The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    North Korea removed all references to Communism in its constitution in the 90's.

    Yeah, they call it "Juche" now. Same worthless system, new package along with a redenomination of their practically worthless money in a failed bid for stability
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    Yeah, they call it "Juche" now. Same worthless system, new package along
    with a redenomination of their practically worthless money in a failed
    bid for stability
    I know and it sucks :(
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    We have the evening mail coming to report on us next
    Sunday 19th, along with the guy from the council is coming to
    investigate us as a team. If they turn up and we have 12 players i think
    the £1000 will be going else where, and the evening mail will be
    writing something not nice about us.

    This Thursday instead of
    training at Park we require all our players to turn up to mark the field
    grid iron out. Matt is going to arrange field to be cut and rolled
    before Thursday. again this is all OUR team, we are in this together
    and all need to help out 100%

    Oh, next sunday is make or break my American Football Team :(
  • My dreams exceed my real life ;
    The top comment is so witty the commenter had to make it three times
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Why are would someone go on a site about interpreting songs if you literally cannot take the idea of any kind of vagueness in music whatsoever
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    serious question, which should I pick (and by that I mean which will land me the most babes)
  • imo the "Turista" will land you sick babes

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    i do not have a pudding cup

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    So, I recently got back from a magical forest adventure with my infant daughter.

    Some words of advice:

    • Bring water if you're going on walks with your daughter, might need it to hydrate in case you find yourself in a forest.
    • Make sure your stroller is light enough that you can carry it short distances. That path may not always be suitable for strollers.
    • Strap your baby in. It gets bumpy.
    • Consider having long pants on hand. Forests might be full of plants that have thorns.

    Oh, almost forgot the most import part of the trip...


    I just wanted to go for a walk. I've been going on walks more frequently as the weather has been nice and getting used to the neighborhood. Taking my daughter for walks meant my wife got a break, and Lain is usually quiet or asleep the whole time.

    I had read that walking in the cities isn't that great for you. Too many distractions, cars coming at you, apparently all that stress and distractions can wear on your IQ. 

    Green, on the the hand, is great for the brain. It's relaxing and I happen to live on a hill with a TON of Green. I just haven't figured out where there might be some trails.

    Today, I kept off the main roads as much as possible. I took Lain and I down some of the neighborhood side streets. And there, next to a house, was a trail leading straight into the woods. It said "no vehicles" but I wasn't biking, and I didn't think a stroller counted, so I pushed on.

    The trail was bumpy for a stroller, but I could push on. The trail ran into a hill pretty quickly. A rather steep one, but I could push my the stroller up easily enough.

    God, that was a hard little hill pushing her. Straight as the day is long, but all uphill, pushing that stroller. This seemed like the perfect hill for Sisyphus, just pushing his rock all the way up, over and over. My muscles ached, but it was doable, I considered breaking a few times, but decided against it. I pushed on to the top. 

    Made it. More trails. a little bumpier, and...hey, cool, a little meadow. Just a small patch of grass surrounded by trees. And more trail. Despite all the bouncing around, Lain is asleep. Guess she's a little young to observe nature's slender. I push on and start to hit rougher parts of the trail. Downed trees edges that get steep in a hurry, but I keep going. I like exploring, and this is like a little bit of wilderness right by the city.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I have the option to go up more, but I think it's better to take the paths down. They are lots of places at the end of roads where the forest starts. I'm sure one of these paths leads to one.

    I'm going downhill again, but I'm having to pick the stroller up more and more. More trees, and the path is a bit more overgrown here. There are more spider webs I'm having to duck under, the bugs buzzing around have gotten a bit denser. 

    Eventually, I strap my daughter in. If I drop this dumb thing, I'd like her to stay in it and it's part car seat, so she should be fine if I accidentally drop it...I hope.

    I press on, the stroller is being pushed less and less frequently. Eventually, I'm using it as a shield against the blackberry bushes. Eventually, it starts getting caught too much in all the vines and weeds and I'm in front of it, trying to carry it along, walk a bit, carry it some more, etc...

    My legs are getting cut, A LOT, they don't bleed a lot but they ARE bleeding. It stings, and I have my daughter, and I want to go home, and the fuck didn't I bring any water and goddamnit I don't think there's much of a path and if I want to get to those buildings I'm going to have to walk through blackberry bushes and there's fences behind them and I don't know if there's any opening or if I can get my daughter and the stroller over hypothetical fences and climb over and the road is just so fucking close and isn't this where some damn mischievousness fairy or leprechaun or some thing that makes a deal too good to be true because you're stuck in a bind like spinning straw into gold or being in a goddamn forstes with your daughter and he or she comes out and barters for your safe return but then you have to fight for your daughters life later because mischievousness fairy or leprechauns are kind of dicks.

    Course, I wasn't going to give up my daughter to a mischievousness fairy or leprechaun or a goddamn forests. 

    I go back up.

    I'm carrying the stroller UP now. Not down.

    There are still thorns and we're going up.

    The thorns are still tearing into my legs and I'm having to put the stroller down every couple feet and rest a few seconds and we're going up.

    Sisyphus can eat a bag of dicks, I never heard of there being thorns and fallen trees and shit he had to push his rock over.

    Lain is up, and I'm making noises like my heart is going to explode and I'm going to die and she's...smiling...and laughing.

    And I'm happy she has no awareness of how bad things suck right now and I start smiling too, but my muscles still burn and we're going up

    At one point, while holding the car-seat part of the stroller, I hit the button that disconnects it from the stroller, and the stroller falls down an incline...about two feet.


