
  • I moused over the link, saw "analysis of One Piece" and headdesked through the desk and through my head.
    I feel like I'm reading a book report written by a kid who thinks he's smarter than he is.
  • I didn't realize One Piece fans really liked the word "nakama" that much I really thought that was just a TVT thing.
  • kill living beings
    what makes this good is i have no idea who jordan peterson is. so i'm imagining there's just some normal dude named jordan peterson, and someone (perhaps himself) started a subreddit about him and his way of thinking, and they made up words like "petersonian"
  • I've learned in the past few minutes that Jordan Petersen thinks Frozen was propaganda made to convince people that men are unnecessary, and thinks that women shouldn't have careers and instead should just have children forever.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    what makes this good is i have no idea who jordan peterson is. so i'm imagining there's just some normal dude named jordan peterson, and someone (perhaps himself) started a subreddit about him and his way of thinking, and they made up words like "petersonian"

    He's a psychologist dude who become a guru to idiots just by throwing a temper tantrum about using the pronouns his students wanted and getting in trouble for it.

    Because that's all you have to do to become a Thought Leader for morons today. It used to be you at least had to write a book about atheism.
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