SO, HEAPERS. I heard you wanted to lose weight and divide from The Fatness®

edited 2012-01-17 01:48:41 in General
Fat doesn't get burned by starving yourself. You have to use it.

How do you use it?

Here's how. Exercise. Find an object that weighs 25 pounds. Put it into a backpack. Walk for 30-60 minutes. Once every day. Watch what you eat. Multiply the Servings by the Calories, Fat and Cholestrol you consume, and use the internet to research what you are eating. Check sugar too. If the foods you eat hit over 40g of Sugar in a single serving BE FUCKING CAREFUL. 40g of sugar is A LOT.

You know the candy Smarties, right? Each smarty is 1g of sugar. Now think of eating 40 of those. Yeah. A normal can of pop usually has around 40g in it.

Your body is very fickle. It will absorb fat even if you don't need it, which is the main way The Fatness recruits you into it's Fat Hell Program to where people won't find you attractive and it hurts to bend over. Your body is thinking "I need this for later." Because it's true. When you consume calories, and your body is using it, it will use any excess fat to convert into something it can use for energy...but ONLY if you are actually using them.

It doesn't even matter if you eat broccoli or carrots. If you aren't  using that energy it's just going to build up as fat as you sit at the computer or lay on the couch. You have to go out and use it and make your body go "I can't wait to be a useful piece of shit and use all these calories", and it will as your body demands energy to keep up with your activities. When it runs out of calories gained from your food it will go "fuck now I'm burning all this fat" since it's too late to wait for more calories to be taken in, so it will break down fat to make up for missing calories.

If you do this without obtaining any worthwhile nutrients though (drinking only water, starving yourself, undereating etc.) your body will go "Fuck bro, I have nothing, I better use these muscle proteins for energy" and then soon, you will be destroying your body and hurting yourself from tricking your body into using the wrong things for energy. Ever wonder why you feel sore and tingly after exercising without eating? It's because you had no calories for it to use.

Always try to consume as less fat as possible. not all of it is bad, but you don't need 8g of fat sitting around when calories and what not are far more desirable.

Instead of grabbing that 99 cent bag of chips, buy an apple, or a carrot. It may not taste as good, but your body will make more use of it. The reason that bag of doritoes is 99 cents is because it's filled with a ton of filler, bleached flour and undergenerated corn meal. Your body has no use for a ton of the things inside of the chips, which is why your poop ends up so bulky afterwards.

your stomach will look at this wad of digested chips and go

"hmm, some fat, a few calories, thiamin, salt...but what the fuck is the rest of this shit for Bob?"
"-shrug- I don't make it taste good?"
"whatever, just flush it out."

Same goes for many food colorings, Soy additives, Flour, Corn Meal, MSGs, and a few other things added to make the foods taste good. None of it is useful, but it doesn't exactly kill you, so the food companies are like "IT WILL MAKE US MORE MONEY THAN NON-GOOD-FLAVORED FOOD" so they throw it in. After all, if Kraft's cheese wasn't bright orange but a dingy tan color would you still buy it?

Either way, remember these tips:

1 Eat things that aren't as fattening and filled with random bullshit you don't need.
2. Eat to gain energy, and use that energy. Don't live to eat, eat to live.
3. Move around a lot to use energy and get your body to tear into that fat library.
4. Drink water. Because water is important.

There you go


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