The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • You know what doesn't come up that much here?

    Anime and manga.

    At least for me, I rarely talk about it, even though I enjoy quite a few anime, is that I just never talked to most of the people here about anime back on TVT. Hell, the only person I ever saw back on the anime and manga subforum was ATC and I only saw him in the Fullmetal Alchemist thread. Well, I talk to JHM about Mononoke too, but that's usually through PMs.
  • Never be with0ut a Hat!
    (2010 self)
    G00d-night tr0pers and tr0peresses...may y0u all 4ind what y0u are l00king 40r....resurgam.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Most of the anime I've seen has been stuff my brother showed me.  I don't really think of myself as an anime fan, but there are a few series I like, such as FMA, Haruhi and Baccano.
  • I'm a loser. Also, Creeper. And a woman.
    Very few Anime I've "hated". Only thing I didn't like was Shin-Chan... and I think that was it, really.

    I tolerate/like/love other ones, though.
  • Fouria G said:

    Most of the anime I've seen has been stuff my brother showed me.  I don't really think of myself as an anime fan, but there are a few series I like, such as FMA, Haruhi and Baccano.

    That's definitely fine. All of those are good series anyway. Well, I still haven't seen Haruhi yet, but I've heard a lot of good things.
  • Irene said:

    Very few Anime I've "hated". Only thing I didn't like was Shin-Chan... and I think that was it, really.

    I tolerate/like/love other ones, though.
    The only series I've seen/read that I hate are Betterman and Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
  • image

    Naney, I love you for posting that. That picture is amazing.
  • I'm a loser. Also, Creeper. And a woman.

    Irene said:

    Very few Anime I've "hated". Only thing I didn't like was Shin-Chan... and I think that was it, really.

    I tolerate/like/love other ones, though.
    The only series I've seen/read that I hate are Betterman and Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
    Yeah, Shin-Chan is... it. I like Cardcaptors and Card Captor Sakura. I liked Mew Mew Power. I've liked most dubs and the originals if I've seen them. Albeit, Sonic X wasn't high on my list. But Adventures wasn't either of that series. I really only liked Sonic Underground and SatAM.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I really don't watch newer anime stuff anymore. All my interest in animes nowadays are from the 70's and 80's with the Project A-ko movie being what I consider top tier. It's my opinion that anime hit a decline in the early 90's and went into freefall with the arrival of Evangelion. I don't like Evangelion. 
  • edited 2012-07-29 00:18:43
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    The only anime I've been really "into" as of late is Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt... >_>
  • TUMUT CREW REPRESENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tumut
    I tried to read Lucky Star once. It was horrible.
  • I really don't watch newer anime stuff anymore. All my interest in animes nowadays are from the 70's and 80's with the Project A-ko movie being what I consider top tier. It's my opinion that anime hit a decline in the early 90's and went into freefall with the arrival of Evangelion. I don't like Evangelion. 

    For all of its faults, I like Evangelion, but part of that is because Shinji reminds me a lot of myself when I was his age.

    My tastes in anime are split about halfway between some of the stuff from the 60s/70s/80s (especially Lupin III) and some modern stuff.
  • edited 2012-07-29 00:20:41
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I keep wanting to watch both of those things, Samurai.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Boney said:

    I tried to read Lucky Star once. It was horrible.

    I saw a little of the anime version.  I don't remember a lot about it, but from what I remember it was somewhat amusing, in a dry, observational way.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Bleh, as of today (July 29) there's only one month left till school starts. :\

    Dumb semester system; under quarters we were out until late September!
  • I'm a loser. Also, Creeper. And a woman.
    Only read a bit of Lucky Star. Was pretty funny, IMO.

    Never saw the anime, just snippets of themes.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Evangelion arrived and was received much like how the Star Wars Episode 1 trailer was received. When it ended its TV series run, it was received about the same way the entirety of Episode 1 was received. Those of you who remember the report from your friends that Ep1 was just the fucking greatest thing I ever saw EVER and I need to go watch it again so I can make sure I can pinpoint where all the awesome is because I missed it the first time around

    And it dragged out until eventually everyone realized that the bought into a show that was a gigantic smelly turd, but not until after the movies came out and they bought every single release of Fly Me To The Fucking Moon on every format possible. 

    (for the record I actually kind of liked Episode 1 but it's the best comparison I could think of.)
  • Anonus said:

    I keep wanting to watch both of those things, Samurai.

