The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I read that last year. Twice, even.
  • Yup, we're reading it right now. I don't mind, because I like the story, however, part of me wishes we had gone with something not as well know. Just because I, and many others, have read it before and I just like reading different things. Ah, tis but a non issue.
  • Also today in class I overheard two girls talking about Germany and one of them mentioned the former East Germany and the latter replied, "oh, that's the one who hates us, right?"  Where the fuck have you been since 1989, holy shit

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I think the only two nations on the face of the earth that actively hates our guts is North Korea and Cuba

    There's Iran but I don't see much of a threat if we let their leader pop over for a visit every now and then to lecture at like Columbia U.
  • We do seem to have that whole "vague international dislike" thing going on though.
  • just got back from a night of djent bands weirdly bookended by a friend's band (much more straight prog metal than any of them) and an alright metalcore-ish band who nevertheless sounded as though they'd walked out of 2004

    one of the acts had a singer who is supposedly a member of the BNP which must be pretty awkward considering theres also an indian guy in the band

  • i want to play skyrim for some reason
  • Sounding like you walked out of 2004 can be good.
  • they were better than the djent bands
  • sunn wolf said:

    they were better than the djent bands

    Breaking through chariots
    Eating the grapes of wrath
    Serpentine belt broke
    All the fire
  • God damn it. Apparently the department didn't enter my hours for the weeks I worked. Grumblegrumble.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    that's stupid of them :(
  • Are goth Juggalos allowed to be gay, too? Because we're getting dangerously close to a bingo here.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Juggalos aren't considered humans so it's a moot point
  • Juggalos aren't considered humans so it's a moot point

  • edited 2012-09-11 19:31:49

    Anon: Yeah, I dunno. Maybe they didn't submitting them because I worked less then what I agreed to (because there were no labs for me) or it was a bungled error.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    JZ if you don't know, leave it at that

    trust me on this

  • Do you mean not even asking/telling my boss? Because I feel like that isn't a good idea either.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Do you mean not even asking/telling my boss? Because I feel like that isn't a good idea either.

    no, I thought you were asking about what a juggalo was
  • Whoopsiedaisy.

    I do know what a juggalo is however, the quote was just bizarre as hell to me.
  • Breaking through chariots
    Eating the grapes of wrath
    Serpentine belt broke
    All the fire

    yeah it was pretty much all stuff like this

    also something occurred to me: i got a vip pass thing to the Garage because i brought some equipment along for my friends to use

    the dude who gave me the pass didn't put a date on it

    omar rodriguez-lopez is playing the Garage next month

    ... i'm going to be up north next month ;_;

  • The sadness will last forever.
    u rock me in

    if u seek amy

    gimme moar
  • message to naney: tfot has way better songs that fcpremix, have you even heard macauley mcculkin
  • sunn wolf said:

    message to naney: tfot has way better songs that fcpremix, have you even heard macauley mcculkin

    I haven't really been able to give the album my full attention yet.
  • Listening now, it's good yeah.
  • edited 2012-09-11 20:24:41

    I'll give the whole thing a few full playthoughs this weekend, been meaning to.
  • How does that make you a hipster? I thought walking around in cargo shorts, a thundercats/transformers/etc t-shirt and a fucking fedora made you a hipster (synonymous with goon (synonymous with redditor))

    Hipster is a totally meaningless term anymore.

    I mean, you can make it mean quite a few things, but no one agrees on what it means anymore.

    Unrelated: Bought Transformers: Fall of Cybertron today. Played it a bit, tad more scripted than the first game but it's pretty good. Plus, y'know, robots, lasers. The good stuff.

    re: local bands, I have a friend named Mark who has been in four bands in as many years (Dynastic Fire, Skycanopy, Serpent Landing, and The Templemen) and none of them have ever recorded anything.

    It's kind of depressing.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    I don't feel so strongly about it as I once did, but "hipster" always kind of bugged me, because it seemed like a pejorative that mainly existed to pigeonhole people and dismiss anything they might say or do.  Same with "chav" actually.
  • doppelganger is a really startlingly consistent album, all of the songs are very very good. i would actually say fcpremix is one of the lesser songs on that album

  • It's really catchy though.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Just ordered me up a bunch of tea. GET SOME
  • I really, really hate all the self-important people who do reviews of indie rap albums on youtube.

    I just want to spam NO1CURR in the comments, but that would require giving them the time of day.

  • I really don't care at all about people who review music on youtube. I never even see or, for that matter, know of the existence of them or their wacky shenanigans.
  • I like coffee more than tea.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    So do I.
  • I don't mean any of the "big name" (as big a name as one can be in the field media critics) people like that Todd guy or whatever, just random people who think that other people care about their insistence that Earl Sweatshirt is totally ripping off MF DOOM, and that this is somehow relevant to the latter's latest album.

    I like coffee more than tea.

    I am a soda man, personally.
  • oh yeah. fcpremix is still a great song with an amazing hook and very good verse riff, but then again i get that 'with a black heart undercover...' part of macauley stuck in my head all the time. the whole album is a brilliant balancing of spaz-out time signature-bending warp speed guitar work and insanely, insanely catchy hooks, and somehow the quality is consistently amazing over the whole album. one of my favourite proggy albums, doppelganger.

    it's made all the more remarkable when you consider that thomas erak wrote FCP, mouths like sidewinder missiles, the album opener and whacko jacko when he was 17 years old

  • I am a soda man, personally.

  • Apparently "mojo" is Japanese slang meaning something along the lines of "creepy virgin girl".

    The things you learn reading obscure manga.

    I am a soda man, personally.


    If you're ever at a Wegman's, I recommend our Coca-Cola ripoff, it's actually pretty good. Also the Wedge sodas, especially the grapefruit flavor.

    Stay away from our Dr. Pepper stuff though, shit tastes like cough syrup.

  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: "Dr. Pepper" means "cough syrup."
  • It's Not My Fault I'm Not Popular! is a rather depressing read for something that's supposed to be a comedy.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Dr. Pepper is awesome. I will smite anyone who says otherwise.
  • Wow this is just a painful read.

    Dr. Pepper is awesome. I will smite anyone who says otherwise.

    I meant our take on Dr. Pepper-style soda (it's called Dr. W).
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    ^^I know it

    the diet version makes it hard to quit soda
  • Diet Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper

    as advertised by Tay Zonday

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