The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • secret confession post: i regularly play and enjoy "Football Manager 2012"

    What the dilly o is that?

    Gator: My brother is going to start at Oxford in October. So, it may be somewhat common.
  • October? That's a little surprising. Don't most UK schools start in September?

    the schools have already gone back. university is variable, though if there is a uni that goes back later than mine, i havent heard of it
  • well except oxford, but that goes back at the same time as mine, and they only have 8 week terms at oxford which is ludicrous

    What the dilly o is that?

    a drug
  • you know the internet is actually for two things

    a) porn

    b) shit noone cares about except the guy who wrote it


    yeah you're right
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Football Manager 2012       NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION, PLANT FOOD ONLY

    *wink wink*
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Two days.

    I decided to take most of the week off because my computer broke and got fixed so I wanna catch up on internet stuff.
  • The only solution is to kill everybody

    then we won't have to deal with all these problems
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."

    the schools have already gone back. university is variable, though if there is a uni that goes back later than mine, i havent heard of it

    Ah, I see. Good to know.

    ^i'll get started summoning the cosmic entity of death
  • oh, i have intermediate audio tech now, we're gonna be doing ear training and all sorts of interesting things

    and the computers all have Massive and Absynth now

    fuckkkk yeaaahhh
  • its fine i temporarily turn intoa vegetable whenever i load up FM
  • It's like someone went in and just said "Let's buy like almost every NI product"
  • edited 2012-09-04 20:01:24

    Fruity Moops

     a DAWlicious part of this complete breakfast
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Well, educational institutions do get a massive discount on software 
  • dude at my secondary school took over the music department and paid for 15 imacs w/ logic out of his own money, he was pretty rad
  • and here I sit, having yet to actually buy FL Studio.
  • i made my whole dark ambient album using audacity and the mic on my mp3 player
  • that makes it sound really terrible but it came out p good imo
  • i made my whole dark ambient album using audacity and the mic on my mp3 player

    I made I Found Myself in a Dark Wood this way, it is pretty telling that even my fans (all four of them) can not tell you a thing about that album.
  • Having tried a few different DAWs, I really do like FL the best. It lends itself to all sorts of weird shit pretty easily.
  • i remember you giving mine some manner of positive comment and really i havent heard anything bad about it

    one of my friends even used it in a horror film he made. even if i think he made a really cheesy use of the webern sample i used when there are lots of other parts which would work way better

  • logic has been my favourte daw music thing but ive never tried fl
  • I like it but I find parts of the interface kind of unintuitive (I cannot freaking figure out how to apply an effect to only one line on the sequencer. You would *think* you could just drag the effect onto that line....) But that's probably just me.

    i remember you giving mine some manner of positive comment and really i havent heard anything bad about it

    Well, one thing to remember when I especially ever compliment anything anyone does is that I kind of like everything, so I'm not the best source of con.crit. (this also explains why I have Jenny ROM's Cartoon World next to the KLF's Chill Out in my music library)

  • i know shit all about music production anyway so dont listen to anything i say

    the album was really an experiment to see what i could do with the bare minimum of knowledge and equipment and it was an experiment that surprised me with how successful it was

  • I actually still think that one of my first albums (This Too, is a Mystery) is still one of my better ones. Just because I wasn't trying to do anything in particular back then.

    In other music-related news, I picked up that tape that former collaborator of mine put out. Is pretty sick, kind of wish these people would get over the whole KASSETTE KULTURE thing, though.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Creating the EPIC final boss fight in my Mario episode.
  • Well, one thing to remember when I especially ever compliment anything anyone does is that I kind of like everything, so I'm not the best source of con.crit. (this also explains why I have Jenny ROM's Cartoon World next to the KLF's Chill Out in my music library)

    everything except the mars volta

    but yeah even others have said its good, or that it creeps them out (good) and even my classicalfriend said it had good + clear progression to it and that he didnt mind the 21st-century classical samples in that one song. even though in retrospect i kinda butchered density 21.5

  • so apparently Charlie is spelling his stage name DJ "Gnailsz" now. We all did this and still do, but I think he's just having a contest with himself to see how many ways he can spell things that technically sound like the word "nails".

    Well, one thing to remember when I especially ever compliment anything anyone does is that I kind of like everything, so I'm not the best source of con.crit. (this also explains why I have Jenny ROM's Cartoon World next to the KLF's Chill Out in my music library)

    everything except the mars volta

    but yeah even others have said its good, or that it creeps them out (good) and even my classicalfriend said it had good + clear progression to it and that he didnt mind the 21st-century classical samples in that one song. even though in retrospect i kinda butchered density 21.5

    Yeah. I thought it was pretty good, but I dunno, I'm a bad person to ask for that kind of thing.
  • edited 2012-09-04 20:22:20

    in soundforge because will bevan is jesus somehow
  • i dont know any hardcore dark ambient fans. do hardcore dark ambient fans exist

    theres that A Bleeding Star guy on lastfm but he types in such a fucking obnoxious way that im not ever asking him about anything even if his music is notbad

  • Things Burial and I have in common:

    1. tendency to make things harder for ourselves
    2. pretty much nothing else

  • Y'know I think I'd be more comfortable with my voice if it weren't so inconsistent.

