The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • My Ex-Wife had this really weird fetish.

    She liked to dress up like herself, then act like a bitch all the time
  • Making Plastic Explosives from Bleach           by The Jolly Roger

    Potassium chlorate is an extremely volatile explosive compound,

    and has been used in the past as the main explosive filler in

    grenades, land mines, and mortar rounds by such countries as

    France and Germany.  Common household bleach contains a small

    amount of potassium chlorate, which can be extracted by the

    procedure that follows.

    First off, you must obtain:

    [1]  A heat source (hot plate, stove, etc.)

    [2]  A hydrometer, or battery hydrometer

    [3]  A large Pyrex, or enameled steel container (to weigh


    [4]  Potassium chloride (sold as a salt substitute at health and

         nutrition stores)

    Take one gallon of bleach, place it in the container, and begin

    heating it.  While this solution heats, weigh out 63 grams of

    potassium chloride and add this to the bleach being heated.

    Constantly check the solution being heated with the hydrometer,

    and boil until you get a reading of 1.3.  If using a battery

    hydrometer, boil until you read a FULL charge.

    Take the solution and allow it to cool in a refrigerator until it

    is between room temperature and 0 degrees Celcius.  Filter out the

    crystals that have formed and save them.  Boil this solution again

    and cool as before.  Filter and save the crystals.

    Take the crystals that have been saved, and mix them with

    distilled water in the following proportions:  56 grams per 100

    milliliters distilled water.  Heat this solution until it boils

    and allow to cool.  Filter the solution and save the crystals that

    form upon cooling.  This process of purification is called

    "fractional crystalization".  These crystals should be relatively

    pure potassium chlorate.

    Powder these to the consistency of face powder, and heat gently to

    drive off all moisture.

    Now, melt five parts Vaseline with five parts wax.  Dissolve this

    in white gasoline (camp stove gasoline), and pour this liquid on

    90 parts potassium chlorate (the powdered crystals from above)

    into a plastic bowl.  Knead this liquid into the potassium

    chlorate until intimately mixed.  Allow all gasoline to evaporate.

    Finally, place this explosive into a cool, dry place.  Avoid

    friction, sulfur, sulfides, and phosphorous compounds.  This

    explosive is best molded to the desired shape and density of 1.3

    grams in a cube and dipped in wax until water proof.  These block

    type charges guarantee the highest detonation velocity.  Also, a

    blasting cap of at least a 3 grade must be used.

    The presence of the afore mentioned compounds (sulfur, sulfides,

    etc.) results in mixtures that are or can become highly sensitive

    and will possibly decompose explosively while in storage.  You

    should never store homemade explosives, and you must use EXTREME

    caution at all times while performing the processes in this

    I doubt this works.
    Yeah, for one thing, it's gotten the basics of the reaction wrong. What's actually happening is that the potassium chloride is reacting with the sodium hypochlorite in the bleach to make a non-specific chlorite of potassium. It could be hypochlorite, chlorite, chlorate or perchlorate; it's hard to tell.
  • How to make a bomb, by Kexruct:

    1. Acquire materials

    2. Make bomb


  • edited 2012-09-09 00:06:11
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  • Sometimes, this forum disturbs me.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • And then, sometimes it makes me happy.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • And then, it makes me really upset.

  • But mostly happy.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    "Temporary" my ass...neither the city of Delaware nor the railroad company has any intent of ever replacing the railroad overpass that makes Central Avenue impassable for trucks.
  • It's like.

    Wunna them metterfurz.

  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)

    Good-night, heapsters and heapsterinas.

    May you all find what you are looking for.


  • edited 2012-09-09 00:10:28
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • AH. said Death. A LIE THEN.
  • Yarrun said:

    ...well, now I know there aren't any Dan Vs fans here.

    So. Katawa Shoujo. I'm playing it (adult content turned off, of course).

    ...they did a surprisingly good job with making the protagonist feel like a real character.

    I like Dan Vs. but I haven't watched it in forever.

    Also I leave for London in less than 12 hours. Aw yiss.
  • you rich folk and yer rich transcontinental vacations
  • ...Ironically, my family's actually probably getting poor (or at the least having a little trouble).

    I don't think that's my fault though for going on the trip so much as it is my sister's college fund. Stupid education system running us dry.
  • Yeah, I was kidding. I really don't care how rich people are as long as they don't act like a stereotypical rich person.

    Which only upper-middle class people do.

    Where I live, it's sort of weird. There's upper middle class people who act like the stereotypical rich people, and their kids at the high school act like rednecks. It was almost surreal; one time, I walked through one of their neighborhoods and saw really, really, nice houses, and parked outside them were pickup trucks.

