The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • No one here is a pretty nice person at heart.

    No one.

    If I believed in curses, I'd think this place was cursed. Everyone here is a total fucking jerk-off. Myself included.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    I used to feel at home on one website, but this was a mistake.

    I have IRL friends but most of them don't live within walking distance and we don't see each other that often, so I'm online a lot.

    I really hope reincarnation is a thing just so I can live a life more exciting than this one.

    I have often thought along these lines, although I don't believe it.

    Or, not more exciting, necessarily, but better in some way.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    I'd be more depressed without the internet.

    IRL I have to stay cooped up in my shell hiding myself, and I'm pretty much alone.

    Online I have people like me around and I can be myself.


    I feel like you really understand what it's like to be me.

    I don't get that with many people...
  • edited 2012-09-16 23:44:00

    My peers IRL were always cruel in the extreme. I've only ever had 2 or 3 friends, none have lasted.

    I do have one good friend now though.

    She even gives me ear scritches.

    Fuck yeah.
  • I could've lived a decent life, you know, but my mom had to go and piss off all the rich people in our family. None of them will even show me a dime.

    I'm not saying I want to live in a mansion or anything, but it would be nice to at least be able to go through college. I'm not going through college. It's too damn expensive and I wouldn't even know what to major in. The only thing I'd want to major in would be sound production, and I've got no ear for that. and I'm not going to just go to college for the social aspects. Because that's fucking stupid.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I honestly don't know if I'd be more or less depressed without the internet.
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  • My memories of my childhood consist almost entirely of my mother's drinking binges.

    I know there were many good things, but those things all seem distant, foggy and intangible, never more than snatches, minutes, thoughts and pieces.
  • Lazuli: your posts right now are kind of making me feel ill. Are you ok right now?

    Frosty, I am never okay.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    No one here is a pretty nice person at heart.

    No one.

    If I believed in curses, I'd think this place was cursed. Everyone here is a total fucking jerk-off. Myself included.

    You're not a jerk-off.  You are an intelligent, imaginative person with interesting opinions, and I wish you wouldn't put yourself down like this.

    Frosty said:

    What am I supposed to do when my innocent posts compel someone to be defensive repeatedly? That someone must be imposing images onto a void, like a Rorschach inkblot!

    You're being really passive-aggressive.
  • edited 2012-09-16 23:46:56

    Oh god you two are so....

    I don't get it, you just have terrible chemistry.
  • You're not a jerk-off. You are an intelligent, imaginative person with interesting opinions, and I wish you wouldn't put yourself down like this.


    literally. That actually made me laugh.

    I am imaginative perhaps in the sense that I am a sexual deviant, and have interesting opinions perhaps in the sense that I don't know anything about anything, so any opinions I have are bound to be weird.

    I don't put myself down, I raise myself up 99% of the time and occasionally get tired of doing that. It is really. Really goddamn hard to not just piss on my own fucking name 24 hours out of the day. 

    I don't get it, you just have terrible chemistry.

    That's one way of putting it.

    Can you guys just like ignore each other? I find it's generally the best way to get around problems like this.

  • Like, you're both good people, but together it's like some maelstrom of acrid sniping.
  • Depressingly it rather reminds me of how Katrika and I used to interact after we stopped being friends.

    I mean we eventually sort-of made up, but still.

  • edited 2012-09-16 23:50:13
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    My memories of childhood revolve mainly around the awkward feeling of not belonging. The feeling that I'm just fucking broken because I have no idea how to interact with members of my own species without it ending with me slamming a chair down on someone I like. This feeling that there's a certain unspoken code of conduct that everyone follows and that somehow I'm supposed to know it despite the fact that nobody ever explains it to me. I--fuck it, I can't finish this paragraph.

    Gonna shower now. See y'all on the flip side.
    You're being really passive-aggressive.
    Ohai Pot. I see you and Kettle are having a good time.
  • You're not a jerk-off. You are an intelligent, imaginative person with interesting opinions, and I wish you wouldn't put yourself down like this.


    literally. That actually made me laugh.

    I am imaginative perhaps in the sense that I am a sexual deviant, and have interesting opinions perhaps in the sense that I don't know anything about anything, so any opinions I have are bound to be weird.

    I don't put myself down, I raise myself up 99% of the time and occasionally get tired of doing that. It is really. Really goddamn hard to not just piss on my own fucking name 24 hours out of the day. 