    Evangelion and Lupin III? If you're going to watch Lupin III, I'd suggest Lupin III part II, which was the second Television series and the longest running of all the series, running 155 episodes. It's good, campy 70s fun.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I'm reading the comments on Brand New's Chuck E. Cheese article.

    The number of people complaining about the commercial's use of "funner" because it teaches the little kids bad grammar! ;_; reminds me of the nonsense people spout about the Junie B. Jones series.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    And you just saw my suggestion for Evangelion
    I liked Evangelion as well, but looking back, it's obviously the product of someone that was very, very depressed. The constant reminders not to run away, the feeling (real or imagined) that people are simply fucking with you and no one really cares, the strong desire for a happy place, the mood swings and graphic violence...yeah, it's pretty harsh.

    When I was still watching anime, I gravitated to things that were overtly goofy comedies, like Excel Saga, Ebichu and, to a lesser extent, Azumanga Daioh. I never did get to watching Lucky Star, but I think that was more because of all the people perving over the cast than anything in the show itself.
  • Evangelion arrived and was received much like how the Star Wars Episode 1 trailer was received. When it ended its TV series run, it was received about the same way the entirety of Episode 1 was received. Those of you who remember the report from your friends that Ep1 was just the fucking greatest thing I ever saw EVER and I need to go watch it again so I can make sure I can pinpoint where all the awesome is because I missed it the first time around

    And it dragged out until eventually everyone realized that the bought into a show that was a gigantic smelly turd, but not until after the movies came out and they bought every single release of Fly Me To The Fucking Moon on every format possible. 

    (for the record I actually kind of liked Episode 1 but it's the best comparison I could think of.)

    Can't really say much other to that other than I disagree with you, unless we got into specifics. Hell, I'm the first to admit Evangelion was a convoluted mess, but I still enjoy it.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I thought Lucky Star was pretty decent. Of course, I was always halfway through a 12-pack when I watched it which probably allowed me to arrive at such an assessment. I found Excel Saga for used cheap and bought it and after about three episodes I threw it into the Goodwill bin -- I hated its idea of "humor" and its apparent ugly late 90's styling.

    Can't go wrong with Azumanga Daioh though. First anime labeled "comedy" that I thought was actually funny.  
  • edited 2012-07-29 00:44:44
    And I don't think the comparison to Episode I really works, either, aside from the whole "we sold this on technical spectacle and pulled the rug out later" issue. Episode I was inconsistent from start to finish; did it want to be taken seriously as a Star Wars sequel, or did it want to be a Disney live-action movie (complete with blatant product placement/Ben-Hur ripoff in the middle)? Evangelion managed to hold it together for a good 20 episodes, mixing the story of a ruined world and mysterious, super-powered alien invasion force and the equally powerful and mysterious giant mecha that fight them with the personal lives and struggles of their pilot. 

    Then after that, all hell breaks loose and Anno says "THIS IS MY ASS, TAKE A BIG SLURP." Congratulations! :P Thing is, at least he waited until the last few episodes to let us know we'd been had. With Episode I, it was right around the time the movie started. :(
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    lee4hmz said:

    Then after that, all hell breaks loose
    And by "all hell breaks loose" you mean "Gainax blew their entire budget 3/4 of the way into the season"
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Can't go wrong with Azumanga Daioh though. First anime labeled "comedy" that I thought was actually funny.

    Heh, I felt exactly the same.

    That said, I thought Baccano was pretty funny in places, but it's mainly not a comedy.
  • edited 2012-07-29 00:47:55

    Honestly, I liked the last two episodes. Hell, I cried during the last three minutes of episode 26, mostly becuase Shinji's emotional revelation was something I connected with very strongly from personal experience.
    Fouria G said:

    That said, I thought Baccano was pretty funny in places, but it's mainly not a comedy.

    A lot of the humor in Baccano came from Issac and Miria's antics for me.
    Yup. And then they made End of Evangelion, which was pretty much Anno covering "Fuck You!" decades before it was made.

    Fun fact: I actually started watching Azumanga Daioh because someone I knew on f_w in the mid-2000s had Azu avatars, and I thought they were cute. I had no idea the show was actually good until later. :lol:
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    A lot of the humor in Baccano came from Issac and Miria's antics for me.

    Same here.

