  • edited 2012-10-04 00:22:42
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    @Mr. Truant, last page

    Tablet not showing it until I had posted.
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  • edited 2012-10-04 00:23:25

    I stopped reading when I realized that quite a few of those were either A) accompanied by rant-captions that were clearly written by other SJ bloggers or B) addressing Sally as a real person.

    I think a lot of these are made in response to a specific person.
  • Frosty said:

    The otaku, the
    passionate obsessive, the information age's embodiment of the
    connoisseur, more concerned with the accumulation of data than of
    objects, seems a natural crossover figure in today's interface of
    British and Japanese cultures. I see it in the eyes of the Portobello dealers, and in the eyes of the Japanese collectors: a perfectly calm train-spotter
    frenzy, murderous and sublime. Understanding otaku -hood, I think, is
    one of the keys to understanding the culture of the web. There is
    something profoundly post-national about it, extra-geographic. We are
    all curators, in the post-modern world, whether we want to be or not.[8]
    — Modern boys and mobile girls, April 2001 edition of The Observer
    my brain huuuuurttsssss
  • A western paper using "otaku" in the Japanese sense but without the negative connotations.

    Sure, because we need more definitions of that word.

    I stopped reading when I realized that quite a few of those were either A) accompanied by rant-captions that were clearly written by other SJ bloggers or B) addressing Sally as a real person.

    I think a lot of these are made in response to a specific person.
    That is frankly significantly sadder.
  • I stopped reading when I realized that quite a few of those were either A) accompanied by rant-captions that were clearly written by other SJ bloggers or B) addressing Sally as a real person.

    I'm not sure which is more frightening. That these people have weaponized memes against each other, or that they think they can talk to them.

    I know/knew a girl who has a tumblr who posts a lot of political stuff on there. She fully admitted not not actually debating people with opposing viewpoints but just posting memes/gifs as a response. I feelt this is poor rhetoric, but that's just me.
  • image

    another fine target of my murderous rage
  • i mean, a lot of these are opinions that I've encountered in the past.
  • Drag queens are dudes dressed as girls

    i don't like girly dudes

    ergo, i do not like drag queens.

    But didn't you use to base basically your entire personality (or at least your online persona) over how unbelievably gay you are?

    I mean, I understand why you stopped, but why is it that you have no respect for others who do the same?

  • edited 2012-10-04 00:28:01
    today's interface of British and Japanese cultures
    I'm tempted to post the cover of Level Best now, for some reason.
  • I know/knew a girl who has a tumblr who posts a lot of political stuff on there. She fully admitted not not actually debating people with opposing viewpoints but just posting memes/gifs as a response. I feelt this is poor rhetoric, but that's just me.

    Frankly, I don't understand how anyone uses tumblr as a debating ground. I could never figure out how to get comments to work properly on that site.

    Also posting a meme or .gif is always an appropriate response, but if you made it yourself it crosses the line into "just sad".

  • edited 2012-10-04 00:28:07

    Drag queens are dudes dressed as girls

    i don't like girly dudes

    ergo, i do not like drag queens.

    But didn't you use to base basically your entire personality (or at least your online persona) over how unbelievably gay you are?

    I mean, I understand why you stopped, but why is it that you have no respect for others who do the same?

    How unbelievably gay I am yes.

    my overwhelming need to suck dicks doesn't mean that i sashay about in skinny jeans and a taylor swift t-shirt.

    girly =/= gay
  • Drag queens are dudes dressed as girls

    i don't like girly dudes

    ergo, i do not like drag queens.

    But didn't you use to base basically your entire personality (or at least your online persona) over how unbelievably gay you are?

    I mean, I understand why you stopped, but why is it that you have no respect for others who do the same?

    How unbelievably gay I am yes.

    my overwhelming need to suck dicks doesn't mean that i prance about in skinny jeans.

    girly =/= gay

    But all it is is exaggerating a particular aspect of your personality, which in their case happens to be feminity. What exactly is so harmful about that?
  • also, my online persona was equally, if not more, rooted in my being THE KINKIEST GUY IN TEH WURLD.
  • Kexruct said:

    Drag queens are dudes dressed as girls

    i don't like girly dudes

    ergo, i do not like drag queens.

    But didn't you use to base basically your entire personality (or at least your online persona) over how unbelievably gay you are?

    I mean, I understand why you stopped, but why is it that you have no respect for others who do the same?

    How unbelievably gay I am yes.

    my overwhelming need to suck dicks doesn't mean that i prance about in skinny jeans.

    girly =/= gay

    But all it is is exaggerating a particular aspect of your personality, which in their case happens to be feminity. What exactly is so harmful about that?

    i don't like it.
  • ...and? Tolerance extends to things you dislike. It's the entire point of tolerance.
  • Kex, I don't think by "I don't like it" he means "I hate them and want them to all die in a fire".
  • edited 2012-10-04 00:31:49

    Kex, I don't think by "I don't like it" he means "I hate them and want them to all die in a fire".

    Right. Whoops.
  • image

    this guy needs more love
  • Shocking news: I am not always a rational/logical/fantastic person.

    I am a person, with feelings and thoughts and opinions, not all of which are based on what makes sense or is logically consistent.
  • Tre said:


    this guy needs more love
    no. Nooooo he does not.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    If anything, whenever you run out of things that personally offend you, social justice steps in and gives you in an infinite amount of reasons to get offended on someone else's behalf. Even if they actually welcome it or not, much less being aware of it at all. 
  • Shocking news: I am not always a rational/logical/fantastic person.

