The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Hey guys

    Should I go for a drive tonight?
  • Hey guys

    Should I go for a drive tonight?
    I would. Spontaneous night adventures are fun
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Observation: Wild Berry Skittles kick regular Skittles ass.

  • edited 2012-09-13 23:37:32
    Touch the cow. Do it now.
    ^^seems unlikely
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    JZ I want to ask your permission to use the PARDAY BUS in my Mario game hack episode thing. I would be taking it straight off your original artwork. Because there's no way I can improve on that
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • edited 2012-09-13 23:38:52
    ^^^anything is possibly through *~imagination~*
  • And yes, you have my complete blessing to use the PARDAY BUS in your game hack.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Yaaaaaaaaaaay! Thanx
  • Just don't use Whirly Times.
  • No probs.

    And I am still mystified parday bus still exists to this day.

    Unlike the TIGER. What a timeless classic that was (not really even remotely)
  • my re-imagining of Frankenstein is starting to sound like Gungrave.


  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    "Rainbow in the Dark," one of my favorite Dio songs.

    Also yes, I must use Whirly Times. Don't need permission for that one.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Sometimes it's fun to wonder about my traffic light.

    What kind of road did it hang over? Was it a busy city thoroughfare? A rural two-lane highway? A rural four-lane expressway?

    How many people ran the red light over the years? How many people had to fend for themselves when a power outage cut the lights?
  • Damn I just wrote the most fucking silliest re-imaginings for Frankenstein. (I tried doing "What if science were good in this story" and it turned into a very silly Hollywood-esque story about resurrection and vigilantism) Fuck. Oh well. I except 0 comments this week, but oh well.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I ran that red light.

    I ran it nine times.
  • Gazungazunga Zaiozaiozei, coming soon to UTV.
  • I ran a red light in reno just to get a moving violation.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    This still amuses me.

  • Oh Dear God of Teh Internets...that page has an Alexa ranking of 67K!
    How?? How are so many people into Dragon cum lube that its a marketable
    manufacturable product!?!? For that matter...who the HELL has that kind
    of entrepreneurial inspiration???
  • Let's get this straight, you're asking for a website from which you can
    pick and choose a "cool" profile name for your Bebo account. An account
    which is supposed to be a representative presentation of who you are and
    what you're about.

    Are you beginning to see the direction my argument is going in? Of course you haven't. I'll continue.

    Back in the old, dark days of the internet when men were men, women were
    men and children were FBI agents, no one cared what people thought of
    them. This was when the internet was still merely a bright spark of
    newly discovered freedom burning bright against the darkened backdrop of
    a world half enslaved by totalitarian freedom-hating governments,
    unscrupulous money grabbing corporations, backward millenia-old
    religions and millions upon millions of dead-eyed sheeple. The internet
    burned brightly as an escape, a way to show who you were to a wider
    audience, a way of discovering and sharing things you never knew
    existed, a way of forcing back the ever encroaching shadows of the real
    world to keep your internal flame burning just that little bit longer.

    The internet burned brighter and stronger as the rush of people to it
    acted as fuel to the fire, and the rush of companies to it was the
    oxygen it needed to sustain itself, and to grow. The Napster and Kazaa
    era came and went as the dark lords of the world attempted to wrestle
    back their power from this bastard child of technology and freedom that
    we know as the web. People pushed each other by finding, creating and
    sharing things that would have people in the old world hung, drawn and
    quartered but in this new space, this virtual plane of existence it did
    not solicit the fiery condemnation of preachers and politicians alike.
    We laughed. We saw these examples of hate, of destruction and of evil
    and we laughed and encouraged them; for it was not the same evil as that
    which ravaged the lands of the physical world, but an evil unsullied by
    power, money, dogma or time. This was new evil, strong evil, and pure
    evil. It shaped a generation and a way of life was born. The internet
    was no longer an escape from life, it was a mirror of it; a dark and
    distorting mirror in which our reflections are not always what we
    wanted, hoped or indeed expected to see.

    Bebo and such sites are like a swimming pool on an ocean liner, floating
    in the middle of the endless abyss of the internet. You get a taster of
    what it's like to be in the water, but you learn nothing of its depth,
    breadth or more unsavoury inhabitants. Whether we like it or not
    however, these fist-clenchingly corporately built sites are part and
    parcel of the modern internet. The reason for accepting them is that
    they are an easy way to share at least some tiny proportion of yourself
    with people. Show them what amuses you, what confuses you, what makes
    you you.

    You come before us, the anonymous masses to ask us for a "cool Bebo
    profile name" which you can use to impress your real life friends with
    just how stylish and original you are. We say to you that your attempt
    to bastardise the concepts of these halls will not be answered.