    That was one of the things I liked most about the show, really; it's a completely different kind of show depending on who you regard as being the central character.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
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  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    If we're speaking honestly, I've only seen 5 minutes of Evangelion and that was from Roddy McDowell's fandub. I'm going from the assessments of still-angry fans who blew literally thousands of dollars on the LDs and soundtracks and other promotional/merchandise tie-ins this show was responsible for. Several of them being the writers from EX magazine who were the most vocal supporters of this show. 

    Oh wait as a joke a few years later a friend of mine was working on fansubbing the movie the queued up the Shinji/Asuka hospital scene. So I pretty much have only seen the two good things the show ever offered
  • If we're speaking honestly, I've only seen 5 minutes of Evangelion and that was from Roddy McDowell's fandub. I'm going from the assessments of still-angry fans who blew literally thousands of dollars on the LDs and soundtracks and other promotional/merchandise tie-ins this show was responsible for.

    Ah. That explains a lot.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Dentistry here isn't actually fully socialized; being a British citizen doesn't entitle you to free NHS dental care and the best dentists tend not to be NHS."

    It's certainly cheaper their then over here, though obviously this is not without its potential downsides, as mentioned.

    Here, there are lots of dentists options, but even the best dental insurance is kinda cruddy if you need lots of serious work done and one can spend buckets of cash fixing their teeth.

    You know what doesn't come up that much here?

    Anime and manga.

    only idiots draw that crap
    Heh, "whoosh" is the sound this joke makes as it goes over one or more posters heads...

    Regarding animu discussions: I like Eva..Probably more than I let myself believe, given  I have a five 5' tall Rei Wall scroll hanging next to my desk (in my defense, Friday was the one who fished it out and put it up, it had sat in a box for probably going on three years). 

    It helps that I'm in too religious studies, and Eva is a smorgasbord of Christian and Kabbalism imagery. 

    Azumanga is something I also own...Lucky Star I wouldn't mind owning, but it's occasionally a tad dull. I own Haruhi season one...

    I used to attend Anime club very regularly, even after college, but this changed when I moved to Portland, for whatever reason (probably because I already had friends here, and didn't need to fill that gap in my social life).

    My anime consumption has slowed down considerably, but I still try to watch the odd Anime I've never seen before, be it old or new.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Ah. That explains a lot.
    It does. Eva was peak anime for these folks and the only good thing I can think coming from them never shutting up about it for about two years straight was the fact that it got them to shut up about Key the Metal Idol which was some other highbrow show for the fans-with-money crowd. 

    The ending of the TV show and the movies had them thrown for a fucking loop, like how my friends were who came back from the night of the Phantom Menace premiere. Shit was awesome and obviously DEEP and repeated viewings and more merchandise purchases are clearly in order to understand this monument to pathos. It wasn't until later that they tried to view it objectively and they didn't like what they saw.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I'd say there's a lot to the ending that at least counts as "well thought out". I'll let others judge as to whether it's making any groundbreaking statements about reality, philosophy, human nature, etc... 
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Oh, one outstanding show from around Eva's time that was really good and probably everyone here is familiar with is CCS. Which has a Blu-Ray release that is very rare and goes for like thousands of dollars on Ebay. Unfortunately, whatever disease Anno was carrying passed on to CLAMP and they went about killing every property they owned with Tsubasa Chronicle shortly afterwards. 
  • edited 2012-07-29 01:30:07

    Ah. That explains a lot.

    It does. Eva was peak anime for these folks and the only good thing I can think coming from them never shutting up about it for about two years straight was the fact that it got them to shut up about Key the Metal Idol which was some other highbrow show for the fans-with-money crowd. 

    The ending of the TV show and the movies had them thrown for a fucking loop, like how my friends were who came back from the night of the Phantom Menace premiere. Shit was awesome and obviously DEEP and repeated viewings and more merchandise purchases are clearly in order to understand this monument to pathos. It wasn't until later that they tried to view it objectively and they didn't like what they saw.

    Well, It explains that for one thing, but I was also referring to the fact that your hate for it is based on only  seeing 5 minutes of it.

    As for the whole deepness thing, a lot of people drastically overstate the amount of depth to Evangelion, but a good bit of people understate the depth as well. Evangelion didn't present to me any information I didn't already know from taking a High school literature course on Existentialism or a college course on 20th century philosophy and it wasn't even close to the best presentation of those ideas, but it does have some value. I used the last two episodes to teach my 13 year old sister some of the basics of identity construction and the concept of the other.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Last two episodes are best ending.