  • Darkest-of-Absynthian-Greetings-to-thee... ;Mortal Ladies {&} Gentlemen; ...I'm A Dark-Minded...Not to Mention...Very Prolific Artist that Goes By the Quite Everso Strange {&} Mysteriously Aestoeric Name of {ABS} | {A Bleeding Star} ...So Since Ye're Already Here...'Vhy Not Take A Bloody Break from thy Chaotic Lifestyle {&} Make thy Astral-Traveling Way Into My Aetherian Gothic Crypt of Night for A Fine Glass {Or II} of Absynthe...As Ye Mindtrip Listen to My Harrowing {&} Sombre Soundscapes of... {Beautiful Centurian Despair, Loss, Lost Loves, Madness, 'Xistentialism, Horror, Heartsickness, Lycanthropy, Sorrow {&} Suicidal Escapism} / ...Hmm? ...If Ye Even Dare to that Is..........

    aaaaaaaaaaaargh fucking shut up
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    Inconsistent? How so?

    I can definitely understand being uncomfortable with your own voice, though. My voice has a weird pitch and reverts to a nervous monotone when I don't have a good mental "script" to work with.
  • Inconsistent? How so?

    You've met people with inexplicable accents, right?

    I've got like six of those.

    I'm not kidding, and I sincerely wish I were. I like....slide into different accents depending on the situation, most of them don't even make any sense for me to have. I've had people ask me if I'm Irish before. I'm Dutch and I live in Pennsylvania.

    I sort of know why this is, I have a weird tendency to pick up on people's speech patterns and unintentionally weave them into my own (I do this while typing too, but that's somewhat less noticeable). And I only do this when I'm paying attention to how I'm talking, which I am whenever I'm trying to record something, when I don't pay attention to it, I sound perfectly normal.

     Darkest-of-Absynthian-Greetings-to-thee... ;Mortal Ladies {&} Gentlemen; ...I'm A Dark-Minded...Not to Mention...Very Prolific Artist that Goes By the Quite Everso Strange {&} Mysteriously Aestoeric Name of {ABS} | {A Bleeding Star} ...So Since Ye're Already Here...'Vhy Not Take A Bloody Break from thy Chaotic Lifestyle {&} Make thy Astral-Traveling Way Into My Aetherian Gothic Crypt of Night for A Fine Glass {Or II} of Absynthe...As Ye Mindtrip Listen to My Harrowing {&} Sombre Soundscapes of... {Beautiful Centurian Despair, Loss, Lost Loves, Madness, 'Xistentialism, Horror, Heartsickness, Lycanthropy, Sorrow {&} Suicidal Escapism} / ...Hmm? ...If Ye Even Dare to that Is.........

    I'll respond to this quote with another.

    shut the hell up 'fore ya get ya fucken' nose broke
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    I sort of know why this is, I have a weird tendency to pick up on people's speech patterns and unintentionally weave them into my own (I do this while typing too, but that's somewhat less noticeable).

    I do that too.

    It's worrying sometimes because if someone has a "distinctive" speech pattern I have to consciously make an effort not to copy them or they'll think I'm making fun of them... >_>
  • I'm on the other side of the spectrum there-- I have no discernible accent at all, except that it's roughly American and doesn't sound at all like a Southern one (note: Tre lives in the upper lip of the South that no one cares about).

    Maybe the last part is because I spent a good part of my childhood in New Jersey and New England before we moved down here again but still, it's weird.
  • I've also been told I have a Lancaster accent (which is weird because I live nowhere near Lancaster and haven't been near there nor King-of-Prussia in years), so I guess that's something.

    The one upside of all of this is that I can do decent impressions and voicework. I've considered a career in the latter but again, not really comfortable with my own voice(s).

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    So my calico has decided that my laptop keyboard is the most comfortable place in the house.

    Furthermore, she's decided that if I attempt to remove her, she will dig her claws under my keys and rip off my Esc key when I lift her off the keyboard. >:(
  • King-of-Prussia

    Hehehehehehehe, it's the place with the really big mall! and it may or may not have influenced the return of Stuck at the Galleria okay

    I want to go there again. It was fuuuun.
  • I honestly hate King-of-Prussia and Blue-Ball and Intercourse and Dry Well and WHY DOES EVERY TOWN IN THIS PART OF PENNSYLVANIA HAVE A RETARDED NAME?!
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    My voice slips into a faintly-noticeable (to myself, anyway) Southern accent at times, inherited from my father.
  • You mean there really is a town named Intercourse up there?

  • I've also been told by a few people that I pronounce Asian languages unusually well (said people have included distant relatives, one of my ex-girlfriend's parents, and so on), which just doesn't make any sense to me at all.

    You mean there really is a town named Intercourse up there?

    It gets better, it's near both Bird-in-Hand and Paradise, and is in Leacock County Township, sorry.

    Just to prove I'm not making this up.

  • "The telemarketer was explaining to him that he had won some money," Sgt. Tim Schwartz of the Weld County Sheriff's Office told 7NEWS.
    "The homeowner was not interested and hung up the phone." The
    telemarketer then phoned back "and got pretty rude, telling the
    homeowner, 'I've placed a bomb in your house.'"
    pretty rude
    I've placed a bomb in your house.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    what are you doing reading KMGH's website

    ...why did I look at it, it's hideous
  • from the top of the trees, the mean villain
    AU: Wow, that site hasn't been revamped in so long that it refers to Microsoft's mapping service as MapPoint. :o I'm guessing early 2000s?
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    unknown to Penelope, Sylvester Sneakly is actually The Hooded Claw
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