The Trash Heap of the Heapers' Hangout



  • Was that quoted from ED?
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    ^^^Um, I don't really know much about either of these people, but the guy who did the "trollan" seems to be the asshole here, not the other dude.

    Oh, Scott Kurtz is an asshole. It's one of his best qualities and I mean that. He's the Don Rickles of the webcomics world, and he says what he means and won't mince words. For the most part people don't like what he says but they will listen, he will get his point across and the only criticism they can make on what he says is "you're an asshole!" without even attacking or discrediting what he's asserting in the first place, usually because they can't. 

    Kurtz is also the one I mentioned a while back who was made fun of wholesale by the likes of Wiley and Rall whenever he applied to join the National Cartoonist's Society, so he can at least take what he dishes out. 
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Was that quoted from ED?

  • ^^^Um, I don't really know much about either of these people, but the guy who did the "trollan" seems to be the asshole here, not the other dude.

    Oh, Scott Kurtz is an asshole. It's one of his best qualities and I mean that. He's the Don Rickles of the webcomics world, and he says what he means and won't mince words. For the most part people don't like what he says but they will listen, he will get his point across and the only criticism they can make on what he says is "you're an asshole!" without even attacking or discrediting what he's asserting in the first place, usually because they can't. 

    Kurtz is also the one I mentioned a while back who was made fun of wholesale by the likes of Wiley and Rall whenever he applied to join the National Cartoonist's Society, so he can at least take what he dishes out. 

    What was his point, exactly? That Fred has a fragile ego?

    That's not hard to prove, I could prove it about half the people here. Including myself.

  • So I'm wondering why exactly Pixar's decided to make Finding Nemo 2.


    why do we need a sequel

    and is Nemo getting lost again?
  • I doubt it'll see the light of day, haven't they been making an Incredibles 2 forever, too?
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  • TreTre
    edited 2012-07-18 01:15:45
    Apparently that one is just a rumor, but FN2 already has Andrew Stanton on board to direct. Still, the main difference between The Incredibles and Finding Nemo in terms of their sequels is that their stories are really different in the way they end-- the adventure continues after The Incredibles (cuz a hero's work is never done), but Finding Nemo had a plot that didn't really leave any loose threads at its end (aside from maybe the Tank Gang in their bags, but we can figure they'd eventually break or get taken by birds or something).

    Then again, it's Pixar. They've only flubbed once and that flub wasn't even a terrible movie, so I guess it's OK to be excited. Guess we'll figure out in 4 years.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I feel slightly odd that I've only seen three of Pixar's movies
  • edited 2012-07-18 01:20:57
    Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    ^^I do, too. I can never think of anything to start them back up.

    It doesn't help this particular one that I probably can't add much anyway. I have a doctor's appointment later in the morning, so I should probably get to bed in a few minutes.
  • I hate this new trend of obscure, wannabe underground rappers dissing every mainstream rapper they can name to be TOUGH AND COOL.

    As a note, it does not make you TOUGH AND COOL to diss people who are popular unless your name is KRS-One, and these people are most certainly not named KRS-One.

    Most of the time, these disses are also stupid as hell. "Waka Flocka Flame had sex with a fish"? Really Charles Hamilton? How the hell would you know that? Furthermore, why would you care? Is that something that interests you? Are you subtly implying that you wish to join Flocka in his fish-orgy?

    I just don't get this trend, well no, I do get it. It's people being stuck in 1993, is what it is. Cuz since it totally worked then for people far more talented than you twenty years ago, it's gonna work for you now, right?

    I hate my fellow 'heads sometimes.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    1993 was the last good year.
  • Hey.

    I was born in '94.

    Fuck you mayn.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Well, it's subjective. 1994 was the beginning of my future and my past.
  • How dualistic.

    Here's a yin-yang symbol.

    All right, time for me to call it a night. Later!
  • edited 2012-07-18 01:29:48
    Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Who else was born in '94? Pretty sure Anonus was.

    And good night Lee.
  • edited 2012-07-18 01:29:53
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Good night, Lee.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    What was his point, exactly? That Fred has a fragile ego?