    I set the car seat down on the trail, the trail that's right by this frickin step incline that leads off to trees, and blackberry bushes, and then probably someones fence.

    Stepping down to get the stroller proves harder than it looks.No wait, that part was easy. gravity helped. I loose my footing and scream out and fall on my ass and am now parallel with the stupid stroller as I manage to catch myself before sliding all the way down. Things have started to spill out of the stroller, a blanket, a waterproof rain cover, a toy bee. 

    I put them all back in and grab hold, but I'm now climbing back up those two feet with on hand on this thing.

    I grab some roots and haul me and the stroller up.

    Setting it down I pick up the car seat with Lain and we continue our accent. 

    Aware of what's going on or not, after a few more smiles, Lain is getting a bit vocal about how much she's being jostled. 


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    We press on, me still picking up the stroller walking a few feet, and setting it down, repeat. Save I'm cussing and asking the help of a deity a bit more often and stopped to wretch once because I haven't been this tired in my life, and I did cross country in high school...

    We get back to the meadow, but I still have to go up, except there's another path going down. Not the same one I took up initially, this one is very steep, and there's no way I can roll the stroller down.

    I start traveling it sideways with the stroller. I keep the stroller more in the brush where plants keep it steady and it becomes apparent this isn't going to work. Either I'm going to go sliding, or the stroller with my daughter will go careening down this thing or both.

    I sit down.

    I tip the stroller so it's on its front wheels in the handle in front and my baby is now upright not going anywhere, 'cause she's strapped in. Though, she is not any happier about this than she was getting jostled all the way to this point.

    And I slide on my ass.

    Just a few feet at a time. and I'm sure these shorts are going to be very dirty in the back, but I have exactly zero fucks to give at this point. The stroller isn't going anywhere except with me, I can slide it with me and stop. Eventually it all levels out a bit, and we're going down, but not at such a steep incline and I carry the stroller around a couple trees and back to a trail that I can actually push it on.

    We carry on and I see the exit back to a street. No fences, just walk the stroller over and I'm practically back to where I started.

    I start walking home. I must have passed three or four people who just smiled and waved, cause I'm just some guy taking his baby out for a walk (said baby has decided to take a nap now that her ride is gentler) . Not a ONE of them notices my legs are covered in dirt and blood. Or if they notice, they say nothing.

    Oh well, it's not like I'm asking anyone for help. Home is just a few blocks away.

    I make it back to the air-conditioned house, Somehow, we made it. Somehow, I still have this dumb stroller. Somehow I still have the blanket, and the rain protector, and that bee the hell did that stay in?

    I still have my glasses. I still have the contents of my short pockets. 

    I still have my daughter.

    I need water, and then probably beer, and food. 

    But first...a shower. Oh lord, do I need a shower.

    Oh well, that's my work out for the day done, at least.

    Oh yeah, fuck that shit about getting dumber walking around the city. They neglected to mention the part where mother nature might try to fucking kill you. Next time, I'll find a fucking park.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis

    imo the "Turista" will land you sick babes

    I agree, but I like the mustache on Frances, non-the-less.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

  • I am back at the dorms.
  • earlier this evening: reading Cloud Atlas, listening to Ous Mal, eating cherries

    following on from that: listening to Bitches Brew, drinking mango juice

    currently: listening to Prokofiev, eating brownies, playing Football Manager

    peng evening

  • also i want to change my username give me suggestion
  • Also I was forced to go to Chick-fil-A today. I was not happy.

    At least their waffle fries are good.

  • edited 2012-08-11 20:03:23
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Justice: Dude, if she can make it in this world with lowered IQ, she can make it in anything. 

  • as a heads-up we may get a new member today. I linked one of my Skype friend to my Tohomon Lets Play and he seemed interested in the site.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    reading a random Borges piece always picks me up a bit
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Given how Iran deals with crime, I doubt he'll ever be in a position to spend what was returned

  • It's the thought that counts.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    the invisible man gets a haircut
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    more like a crane ride
  • I feel sorry for that guy. He pays a hefty lumps sum to a scammer and gets arrested.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    That's what he gets for being a moron
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Personally I think a well written song doesnt need much thought to figure out its meaning. The meaning should be clear and unequivocal. A song thats open to interpretation doesnt mean anything. Whether you like it or agree with it is another thing entirely but it should be clear. "

    I hate myself for saying this buuuuuuuutttttt.

    This guy would be right at home at TvT.
  • ...That's not even remotely funny, Myrm.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Well, I agree with the Odradek.

    But yeah, is this a can of worms we want to reopen?
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    No, it's not. I doubt he meant to do that, but please don't.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I was just making a quick joke.

    I don' want us all to have a serious discussion about TvT.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Well then.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • It was NITORI in the TOILET the ENTIRE TIME
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    apt-get install libdvdcss2
  • chances are if you go on a site called "songmeanings" you will probably find people that think songs have to have clear meanings....
  • Well, I agree with the Odradek.

    But yeah, is this a can of worms we want to reopen?


    I opened a can of worms! Oh noes!
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Now you have to eat them!
  • Now you have to eat them!

    Ok, let me just magic it up and ....


    Hmmmm, yummy ^_^
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Just got back from my best friend's b-day party.
    There was ice cream cake.
    And we watched the Clue movie.
    and I think my mom is drinking again. ._.

    Which casts a shadow over an otherwise nice party.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Has she tried getting help for it?
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Legalize drugs and burritos
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