

2012-06-16 12:23:18
Last Active
2012-06-16 22:24:45


  • Yeah they're probably more common in places with huge yards. I mean if it's 10 feet to the house you'd hope you could just see them.
  • I used one in heartgold. That is how I killed Miltank taking only one hit. Serene grace headbutt! But anyway it was pain to get, who wants to go in a cave where there is a 5% chance of getting a pokemon with two different abilities, one of which i…
  • Omg that is beautiful. Though if you have nothing that can kill it oh god yes. Isn't it supposed to steal your soul if you look at the back?
  • I could see how you would think that, though it is a bit weird. It's TONS of fun to troll people with. 3 on 3 battle confusion :P
  • Yeah they don't have them where I live in Cali honestly. You can get them done, but no one ever does.
  • Favorite pokemon? So many options T.T Probably togekiss, it's a ton of fun to use, really cute, and it trolls everyone. Though for usefulness Smeargle (passing on ridiculous moves through his egg group) and ditto (no explanation needed) are really…

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