    That's not hard to prove, I could prove it about half the people here. Including myself.

    From hearsay, it's because Scott sees Fred as being just as much of an asshole as anyone else especially over the whole Rodney affair and took advantage of that situation to take a jab at Fred.  

  • Waka Flocka Flame

    Lex Luger beats suck.

  • Waka Flocka Flame

    Lex Luger beats suck.

    How do you actually know who's in the Brick Squad?

    Like that's not an insult, I am genuinely curious as to how you know if you don't like them.

    What was his point, exactly? That Fred has a fragile ego?

    That's not hard to prove, I could prove it about half the people here. Including myself.
    From hearsay, it's because Scott sees Fred as being just as much of an asshole as anyone else especially over the whole Rodney affair and took advantage of that situation to take a jab at Fred.  

    Okay see I have no idea what any of this means, so when I looked at that I saw a guy basically picking on someone who I've been told is clinically depressed. Which seems....rather hard to justify.

    I mean I don't read Megatokyo (tried to get into it once years ago, found it boring), so I don't really follow this guy's personal life.

    Come to think of it I think that's a problem with fandoms these days. We're all so caught up in what our favorite creators are doing. It doesn't help that most of them have twitters and are more than willing to oblige.

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    And Yarrun!

    Many cool people born in '94. Can't be a coincidence.
  • I heard some stuff, I didn't like it.

    I don't see what's hard to get there.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I guess Fouria's choose your own adventure bit the dust.
  • I heard some stuff, I didn't like it.

    I don't see what's hard to get there.

    Fair enough, I suppose.

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  • okay I need to slow my life down.

    I was unaware that there was a member of the British royalty named Princess Maxima.

    Princess Motherfucking Maxima.

    Is she related to She-Ra?

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  • No, but I assume that every ''female'' gamer is really male 19.75% 1318


  • edited 2012-07-18 01:49:48
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    ^^Do you think that feeling will go away?
  • Lumine said:

    I cannot feel my mouth. Is this bad? >_<

    Yeah, generally.
  • edited 2012-07-18 01:51:33
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  • TUMUT CREW REPRESENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tumut
    Honestly, given how little they probably interact with them, it's not that surprising to find out that a large part of GameFAQs doesn't believe in women.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • GameFAQs FAQs -- Often Useful

    GameFAQs Everything Else -- Often Retarded

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  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.

    Okay see I have no idea what any of this means, so when I looked at that I saw a guy basically picking on someone who I've been told is clinically depressed. Which seems....rather hard to justify.

    I mean I don't read Megatokyo (tried to get into it once years ago, found it boring), so I don't really follow this guy's personal life.

    Come to think of it I think that's a problem with fandoms these days. We're all so caught up in what our favorite creators are doing. It doesn't help that most of them have twitters and are more than willing to oblige.

    I'm only guessing at what Scott's motivation was, but I'm pretty sure that most of it was just him being a jerk as usual. 
  • *shrug*

    I make an active attempt to avoid people like that (it's not always entirely possible, but I like to keep interaction with them to a bare minimum) personally. 

    I'm told I'm thin-skinned because of it, I dunno. Maybe I am.

    In other news, the memes page on TVTropes provides endless reading enjoyment as usual. It's like Knowyourmeme but shorter and with less people going DEADPOOL

  • Touch the cow. Do it now.

  • So hey, I must just be stupid because I never knew that "Chocolate Rain" had a sequel.

    And it's ah.

    It's pretty amazing.

    Like, the kind of amazing where it's bad but in a good way.

  • He's got quite the voice.
  • He does.

    It's like Barry White's nerdy nephew or something.

  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I think the amount of attention he got for it (almost all of it positive) was really cool
  • So apparently DragonForce (the only metal band I ever liked, yeah you can kill me now, it's okay, I understand) is still a band, apparently.

    Their lead singer moved on though. Shame.

  • I think the amount of attention he got for it (almost all of it positive) was really cool

    Me too.

    I hope he's doing well for himself somewhere.

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