  • i wish to come up with a song lyric for this signature, but no song lyrics are coming to mind

    i will fulfill my dreams of becoming the King of Indianapolis

    but first i must learn to find it on a map
  • In other words: Rich redneck kids who aren't actually rich or rednecks.

    Alternatively: Douchebags pretending to be other douchebags, failing, but still being douchebags.

  • edited 2012-09-09 00:42:11
    Okay, you know you're not all there when you're screaming "KILL HIM. KILL THIS MOTHERFUCKER NOW, FUCK LIFE IN PRISON, KILL HIS ASS NOW" at the television. :P I really, really need to go to bed.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    why do you keep watching Investigation Discovery if it makes you so angry?
  • i wish to come up with a song lyric for this signature, but no song lyrics are coming to mind
    there are no redneck kids at my school

    which is strange given how incredibly rural the area is
    Because most of the time, it doesn't upset me this much anymore. It's only cases where the crime was especially cruel that make me want to smash my TV these days.
  • there are no redneck kids at my school

  • edited 2012-09-09 00:45:57
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
  • i wish to come up with a song lyric for this signature, but no song lyrics are coming to mind
    you should watch a nice friendly show about the kindness of the human soul instead, that'll do the trick

    or maybe i'm not even sure what im talking about this late at night? i don't know!
  • Like Gurren Lagann.

    That show made me feel happy about mankind.

    But I can hardly watch it now, because I get choked up for some reason.

    Nah, I'll sleep this off and be fine tomorrow. It's usually how this works. Most of the anger comes from thinking "How could you say you love someone, and then hold them hostage in the back of a van while you slowly go insane?" It's just...I know there are mental issues involved, but I tend to want to use my fists on people like that. :P
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I remember the first time my parents took me to see the neighborhood where we live now. It seemed rich to me...there were people out mowing their lawns, there were kids playing in the sprinklers...our neighbors even had a fucking Audi. It felt, like...oh yeah, we're gonna be living in this rich neighborhood!

    Strange how perceptions change. Now the place smacks of suburban artificiality and I often find myself wishing we lived in an older neighborhood, because they have more character even if they're less affluent.
  • i wish to come up with a song lyric for this signature, but no song lyrics are coming to mind
    lee4hmz said:

    How could you say you love someone, and then hold them hostage in the back of a van while you slowly go insane?

    see, i'm thinking wanting to use your fists on a person who did all that would the moral thing to do
  • edited 2012-09-09 01:00:38
    I've never really lived in a neighborhood that you'd really consider "rich", so the whole rich-vs-poor thing is kind of a wash here, but then I did live in a house with no central heat or A/C for 5 years...that sucked.

    Spacey: Indeed. But I'm not a cop, and I'm certainly not a superhero, so I don't exactly have many opportunities to save people from mad torturers. :/
  • edited 2012-09-09 00:59:55
    ^^^People are people. It's easy to think people are fake when you haven't met them.
    And now, I'm off to bed. Good night!
  • Is it me, or is Ghirahim similar to Him of the Powerpuff Girls?

    >Both are overly effeminate.

    >Both are demonic figures.

    >Both like to toy with the protagonist/s.

    >Both are prone to extreme mood swings.
  • edited 2012-09-09 01:13:14

    I really, really need to stop watching clips of the 1/2 Hour News Hour before I go insane.

    "It's The Daily Show for conservatives...."

    ...Even though the Daily Show is still relatively unbiased for something that openly states it's liberal.

    ^'s been forever since I've seen that show, but I can totally get that.

  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    then watch it

    it's a great show
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  • ^^I don't think I'd like it very much. Not because it's a bad show, but...

    I dunno. It's kind of hard for me to like a show when I've been so thoroughly convinced I shouldn't. I'd just feel really uncomfortable watching it.

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  • My mandude likes PPGs quite a bit. So, there's a wide appeal.
  • i wish to come up with a song lyric for this signature, but no song lyrics are coming to mind
    i wonder if i can put html in my signature
  • Keep in mind, I live in a very conservative area filled with toughguys. It's bad enough that I watch, say, Adventure Time, but the Powerpuff Girls? I'd die.

  • i wish to come up with a song lyric for this signature, but no song lyrics are coming to mind
    yay it worked

    sort of

    not really
  • i wish to come up with a song lyric for this signature, but no song lyrics are coming to mind
    Kexruct said:

    Keep in mind, I live in a very conservative area filled with toughguys. It's bad enough that I watch, say, Adventure Time, but the Powerpuff Girls? I'd die.

    watch it secretly, is your best bet
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I tried watching the Powerpuffs the other day. I'll be honest, I couldn't get more than two minutes in.

    And now, I am off to bed as well.
  • Well yeah, I don't exactly make my love of children's cartoons public. But I've had a few... painful experiences in that regard.
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