The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout







    (*Happy Dance*)

  • A group decision had been made prior to Christopherson's death that
    the album would be recorded afresh as they were not satisfied with the
    ICA recordings. Christopherson had been the driving force behind the
    project and had been working on the record in Bangkok with Danny Hyde,
    even getting custom instruments made to use for the album. "It was
    Sleazy's project, then Cosey and Sleazy's, then I came in on it," Carter
    explained in an interview with The Quietus.[15] After Christopherson died, the Desertshore
    instruments were given to Carter and Cosey and they have been combining
    the recordings he had been making with the work they had done
    themselves.[16] They have announced plans to debut the album live at AV Festival on 17 March 2012 accompanied by a screening of Philippe Garrel’s The Inner Scar "for which Desertshore was soundtrack and inspiration".[17]

    Also, an album called The Final Report,
    that was completed on the final Throbbing Gristle sessions, on
    2009-2010 at Chris and Cosey's studio in Norfolk, will be released as a
    companion to the Desertshore disc.


  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    So who is TG
  • image
    Throbbing Gristle was formed in London, UK in 1975 out of the ashes of
    international performance art group COUM Transmissions. Founding members
    Cosey Fanni Tutti, Chris Carter, Peter Christopherson and Genesis P-Orridge, as well as artist Monte Cazazza
    (a collaborator and friend of the band), coined the phrase “Industrial
    Music For Industrial People” to describe the dehumanization and
    mechanization of music making they in part wanted to evoke.
    Aside from inventing a completely new musical genre (industrial music) Throbbing Gristle also founded their own record label, Industrial Records, which became home to artists such as Cabaret Voltaire, Clock DVA, SPK, William S. Burroughs and Monte Cazazza.
  • Also, their frontperson gave us the Official Heap Motto

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Oh okay. I should check them out
  • Yarrun said:

    Meanwhile in Canada there's serious discussion about starting an all-gay high school in Toronto. 

     Now to wait for folks to point out that while it's segregation, it's not segregation. 
    Well, it's apparently by the gay community for the gay community, so it's not setting off any alarm bells for me.

    Probably won't be segregated by law. The Feds wouldn't let black schools cater to blacks only after Brown v., after all.
    Well that ruling wouldn't apply because this is Toronto we're talking about. I can't see how any possible good can come from having such a school because segregation is segregation no matter how pretty you dress it up. One of the things a person takes from going from a school system is to learn how to work within society and with people different from themselves. Now, in Toronto, they're talking about taking one specific element of society and transplanting them to their own sequestered academy. I fail to see how this will offer any positive impact for the students involved and society as a whole. 

    Oh, right. Sometimes one forgets that Canada isn't just the USA but colder.

    Well, it would give them the ability to grow in an environment that's more aligned to their needs, as well as a support group. Whether that offsets the benefits of working in a more heterogeneous society is up to debate.
  • I beat Skyward Sword today.

    And here I was thinking that I was unable to be sad about a character's death because of Homestuck. *sniff*

  • Secret: The last time I cried at a character's death was when Ma-Ti's death was replayed at the beginning of the 4th Channel Awesome Special

    It's something that I find inexplicable.
  • Why spoiler something about Captain Planet?
  • That's not about Captain Planet.

    Frankly, that'd be a bit worse, since that would mean that I've watched Captain Planet at some point in the last few years. It was a good show in its time, but I doubt it would hold up now.

    That's the character from the Channel Awesome Universe.
  • Oh, never mind then.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Yarrun said:

    It was a good show in its time, but I doubt it would hold up now.


    It was never a good show

    The premise is laughable even for a kid's show (villains wanting to just trash the earth for whatever the fuck reasons), it was poorly animated even for DiC fare, and the hero had a mullet

    also power of heart pfft hey Ma Ti I'd like you to meet Mr. Potassium Chloride
  • Yarrun said:

    It was a good show in its time, but I doubt it would hold up now.


    It was never a good show

    The premise is laughable even for a kid's show (villains wanting to just trash the earth for whatever the fuck reasons), it was poorly animated even for DiC fare, and the hero had a mullet

    also power of heart pfft hey Ma Ti I'd like you to meet Mr. Potassium Chloride
    I know

    But it made me laugh and made me interested in the environment at a time when I'd rather be fighting off imaginary ninjas, which is why it's a good show for its time (at least, for me).
  • Sweet jegus, the TvTopes character page for Skyward Sword is swamped with unmarked spoilers.

    brb editing

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    One of the things a person takes from going from a school system is to learn how to work within society and with people different from themselves.

    I assume this is the ideal? Not much good if it doesn't reflect reality.

    But there are already Catholic schools and boys' schools and girls' schools and rich people schools and such so I don't see this proposal being all that different.
  • Gay school > rich people school
  • image

    I like the honesty.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Fouria G said:

    One of the things a person takes from going from a school system is to learn how to work within society and with people different from themselves.

    I assume this is the ideal? Not much good if it doesn't reflect reality.

    But there are already Catholic schools and boys' schools and girls' schools and rich people schools and such so I don't see this proposal being all that different.
    Religion is a choice and riches can be obtained. Also, those are privately funded institutions. 

    Aside from that, the main concern is if this nicely-dressed segregation will have any positive impact whatsoever. I don't see it. People have to learn how to integrate into and interact with society despite our differences and this is something children simply have to learn; to send them to a school over being different is sending one hell of a wrong message. On the different side of the coin, I have no doubt that there are faculty and students in the Toronto system who would find pleasure in seeing them being set aside for their own school. 
  • Y'know, my first thought about this was the class on HBCUs that I took a few months ago. I support HBCUs and that automatically transferred over.