    I don't get it, you just have terrible chemistry.

    That's one way of putting it.

    Can you guys just like ignore each other? I find it's generally the best way to get around problems like this.

    IMO you seem like an ok person who's been dealt a bad hand in life. At least you are cognizant of your own shortcomings, which is a rare thing.
  • edited 2012-09-16 23:50:47
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 2012-09-16 23:51:49

    You two just shut the fuck up.


    NEW RULE: Kex and Frosty can no longer acknowledge the existence of one another in any way, shape or form.

    because I have the authority to make rules now.
  • A bad hand? If anything I have far less reason to complain than most of you do, which just makes me feel worse about it.

    My own shortcomings (my shortcomings, you will note, are most of me) are the only thing keeping me down. I mean I can just rattle off a stream of "If I could just X, then Y would happen", but there are way too damn many. I consistently defeat any of my own attempts to improve myself and I do not know how to not do that, and I honestly don't even know if I care enough to try to stop doing so.

  • Frosty said:

    You're being really passive-aggressive.
    No I am not you walked up to me and pressed the A button again so here we are in this absurd turn-based rigmarole again; one of us will have to flee the battle, again, or preferably, both.

    *flees the battle, successfully(?)*

    Goddammit you two are ridiculous.

    Look at this look at this look at this. How do you, how do you even like. Read into each other's posts this much? How is it possible to get so offended over so little? It's not making a mountain out of a molehill because that metaphor just does not do this stuff justice. Just....stop, the both of you. It's horrible. It's annoying to everyone else, and it cannot possibly be good for either of you.

  • edited 2012-09-16 23:55:09
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • You two just shut the fuck up.


    NEW RULE: Kex and Frosty can no longer acknowledge the existence of one another in any way, shape or form.

    because I have the authority to make rules now.

    I'm going to just leave now. I was already in a pretty pissy mood anyway.
  • Look at this look at this look at this. How do you, how do you even like.
    This is literally the most cogent way to express the stupid.
  • I think you do not understand the purpose of emoticons. They are to express your emotions with. putting a ">:/" in your post does not make this exchange any less absurd.
  • Hatfield/McCoy

    match point

    Isn't that the one with the pigs?
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  • edited 2012-09-16 23:59:20

    Holy shit it is.

    I know waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much trivial-ass shit. :/

  • Legend has it that Constantin, the last emperor of Byzantium (not to be confused with its first emperor, of the same name), is not dead, but will return to Istanbul to save it in its time of need. Parallels have been made to assorted Arthurian legends.
  • edited 2012-09-17 00:02:15
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    SL, if you don't want to take me seriously, don't.  Almost nobody who has actually talked to me for any length of time does and I don't even care anymore.  I am aware that I talk mainly in platitudes and that I use too many words and talk down to people a lot because I can't figure out how else to communicate.

    But I remember when I first spoke to you on TVT, I thouht you were funny and interesting then, but you could also be pretty immature (a lot of us were).  Lately you've seemed so much more intelligent and confident, and it's impressed me.

    You are smart, and you are entertaining.  And no, I wasn't calling you a sexual deviant when I said you were imaginative.  You only have to look at your blog to see how talented and creative you are.  I look up to you.  And while it really shouldn't matter what I think of you, it pains me to see you like this, because you are not being fair on yourself.
  • Happiness is an art with two halves:

    The first is attaining what you desire, and the second is finding contentment in what you have.
  • SL, if you don't want to take me seriously, don't. Nobody who has actually talked to me for any length of time does and I don't even care anymore. I am aware that I talk mainly in platitudes and that I use too many words and talk down to people a lot because I can't figure out how else to communicate.

    Spesslech meindun.

    Okay. I'll make you a deal. I'll stop being "pointlessly hard on myself" if you stop insisting that no one takes you seriously, because plenty of people do, and I'm one of them you eggnizant thagomizer.

    And I know you weren't calling me a deviant. I apologize it's....something I angst over.

    I suppose it's good you find I've changed. I really don't see much difference between Super Lazuli and El The Daze. They're just personas I use anyway. No one should ever get to know Nathan Auman (nor assorted alternate spellings) because he's kind of a dick and he's not very interesting. 

    I'm going to bed now, good night!
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Alright, deal.

    And sorry.  I know there are people who take me seriously, and it was insulting and whiny to suggest otherwise.