    Whenever I loaned out my DVDs, I told whoever Ioaned them to "Watch episodes 1-24, watch the movies, watch the last two episodes". 

    This usually makes their heads hurt a lot less. 
  • i wish to come up with a song lyric for this signature, but no song lyrics are coming to mind

    Anime seems overrated to me.

    /relevant and thoughtful contribution to this conversation

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    No, the five minutes I saw was pretty incredible, and in english with Roddy McDowall as Gendo and his pals in other roles. From what I understand he put the dub together to because he was mad about AD Vision getting the license and their tendency to fuck things up in that department. Anyway if there's one thing Gainax can deliver, it's a strong start to a show. What they've only recently learned to was how to deliver an acceptable finish. 

    I've never seen the fandom react to a show quite like Eva. After Gundam, it was the second coming or that's how they treated it. Maybe that makes all the tenuous Biblical/Kabbalah references more relevant, I dunno. Carl Horn was some big-shot anime fan (and maybe he still is. I don't fucking know) who dug deeper than anyone else on all this religion-related crap and that's the genesis (get it? GET IT?) of all this SO DEEP shit when it comes to Eva. And boy, did he dig. I think he deconstructed every single bit of Hebrew mysticism in that one article alone. 

    I was a scrub fan at the time so nobody in the big important east/west coast clubs could be bothered to send me a tape of the show so I had to wait for it to be picked up stateside. Of course I was was keeping up with people's accounts of it on IRC and the like and then the series ended and that's when everyone started to get stupid about the show. They just got handed a turd of an ending (as we know now) that left them scratching their heads so clearly their minds were blown and they just didn't know it yet.  This attitude lasted for about a year or two after the movies and then finally they got tired of scratching their heads. By the time I was ready to give the show a whirl stateside, these some folks were all "don't bother" and gave me the 411. 

    So from what little I saw at the beginning (awesome) to how everyone hated Anno's guts at the end (hyuck) that was a pretty good indication to me that I could take their word for it. 
  • Funnily, I actually just got done watching episodes of the two anime I currently care about (Deadman Wonderland and Casshern Sins). Kill cashews, devour cashews.

    They're both a bit flawed, but I like them. Not so much the other shows on Toonami which is mostly stuff that's been on for years and isn't great to begin with (Cowboy Bebop is good, but again, it's been on for years).

    As for EVA, no comment. I've heard many things about it and don't plan to ever watch it.

    Only good shows Gainax has ever done, in my opinion, are Gurren Lagann and FLCL.

  • edited 2012-07-29 01:59:14

    ^^I see. I still have to disagree with your assessment of the show being a steaming pile of turd or even the ending being a turd. I'm kind of tired though, so I think I'm going to give this conversation a rest until I'm more coherent.
  • The only highly symbolic show I ever recall liking was Serial Experiments Lain, even if the creator was a total fuckwit (and he was).
    Lazuli: I'd add Ebichu to that list myself, but only because it's a comedy that doesn't take itself seriously in the slightest. And it's not so much that the tail end of Evangelion is bad, it's that it's almost completely incomprehensible unless you've been in therapy for years or unless you saw End of Eva first. A lot of people didn't like this.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    So last night when I had my little breakdown I found myself eating to comfort myself.

    why must i do that shit
  • I've never seen Ebichu.

    Regarding Lucky*Star, I actually found it to be genuinely funny. Though I could not tell you why. 

    As a tip though, never, ever, ever interact with that show's more hardcore fanbase. They're insane.

    Azumanga Daioh being funny is just a given. I also recommend The Essential Kriegstaffe #9 (I probably butchered that title) which re-cuts the AzuDaioh manga as a black comedy set in a world populated by eldritch beings.

  • edited 2012-07-29 02:09:20

    Read all two chapters of Rurouni Kenshin Kinema-ban manga. It's not a bad re-imagining of the series. Not the classic that Rurouni Kenshin was, but it's still pretty fun. Wish there were more chapters out though. Also wish they'd do a remake of the Rurouni Kenshin anime. I've been waiting for an animated adaptation of the Jinchu arc since I was 12.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I watched some of TTGL back in 2010, but stopped around episode 9. I keep wanting to watch the rest of it.
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