    Buuuuuut, HBCUs aren't the same as segregated high schools. The most important function of HBCUs are allowing those who have been screwed over by society (i.e. POCs) to get a quality education at a low cost, which is why they're still significant post-Brown v. That doesn't transfer over to gay-only high schools because homosexuality isn't associated with financial issues and a low rate of high school graduation.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Religion is a choice and riches can be obtained. Also, those are privately funded institutions.

    I know, it's not the same thing.  But in terms of being a specific segment of society sequestered away in their own academy, the comparison is valid, I think.
  • ^ Dude, don't be complaining about that

    You can now claim that the pharisees are rappers.

    Don't you want that?

    Also, don't recognize that Book. Doesn't seem to be in the Gnostics either. So...yeah. A bit of digging and he'd have a comeback ready to go.
  • Pinkie started chasin' that purple dragon...not me, 'cause I'm a purple dragon, but, I mean, like, heroin.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    You know if that OP there would have known a thing or two about OT books he might have caught that
  • You know if that OP there would have known a thing or two about OT books he might have caught that

    Or if he knew anything about greek mythology.
  • edited 2012-09-30 15:22:54
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Hello all.

    AU and I pulled an intentional all-nighter last night, to catch up a bit after being apart more often the last few weeks. It was fun, but now I'm not sure whether I should get a bit more sleep or just suck it up for now and nap later...realistically I'm going to stay up till 8 or 9 am anyway...

  • Such pretty music.
  • edited 2012-09-30 15:26:35
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Also, if I can find a decent gas price, I might go for a drive later.
  • 3 Year Old Loan Shark:

    Hey mistuh! I hud dat you hasn't been paying you pwotection money. Do you think I'm a joke? You owe me *holds arms out wide* diiiiis much!

  • The sadness will last forever.
  • The sadness will last forever.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Is that Pulgasari?
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Vincent Decker
    Nebraska Jones
    Dalen Darey

    Vinny Dekker
    Neb Lewis
    Elan Reddy
    I was just reading Wikipedia's list of politically violent incidents in DC, and the last one (the Discovery Channel hostage crisis) was caused by an antinatalist. :P
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    That doesn't make any sense

    I would think that if I wanted to strike at the very heart of this CROTCHDROPPING BREEDER problem, I'd go hold the Playboy or Spice channels hostage
  • edited 2012-09-30 16:25:35
    Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Damn this shit is crazy 

    The jury trial began on Monday and was handed over to the jury for deliberations at about 1:30 pm today. Deliberations lasted for approximately 5 hours before the verdict of guilty was returned on all counts.

    The conviction stems from two incidents that occurred in Clovis, NM.

    On February 12, 2011, the Defendant found her boyfriend, Anthony Mah, at a residence on Herb Street in Clovis and became very angry at him for talking to another female. Witnesses testified that she rammed the truck he occupied 3 times with her suburban before fleeing the scene. Clovis Police officers located the Defendant within minutes and placed her under arrest for Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon on a Household Member. Several days later, Mr. Mah bonded her out of jail.

    On November 1, 2011, the Defendant became upset with Mr. Mah again and started chasing him in a Ford Explorer that he occupied along with four of his friends. Trial testimony revealed that the Defendant was driving a Ford pickup truck and started chasing Mr. Mah near the intersection of 7th and Beta streets. The pursuit then led the victims and Defendant westbound on US 60/84 towards Cannon Air Force Base. During the chase the Defendant rammed the rear end of the victims’ vehicle multiple times. The final collision forced the victims’ vehicle off of the highway causing the victims’ vehicle to flip several times. A crash reconstruction expert from the Clovis Police Department estimated the final impact at approximately 82 mph. Following the crash, the Defendant left the scene and hid her truck at a house on Gamma Street in Clovis and then fled the area on foot.

    Brandon Vann, age 26, was ejected from the vehicle and died at the scene. Anthony Mah, Kjyiana Nash, Jahnizia Walker and Desiree Zamore were also injured in the crash and were transported to area hospitals. All victims except Vann survived and were later released from the hospitals.

    District Attorney Matthew Chandler and Chief Deputy District Attorney Andrea Reeb prosecuted the case for the State of New Mexico, and James Klipstine of Hobbs represented the Defendant. District Judge Stephen Quinn presided over the jury trial.

    District Attorney Matthew Chandler stated, “This was a vicious domestic violence case and a drawn out attack on several innocent citizens without any provocation whatsoever. She locked in on her targets that fatal night and guided her truck into the victims’ vehicle several times, the last one being at approximately 82 mph which forced the victims off the road causing their vehicle to flip several times. She then fled the area and left each victim fighting for their lives in a dark desolate field off the highway. She never called 911 or reported the crash and then hid out for two days, which certainly helped prove her intent in this case. Everyone from the first responders to the jurors did their job in this case, and justice was served in the reading of today’s verdict.”

    The Defendant, who has been in custody since November 3, 2011, was returned to Curry County Detention Center where she awaits her sentencing. Sentencing is expected to be held in the next 30 days, and the Defendant faces 30 years in prison.

    tl;dr  crazy girlfriend rams his truck with her vehicle, cops show up, arrest her, boyfriend bails her out

    later the same year she does the same thing except killing his friend and crippling himself and two others this time

    Moral of the story: when your SO acts this fucking crazy that's your hint to run, not walk, from said relationship
  • Tumblrites are okay unless they're talking about Republicans. Then they're nauseating.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Kexruct said:

    Tumblrites are okay unless they're talking about Republicans. Then they're nauseating.

    Republican-bashing only begins to scratch the surface of Tumblr insanity, dear boy.
  • Insanity is fine. Intolerance is not. Especially when intolerance is just dressed up as fighting something bad. Hence why I dislike Tumblr's opinion on Republicans and the so-called "Family Research Council."
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