The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



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  • edited 2012-09-16 22:47:01
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  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I just got Fraps.
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  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    So I acquired an official Franklin County, Ohio map from 1987.

    It was sitting in a basket at the thrift store priced 50 cents. Obviously nobody bought it because you can get an updated official county map for free at the public library, but I thought I would snatch it up since old maps are of historical interest to me, and really I'm never going to be able to find this one again.
  • Frosty said:

    why dat

    Because I have locked myself into a pattern of dreading going to work etc. and then hating myself for dreading such.

    I am going to follow CA's lead and go write something. I'll be back later.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    Hope you feel better, Lazuli.
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  • there is to dread the fate of being stuck in a dead-end job for the rest of your (probably quite short) natural life.

    In real life, nobody gives you special treatment just because you might possibly die young. Most of them don't know, and if they did, they wouldn't care.

    In related news.

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  • I suppose here is where we hit the split between "technically could" and "could in such a way that I'd still want to do it in a month".

    I guess that's just me being complacent though.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I also dread going to work. It is an existential dread, motivated by the senseless passing of time and the endless waste of my life.

    But, at least I like making levels
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    We are a heap of sunshine and rainbows.
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  • We aren't the happiest bunch, are we?

    The internet consists of depressives.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    ^This is why I eventually want to quit the internet
  • edited 2012-09-16 23:25:47
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  • I don't.

    I'm at home here.
  • Frosty said:

    I am usually happy when mommy is not home. : )

    Unfortunately, that is also the case with me.

    I  think she may be abusive.

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  • edited 2012-09-16 23:28:08
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  • I wasn't suggesting yours was.
  • Frosty said:

    ^^ oh gosh this is true isn't it :o

    And now you know.

    I personally think they got this backwards: i.e. people who are already depressed or are unable to articulate themselves in real life are drawn to the internet because here we can be ourselves without censorship.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    I'm at home here.

    I feel that way too.

    Sometimes I worry I'm "unhealthy" for not wanting friends outside the internet. I voiced this concern to my mother a while back and she said it's just the way I am, and that I'm lucky to have the internet because if I'd been born 20 years earlier I would have been stuck as a loner.
  • edited 2012-09-16 23:29:24
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  • I don't have any friends, really.

    No offense, you're all nice to me and all, but I barely know any of you.

  • edited 2012-09-16 23:30:22
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  • Well I guess Lockonlockon is my friend, and some of my other Skype buddies.

    Though honestly I'm not sure I know any of them better than I know any of you. Perhaps I'm just deluded, then.

    I really hope reincarnation is a thing just so I can live a life more exciting than this one.

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  • Frosty said:

    ^^^ T_T Are we reaaaallllly going to go through this drill again? Can we please just assume that the only things my posts say are the things that they actually say, in written words?

    Sorry? I was just clarifying, I would say insinuating someone's mother is abusive would qualify as an insult, and I wouldn't want to insult you.
    Frosty: It's nothing new; people have been socializing like this on the Internet since at least the mid-1990s.
  • Oh how I hate that term. 

    "Internet addict". Treat me like a fucking basehead why don't you.

  • edited 2012-09-16 23:35:13

    I'd be more depressed without the internet.

    IRL I have to stay cooped up in my shell hiding myself, and I'm pretty much alone.

    Online I have people like me around and I can be myself.
  • I mean really what am I supposed to do instead? Hang out with people around town? These homophobic racist bigoted fucking god-awful people? 
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I'm expected to hang out with people who have boring mental illnesses, instead of hanging out with people who have interesting mental illnesses like I do.
  • Woooooo

    I'm looking forward to only having internet friends now.

  • Or maybe I'm just the bigot because I hate stupid rednecks.

    Yeah no, painting confederate flags on everything you fucking own and shouting "white power" at every opportunity totally isn't racist. I'm obviously the bigot here and I just don't understand these people. Yes yes that's clearly the problem.

  • Here I am a cat. =^w^=

    Can't beat that.
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  • edited 2012-09-16 23:38:42
    Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Frosty said:

    imi if you quit the internet I am going to arrive at your house, and the internet will be over so we will all go outside, and we will walk to Wendy's and enjoy Frosties, and you will have two of them while I will only have one. : ) Also there will be hamburgers or something I guess.

    I am now envisioning a scene where the Internet disintegrates in a final misanthropic apocalypse, leaving only Frosty and me to go off into the sunset to eat at Wendy's and start a new life
  • I'm of the belief that symbols mean exactly what the person using that symbol believes it means.

    In other words, most people who use the Confederate flag aren't racist, just stupid.

  • I hate this god awful place full of fake people who fake their god-damned smalltown politeness while silently damning every slightly off looking stranger they pass. I hope the zinc poisoning gets the lot of you, you bunch of god-damned wannabee Neo-Confederates. Pennsylvania was on the Union side in the Civil War but you probably don't know that because you're too fuckin' stupid to open a history textbook.

  • Frosty said:

    If I say "My refrigerator is not purple," do I have to be insinuating that you think that my refrigerator is purple? No, because purple is an unusual color that refrigerators have, and even if it were purple, my saying it is purple is only that; it does not imply that anyone disputed this, because I am telling the forum, likely for the first time, that my refrigerator is purple! It need not be clarified that you didn't suspect my refrigerator was purple before I mentioned that it was.

    Put more simply: I dislike when people consistently perceive subtext that I did not create.

    Why are you being so defensive? I was just trying to make sure that I was clear.
  • Frosty said:

    If I say "My refrigerator is not purple," do I have to be insinuating that you think that my refrigerator is purple? No, because purple is an unusual color that refrigerators have, and even if it were purple, my saying it is purple is only that; it does not imply that anyone disputed this, because I am telling the forum, likely for the first time, that my refrigerator is purple! It need not be clarified that you didn't suspect my refrigerator was purple before I mentioned that it was.

    Put more simply: I dislike when people consistently perceive subtext that I did not create.

    What's funny is that I think you are here perceiving people perceiving subtext when they aren't.
  • edited 2012-09-16 23:40:25


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