    Anyways, no I don't know any websites for cool bebo profile names. Good luck.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I always knew Nietzsche was a master of the wah pedal.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    There's also a Frank Zappa song about the Coneheads, which features a wah-wah guitar solo. So it all comes together.
  • edited 2012-09-14 00:31:16

    French subway stations aren't usually used as parking places
  • The McDonalds McGriddle is one of the most
    well-crafted pieces of synthetic food-like products ever created in a
    lab with the usage of Bunsen burners, beakers, and giant white boards
    with complex chemical compositions and long, mind boggling equations
    written on them. When you take a bite out of one, you’re not tasting the
    craftsmanship of a trained chef that’s trying to make some cheap, yet
    delicious breakfast foods; you’re tasting the mad ramblings of a Doc
    Brown-type that’s more than willing to cram electrodes in your pooper to
    test his theory of whether or not electrically stimulating the prostate
    can make a human fire lasers out of their eyes.

    But who’s to say that you can’t bring that all of that mad science
    home and create a perfectly suitable analogue for your own eating
    pleasure? No one! That’s who! With a little know-how, a sprinkle of
    gumption, and a splash of elbow grease, you, too, can create one of the fast food world’s most delectable treats in your very own kitchen.

    Ingredients:1 cup all-purpose flour1 teaspoon salt½ cup sugar¼ cup vegetable oil¼ cup whole milk¼ cup maple syrup

    ¼ pound ground sausage or bacon

    3 eggs

    3 or 4 slices American cheese

    1 teaspoon disodium pyrophosphate


    1)    Combine the first three ingredients in a large bowl. Stir.

    2)    Add the vegetable oil and milk. Stir until incorporated and only slightly lumpy.

    3)    Crack 1 egg in to a bowl and add in the teaspoon of disodium
    pyrophosphate. Disodium pyrophosphate is a chemical compound with many
    industrial uses including leather treating, removing the hair off of a
    slaughtered hog, and preserving the color of processed foods. It’s one
    of the main ingredients of the McDonalds McGriddle.

    4)    Realize that you don’t have disodium pyrophosphate in your cupboard

    5)    Run a quick Google search for your nearest supplier of industrial chemical compounds.

    6)    Hey! There’s a supplier only a few miles away from your house! Sweet!

    7)    Grab your ski mask and make some eye holes, and maybe a mouth hole.

    8)    Load your pistol, and make sure the safety is off.

    9)    Hop in the car and make your way to the supplier. Abide by all of the rules of the road. No need to draw attention.

    10)    Scope out the building for about an hour.

    11)    Count the number of guards on patrol. Look for weaknesses and
    openings. Is one overweight and possibly slow? How would you take
    advantage of that?

    12)    Walk up to the guard at the gate. Tell him that your car broke
    down, your cell phone is dead, and you were wondering if he could call a
    tow truck. When he turns to the phone, break his goddamn neck. Hey, do
    you want a delicious homemade McGriddle, or not?! You do? Good. Kill
    that guard.

    13)    Good…good. Now, hide the body under his desk. Make sure no part of him is poking out so a passerby can see it.

    14)    Make your way on to the compound.

    15)    When the guard at the front door asks what you’re doing there,
    say “My car broke down and there was no one at the gate. I’m just
    looking for some help.” When he offers help, pull your gun on him.

    16)    Give him a badass ultimatum: hit the ground or eat some bullets.

    17)    Cuff him with his own cuffs

    18)    Crack the two remaining eggs on to his head to humiliate him,
    then say “I guess things don’t look so…SUNNY-SIDE UP FOR YOU!”

    19)    Take his keys and high-five yourself for delivering a most excellent egg pun.

    20)    Open the front door. You’re in! You’re halfway to delicious homemade McGriddles!

    21)    Search the halls for a door labeled “Processing.” This will be
    where they store all of the chemicals used for making delicious

    22)    Enter the room and search for a large refrigerator. Open the
    fridge…the security alarm went off! Quick, search for a vial of disodium

    23)    Haul-ass out of the door and make your way to your car.

    24)    Shit! The fuzz! How did they get here so fast?

    25)    Bust some caps in their general direction. Don’t harm them; just keep them at a distance.

    26)    Get in your car and make a break for it.

    27)    Take I-95, it’s faster and there’s less traffic at this hour.

    28)    When traffic is clear, reach your hand out and fire upon the cop cars that are quickly catching up.

    29)    Congrats! You just proved that when you shoot out the tire of a
    cop car that’s traveling at 75 MPH, the car flips, tumbles, and
    explodes, causing the other cars behind it to inexplicably launch in to
    the air.