    I am a person, with feelings and thoughts and opinions, not all of which are based on what makes sense or is logically consistent.
    You have to try though. I have a lot of prejudices too, but I try to get rid of them.
  • Oh I geddit

    You like Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, don't you Lazzy :P
  • TreTre
    edited 2012-10-04 00:36:31
    speaking of Oswald,


    I know that Disney didn't own Oswald at the time

    but this is just weird
  • If anything, whenever you run out of things that personally offend you, social justice steps in and gives you in an infinite amount of reasons to get offended on someone else's behalf. Even if they actually welcome it or not, much less being aware of it at all. 

    Something I have never understood about SJ is how they seem to think that being offended by something gives them the right to dictate that it not be done anymore.

    Tons of things offend me. The very existence of several websites absolutely revolts me. Yet somehow you don't hear me bitching about it 24/7. I just don't understand the thought process of "I think it's bad, therefore it MUST OBJECTIVELY BE BAD ON EVERY LEVEL". I assumed most people understood the distinction between "I don't like it" and "it's objectively harmful" on at least a subconscious level by third grade or so.

  • Tre said:

    Oh I geddit

    You like Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, don't you Lazzy :P
    I have many obscure golden age toons that I like, that damn woodpecker just ain't among them.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

    Some lady gave me an article today about how the government is stockpiling weapons for a new civil war. Oh yeah!
  • Understandable. He is rather divisive.

    I will say though that I prefer Oswald and Felix the Cat but Woody's become a subject of my thoughts thanks to my folks watching the 1990s show on Netflix



    Also apparently Disney World sells Oswald ears. I want a pair.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    It is ME

    Also it is JUMPINGZOMBIE

    It is BOTH OF US
  • image

    suddenly I have a large desire to go to didney worl

    YEs it does

    It's basic Algebra you see
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    No CALCULUS required.

    How are you these days, zombie who jumps?
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    which raocow video are you watching
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”


  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    If anything, whenever you run out of things that personally offend you, social justice steps in and gives you in an infinite amount of reasons to get offended on someone else's behalf. Even if they actually welcome it or not, much less being aware of it at all. 

    Something I have never understood about SJ is how they seem to think that being offended by something gives them the right to dictate that it not be done anymore.

    Tons of things offend me. The very existence of several websites absolutely revolts me. Yet somehow you don't hear me bitching about it 24/7. I just don't understand the thought process of "I think it's bad, therefore it MUST OBJECTIVELY BE BAD ON EVERY LEVEL". I assumed most people understood the distinction between "I don't like it" and "it's objectively harmful" on at least a subconscious level by third grade or so.

    What really gets me is those who get offended and make a crusade for people and issues that they actually have no earthly experience with whatsoever, and whatever shit they read in a university library doesn't count. Tim Wise is my favorite when it comes to this. Here's an angry white little man who goes around America lecturing to African Americans on what all they need to do to be ... angrier I guess. This is a guy who grew up in a totally white environment, went to a snooty private little college, and now he's an expert on inequality that African-Americans suffer and he's out telling them exactly how to fix this. From reading books. I guess. 

    And this isn't my assessment, either. I need to find this particular story again, but this one African-American lecturer -- one who grew up in a black urban ghetto in the 70's and attended an all-black ghetto school and made her way to a university to which she successfully graduated and lectures to inner-city youth about her experiences and her successes. One scheduled lecture she found that she was bumped out by Tim Wise and when she was able to return to that same school, she faced a hostile audience of students who wouldn't even really listen to her. 
  • I don't think I quite grok the analogy there.
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  • edited 2012-10-04 00:49:52
    Imi: I'm....I think I'm doing better. It's a slow process, but I feel better these days, though I still crash emotionally sometimes. I've been attempting to socialize more, which has paid off. But, I have also been told recently by a professional that I have social anxiety...which makes sense but is not comforting.

    Other than that, I've been busy. Work, homework, midterms = Busyzombie

    How has the Imipolex G been?
  • What really gets me is those who get offended and make a crusade for people and issues that they actually have no earthly experience with whatsoever, and whatever shit they read in a university library doesn't count. Tim Wise is my favorite when it comes to this. Here's an angry white little man who goes around America lecturing to African Americans on what all they need to do to be ... angrier I guess. This is a guy who grew up in a totally white environment, went to a snooty private little college, and now he's an expert on inequality that African-Americans suffer and he's out telling them exactly how to fix this. From reading books. I guess.

    And this isn't my assessment, either. I need to find this particular story again, but this one African-American lecturer -- one who grew up in a black urban ghetto in the 70's and attended an all-black ghetto school and made her way to a university to which she successfully graduated and lectures to inner-city youth about her experiences and her successes. One scheduled lecture she found that she was bumped out by Tim Wise and when she was able to return to that same school, she faced a hostile audience of students who wouldn't even really listen to her. 

    That would be disgusting if it weren't pathetic.

    I am not one of those people who believes that (to paraphrase) "white people can never understand black people/the black experience/black culture/whatever". But I would certainly think that someone who grew up in an impoverished environment is far more qualified to talk about it than someone who read about it.

    If Mr. Tim had also grown up in that same ghetto, my opinion would be different. But he didn't.

    Also, I have been told before that I am racist for assuming that I can relate to black people. Any black person. Ever.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Social anxiety...yeah, I've had that. It has improved a lot. THERE IS HOPE

    Me, same old stuff mostly. I released a beta version of my Mario game episode which a few folks here have been playing. Trying to shape it up into a final version...
  • image

    You know, the more I hear of Neil deGrasse Tyson, the more I'm convinced that he is incapable of not being awesome at all times.
  • I agree with him on most things, and yeah he's pretty cool.

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