The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Hooboy, another music war.

    I'll be back later.
  • better than all rap music

    No sir.

    i can prove it with music theory (*i don't expect anyone to get this reference*)
  • Hip hop is just disco with rap. Disco was very much influenced by the
    gay culture and lifestyle ,therefore hip hop is gay influenced music.
    Anyone who dances to hip hop or warships it, is a closet fag and a
    primitive one too. Wiggers are the biggest joke because they enjoy black
    gay crack music that only belongs in the getto, not to mention , lowers
    their IQ way down.

  • What's it a reference to?

    And I don't intend to force my opinion on anyone, but I am well and truly baffled as to how someone could possibly enjoy listening to Noise Music. 

    Hip hop is just disco with rap. Disco was very much influenced by the
    gay culture and lifestyle ,therefore hip hop is gay influenced music.
    Anyone who dances to hip hop or warships it, is a closet fag and a
    primitive one too. Wiggers are the biggest joke because they enjoy black
    gay crack music that only belongs in the getto, not to mention , lowers
    their IQ way down.

    Straight Rappers gonna hate me cuz I'm good at this
  • edited 2012-09-05 10:37:59

    What's it a reference to?

    a troll on who could prove metallica was the best band of all time using music theory

  • Tre said:


    i fuckin love this macro
  • You guys realize we're not even arguing right

    also what is wrong with that woman's eyes.

  • You guys realize we're not even arguing right

    also what is wrong with that woman's eyes.

    she realized that she's in a shitty movie
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Gone With The Wind
  • Frosty said:

    Authors should not be afraid to use whatever words they want to and if people want authors to dumb down their writing then who needs those people's opinions! But, Twilight is really bad for very different reasons. : )

    you don't understand her word choice is the worst thing about those books
  • The context though was specifically people complaining about big words.

    Whatever, mayn.

    Apparently there is an automated twitter account that sends out a message any time someone types "sneak peak" saying, "I think you mean sneak peek".

    This amuses me to no end.

  • our airconditioner fetish
  • image

    one of my fave band pics

  • Appelbaum: Cell phones are tracking devices that make phone calls. It’s
    sad, but it’s true. Which means software solutions don’t always matter.
    You can have a secure set of tools on your phone, but it doesn’t change
    the fact that your phone tracks everywhere you go. And the police can
    potentially push updates onto your phone that backdoor it and allow it
    to be turned into a microphone remotely, and do other stuff like that.
    The police can identify everybody at a protest by bringing in a device
    called an IMSI catcher. It’s a fake cell phone tower that can be built
    for 1500 bucks. And once nearby, everybody’s cell phones will
    automatically jump onto the tower, and if the phone’s unique identifier
    is exposed, all the police have to do is go to the phone company and ask
    for their information.

    Resnick: So phones are tracking devices. They can also be used for
    surreptitious recording. Would taking the battery out disable this

    Appelbaum: Maybe. But iPhones, for instance, don’t have a removable
    battery; they power off via the power button. So if I wrote a backdoor
    for the iPhone, it would play an animation that looked just like a black
    screen. And then when you pressed the button to turn it back on it
    would pretend to boot. Just play two videos.

    Resnick: And how easy is it to create something like to that?

    Appelbaum: There are weaponized toolkits sold by companies like
    FinFisher that enable breaking into BlackBerries, Android phones,
    iPhones, Symbian devices and other platforms. And with a single click,
    say, the police can own a person, and take over her phone.

  • Appelbaum: Cell phones are tracking devices that make phone calls. It’s
    sad, but it’s true. Which means software solutions don’t always matter.
    You can have a secure set of tools on your phone, but it doesn’t change
    the fact that your phone tracks everywhere you go. And the police can
    potentially push updates onto your phone that backdoor it and allow it
    to be turned into a microphone remotely, and do other stuff like that.
    The police can identify everybody at a protest by bringing in a device
    called an IMSI catcher. It’s a fake cell phone tower that can be built
    for 1500 bucks. And once nearby, everybody’s cell phones will
    automatically jump onto the tower, and if the phone’s unique identifier
    is exposed, all the police have to do is go to the phone company and ask
    for their information.

    Resnick: So phones are tracking devices. They can also be used for
    surreptitious recording. Would taking the battery out disable this

    Appelbaum: Maybe. But iPhones, for instance, don’t have a removable
    battery; they power off via the power button. So if I wrote a backdoor
    for the iPhone, it would play an animation that looked just like a black
    screen. And then when you pressed the button to turn it back on it
    would pretend to boot. Just play two videos.

    Resnick: And how easy is it to create something like to that?

    Appelbaum: There are weaponized toolkits sold by companies like
    FinFisher that enable breaking into BlackBerries, Android phones,
    iPhones, Symbian devices and other platforms. And with a single click,
    say, the police can own a person, and take over her phone.


  • Touch the cow. Do it now.


    He thinks you're really boring.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    So we're now going over Amdahl's law regarding processor performance

    this is some pretty interesting stuff

    Wow, this Appelbaum fellow clearly needs to upgrade his tinfoil hat to copper foil, because the voices are getting too loud. :P

    I can see his point—police in places where they don't care about warrants could easily put down a protest this way—but the way he's presenting it makes it look like he sees ghosts around every corner.

  • If this song were any more relevant to me in general I'd be kind of scared.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    That bus is rude
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    So I saw this bug in in my yard this morning


    Stuck out like a sore thumb. Insects typically aren't this rave in this part of the country. 
  • Ants are the most rave insects.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    And my friend Wilson found out what it was because he's a superstar like that.  It's a moth that parades itself as a beetle.

  • edited 2012-09-05 14:43:49

    Chinaski vs. Meowingtons electronic music catfight go

  • So I'm apparently not allowed on the desktop computer anymore, I was not given an explanation for this. I'm just not.
  • it was the porn lazuly
  • Don't be absurd, if I'm going to watch porn it's going to be on my computer, not the family one.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    If you're concerned enough about Big Brother tracking your cell phone that the iPhone's non-removable battery is a concern for you...why not leave your damn phone at home? It would make just as much sense as carrying around a phone with no battery in it...
  • or you could not get an iphone
  • edited 2012-09-05 14:53:55

    admitedly that's not the strongest argument against it but you know
  • Well he seems to think that it applies to all phones. You could of course, just not get a cellphone at all, but then you end up in a category with people who think that Obama's gonna take their guns away and the extremely elderly, and is that really something you want?
  • also i just realized that when we had that fake argument i forgot to call it cRAP music or make that wrapper joke
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Time to build your own desktop. Going from cheap somewhat obsolete parts (obsolete as in not 0-day released cutting edge) you can build a decent gaming desktop for like $300 sans monitor.  It's dead easy, too. 
  • i don't have a cell phone lol
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    The only reason I have a cell phone is because mom bought it and sent it to me so she can call me up whenever she wants

    I don't carry it around and leave it at home. I hate phones
  • i don't have a cell phone lol

    But why.

    You can get a cheap one for like twenty bucks.

    It's dead easy, too. 


    >building your own computer

    Man y'all have weird ideas of what's easy. 

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

    >building your own computer

    Man y'all have weird ideas of what's easy. 

    Not really

    I've been building computers since I was 10 years old

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