    30)    Uh, oh! Out of the fire and destruction comes
    the rogue/rebel/renegade cop. The guy whose family was killed in a
    freak disodium pyrophosphate accident. He’ll be damned if he lets a
    single drop of the stuff hit the streets and poison our society. But, of
    course, he’s never had a McGriddle, let alone ever made one at home.
    The dumb bastard would never understand.

    31)    When he slams his car in to yours, take it with stride. Readjust and keep your eyes ahead of you.

    32)    Yell “You’ll never stop me, Sanchez!” (His name is Sanchez, and yes, you knew that head of time).

    33)    When he says “Damn it, Bill! Stop the madness!” You should say
    “It appears that your brain is all…SCRAMBLED!” (Your name is Bill).

    34)    When Sanchez sideswipes your trunk and you do a 180, fire your
    gun at him like John McClane did in Die Hard with a Vengeance in that
    one scene where he spins his car and shoots at the bad guys behind him.

    35)    Continue to drive you car at 90 MPH…backwards! And while exchanging fire with Sanchez!

    36)    Spin your car back around and take the next exit. Your home and delicious McGriddles are almost near!

    37)    Slam your car through some fences and disrupt some backyard
    pool parties. When a small child is in the direct path of your car’s
    grill, don’t slow down. Quickly jerk the wheel while screaming
    “AHHHHHHHHH!!!” You just passed off the worry of running over a kid to
    Sanchez, who slams the breaks and stops only inches away from the child.

    38)    Look in your rearview mirror and laugh. Listen carefully for
    Sanchez as he stands by his idled ’67 GTO and yells “I’LL GET YOU,
    BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLL!” then slams his fist on his roof. To this, you say
    “Yeah, you’ll get me when…(totally awesome egg-related pun).”

    39)    Screech in to your driveway and make a brake for the door. Enter.

    40)    Get to the kitchen.

  • 41)    Add 1 teaspoon of disodium pyrophosphate to the egg. Stir with an egg beater.

    42)    Heat a large pan. Add a slice of butter. Pour the pancake
    batter in to the pan to form 3-inch wide circles. When the tops of the
    pancakes bubble, pour a teaspoon of maple syrup on each. Flip and cook
    the other side.

    43)    Transfer the pancakes to a plate and allow to cool.

    44)    Form the ground sausage in to 3-inch wide patties and fry. Transfer on to a plate.

    45)    Pour the egg in to another hot pan and cook in the same way
    you would cook an omelet. Fold the corners to form a roughly 4×4-inch

    46)    Using one pancake as a base, pile on the egg, sausage, a slice of American cheese, and top it with another pancake.

    47)    Just before you take a bite, stop. Pull out your gun and point
    it to the entryway of your kitchen – point it at Sanchez. Say “I knew
    you’d follow me here,” without looking at him.

    48)    When Sanchez says “Why did you do this? Why couldn’t you just
    go get yourself a McGriddle from McDonalds?” reply with “Because they
    stop serving breakfast at 11, and I felt like having a McGriddle at
    11:30. It’s the system, man. It’s all messed up! It’s designed to hold
    people like me down. It’s designed to hold people like you down.”

    49)    When Sanchez responds with “W-What do you mean?” You say
    “You’ve never had a McGriddle, have you, Sanchez?” He will say “N-No,

    50)    Cut him off and say “Just try it, Sanchez. If you’re going to
    put some bullets in me, all I ask for in exchange is that you try it. I
    want you to understand what you’re fighting against. And I want you to
    understand what I’m fighting for.”

    51)    When Sanchez lowers his gun and walks toward you, do nothing.
    Just wait. Hold the homemade McGriddle to his mouth and let him take a

    52)    Watch him as he chews.

    53)    When he says “My God…what…what have I done?…” Simply say,
    “It’s okay, Sanchez. It’s okay.” Give him the rest of the McGriddle and
    assemble your own.

    54)    Sit down next to him at your dinner table and enjoy your delicious McGriddle analogue…together.

    55)    When Sanchez says “This is…EGG-CELLENT! “, put a hand on his shoulder and say “I know, Sanchez. I know.”

  • edited 2012-09-14 00:47:05
    The sadness will last forever.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I've had this signature for a month now. I think this may be the longest I've had a signature
  • edited 2012-09-14 01:51:35
    You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I hate to say it, but I think the graphical style may clash.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    that's going on heapbooru

    as long as I can remember my password
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Maybe if I passed it off as being part of a drug-induced hallucination or something. Not that Mario games in general aren't kinda like that.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Well, I guess I'll sleep on it. Night, everyone.
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