    Night, Lee.
  • Missing Stars is an as-yet unreleased Visual Novel wherein you date girls with mental disorders, it's a fan-successor to Katawa Shoujo.

    I happen to identify quite a bit with what we know of Lena Frost, the girl in my avatar. We like similar stupid mixtures of things (me: Rap Music, Anime, Video Games, Weird Books, etc. Her: Rap Music, Twilight), and she has to wear a mask to restrain herself from biting people. In a very, painfully cliched way, that is a pretty apt symbolic description of what I do to myself online.

  • Fouria G said:

    Alright, deal.

    And sorry.  I know there are people who take me seriously, and it was insulting and whiny to suggest otherwise.

    Hush now. You're not being whiny and you didn't insult me.

    I think we all do this stupid thing where we have outbursts and then when we apologize for them we do so in a way that's very self-demeaning. It cannot be healthy for any of us.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

    Missing Stars is an as-yet unreleased Visual Novel wherein you date girls with mental disorders, it's a fan-successor to Katawa Shoujo.

    That oughta be great
  • Fouria G said:

    I think we all do this stupid thing where we have outbursts and then when we apologize for them we do so in a way that's very self-demeaning. It cannot be healthy for any of us.

    Tell me about it.

    (I'll go back to not being here now)

  • Missing Stars is an as-yet unreleased Visual Novel wherein you date girls with mental disorders, it's a fan-successor to Katawa Shoujo.

    That oughta be great

    That better not be sarcastic, son. Because it will be an epic moving masterpiece of modern interactive literature.


  • Based on my description, however poorly articulated, imperial.standard pretty much nailed it right away with his concept art. There were some alternative mask designs that were proposed, but in the end, we stuck with something Lecter-inspired. (For more information on the origins of the original SOTL mask, click here.)
    With the basic design out of the way, we set about pairing prospective sprite artists with characters. Each artist would do test sketches of the girls, and would be assigned characters based on the results. Seemed simple enough; the writers knew what their girls were supposed to look like, so it was just a test to see which artist was best for the job. What I didn't realize was that opening Lena up for try-outs resulted in a period of doubt and questions concerning one of her most distinctive visual traits.
    No. Not her mask.

    Her boobs.


    can you not see that we are crafting a masterpiece to last throughout the ages.

  • You guys are tense right now.

    I probably should weigh on this, seeing that I'm half-asleep and what's left of my brain is currently being drowned in FEELS from finishing Emi's route in Katawa Shouji (so many feels).

    Not that it's going to stop me.

    This is my internet: a place where like-minded people can unite to do things that they want to do. It's like the cliques that inevitably form in communities, only it's anonymous, and you're able to walk into any clique and watch what they do.That means that everything on the internet is just an expanded version of real life. The 'good' people are more numerous, as are the 'bad' people. Kittens are ubiquitous, but so's misogyny. The opinions are more opinionated, and avoiding people is more avoidier. That's why internet arguments are so famously vitriolic, because you can sling your strongest against your opponent, and if he comes back, you can just block him.

    I've seen some wonderful stuff on the internet, just like I've seen horrible stuff. I've encountered numerous people who, despite their faults, are pleasant and friendly. I've also seen folks who are more horrible than I can describe, the kind that pony simulators mock. I've only had a handful of people in my life that I can call close friends, and I met one of them through TvTropes.

    The internet is horrible and wonderful. It is a close friend and a hated enemy. And what I'm trying to say is that there's too much bad on the internet for you lot to be arguing over pettiness. There's too much wrong with the world.

    So, yeah. Going to bed.
  • edited 2012-09-17 00:28:51
    Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I was not being sarcastic. It sounds like it could be interesting.

    Boobs help too
  • Sadly, they went with a flatter character design (the one in my avatar).

    I think Jeanne is currently the bustiest character. Curviest in general, IIRC.

  • And I know you weren't calling me a deviant. I apologize it's....something I angst over.

    I used to angst about my sexuality a lot, I don't anymore really.


    Dunno why really.

    Also, I think I'm somewhat less kinky than I thought I was.
  • I am generally far kinkier than I let on, just because I've learned that most people really, really don't like hearing about others' sexual preferences even in areas that are supposedly for discussing such things. So I just shut up about them nowadays unless I'm actually trying to screw somebody, which is a rarity.
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