

  • edited 2014-07-29 01:25:00
    Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Considering that it's a 1 drop and Naxx is coming out with a bunch of good Deathrattle cards, I think undertaker could be used to great effect in certain decks. I think tempo/aggro decks could use a cheap minion that could potentially be a 3/4 or higher.
  • I feel like most intelligent players would kill it before it became much of a threat.

    It's one of those low-cost minions that I think weirdly works better as a late-game play just because you've got enough excess mana to burn on summoning like, four Nerubian cards or w/e.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Well, I dunno, it could work pretty well as an early game play as well.

    Turn 1 Undertaker, Turn 2 Haunted Creeper and you've got a 2/3 and a 1/2 on the board, and if they don't kill it from there it just spirals out of control.

    Besides, if they cast spells/trade minions to kill it, those are spells/minions they're not using on your higher cost guys.
  • That's true. I was also under the mistaken impression that Undertaker was a 1/1 by default and not a 1/2, that makes it a good deal more survivable actually.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Yep yep. It seems like a card that's entirely dependent on the composition of your deck. If you carry a bunch of cheap deathrattles, you can get it pretty strong.

    Hell, a turn 1 of Undertaker + Coin + Leper Gnome would be absolutely amazing.
  • They say Leper Gnome is good.

    Stupidly I kind of just don't want it in my decks because I find its voice clip annoying.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    Leper Gnome is only really good if you're playing Aggro. Otherwise, an Abusive Sergeant or a Worgen Infiltrator will probably suit your needs better.

    ...And yes. He's incredibly annoying. Though I can't help but find the line "GIVE ME A BIIIIG HUUUUG" at least a little endearing.
  • Speaking of voice clips one of my favorite things about this game is picking out all the reused assets they used to save money.

    Usually it's voice. They're still doing it even now that the game's successful (most recently, Dark Cultist's "the damned stand ready" is from Warcraft III, I believe it's been slightly pitchbent).
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    I never played old Blizzard games, but I remember one of my friends (and old roommate) was a big fan and was super excited to hear stuff like the "looking for match" music being warcraft music, and the "Job's Done" when you run out of mana.

    It's pretty great, really, because they hit all the right nostalgia triggers and save money while they're at it.
  • "Job's Done" is what the human worker would say when finishing a building yep.

    Some of the cards are also meme references. Leeroy Jenkins is infamous of course, but Raid Leader also gets all of his lines from an old video where a guy was barking orders to his orc raiding party in WoW while in-character.

    I just hope they add Warchief Basic Campfire to the game someday.
  • so I'm doing alright with this Rogue Deck even though I am not entirely sure what to call this particular kind of deck (I envisioned it as a control but it's usually too aggro to be a control, and too low-key to be aggro, idk I'm sure there's a name for this), and am wondering where I should strike out next in my attempt to git gud at Hearthstone.
  • so I pulled off the Faceless Manipulator / Big Game Hunter combo for the first time today against a mage using Deathwing. They immediately conceded.

    I have never felt so smart.
  • clocked out at 6-3 in the arena today. I think that's a personal best.
  • I'm "Aguy" on battle.net for anybody who wants to challenge me or needs somebody to spectate when the daily quest is spectating a friend.

    Surprised that name wasn't already taken by now, TBH.
  • Guess who just pulled Herald Volazj and a Golden Boogie Man?

    it was me.

    I'm "Aguy" on battle.net for anybody who wants to challenge me or needs somebody to spectate when the daily quest is spectating a friend.

    Surprised that name wasn't already taken by now, TBH.
    You need to post your ID number too.
  • They are respectively the third and fourth legendaries I've ever pulled.
  • edited 2016-07-23 01:38:00
    ^^ Aguy#11986

    ^ Grats!

    I've playing through the two solo adventures accessible to me using only gold I made through winning games and completing quests, at the rate of about a chapter per week. Having done the League of Explorers first and having just purchased the last part of Blackrock Mountain, I'm now back to buying card packs. Here are a few of my recent acquisitions:

    Flamewreathed Faceless: Earlier this year, I was talking to other players about how I hated this card. Part of the reason was because, well, I didn't have one of my own. Well, now I do. So long, Fireguard Destroyer! You'll have to find a home in somebody else's deck. Your one less point of overload doesn't make up for your RNG-related possibility of relative uslessness.

    Shado-Pan Rider: This should help my Rogue deck, which seems to need an improvement based on how often I lose with Valeera lately.

    Harrison Jones: This is the only Legendary I've gotten from buying card packs so far. (I got C'Thun with WotOG, of course, and have the Legendaries from the two adventures.) Haven't used it yet...
  • edited 2016-07-23 11:34:05
    So I had a game some time ago where I had a Grim Patron or two on the board and my opponent played a C'thun. Of course it resulted in many more Grim Patrons. The thing is that he was almost dead by that point and didn't have any hope of finishing me off with that move, so I think he was just like "Ah, fuck it."

    However, just now I finished another game that was actually close, where I had nothing but two Grim Patrons on the board, 13 health or so, and the Hunter I was playing against has a silenced Giant Sand Worm. If he'd just stuck with the Sand Worm then he might have been able to kill me, but instead he decided to play his C'thun. (Which had been raised to 8/8.) The RNG was not kind to him, giving me four Patrons by the end of it, and him with nothing able to attack me except the Sand Worm.

    It resulted in me winning. I wish I had more opponents who didn't think things through like that.
  • edited 2016-07-25 05:52:47
    Tonight I was trying to win another three games to get that last ten gold that would put me over 100 once again, so I could buy another pack. After my second victory, something happened that I wasn't expecting and had never heard of before!


    So I'm pretty happy, and I spent the 400 total gold on packs. Let's see what's inside...

    *goes back into the game to open packs*

    EDIT: Didn't realize it was one image per post, so none of the card images I put here showed up. Well, I got a Fist Of Jaraxxus for my Warlock, and a Golden Shadowfiend in the first pack I opened. In the next one was none other than Hogger, Doom of Elwynn. There wasn't anything that really thrilled me in the next pack, with the Rare being a Crazed Alchemist. I suppose it could be handy to swap a minion's attack and health, like if I want to one-shot a Gurubashi Berserker, say. I was much happier to get a Master Jouster in the last pack I opened; 5/6, and if he wins the Joust he gets Taunt and Divine Shield. Pretty sweet.
  • So, a new adventure set in Karazhan is coming in August!
  • edited 2016-07-29 22:37:07
    Well, you could just save gold from daily quests for a while. That's what I plan to do.

    EDIT: Oh hey, just watched the trailer, which said to go to karazhan.com at the end. So I did, and it says there that the first part of this adventure is free.
  • you need like actually several thousand gold to buy adventure wings, it's not worth it.

    That's nice, though.
  • also hey I sent you a friend request

    I've had a "duel a friend" quest sitting in my queue for like two weeks if you wanna play at some point today
  • Do you want some advice or do you just kinda not care.
  • edited 2016-07-29 23:42:55
    Lol, yes, I'll take all the advice I can get.

    I think I did acceptably with my Rogue deck since at one point it was about even, although I probably should have just bit the bullet and directly attacked your Cult Sorceror and taken the 3 damage instead of letting her hit me more than once. The problem I frequently run into with Valeera is that she can't attack any minions without losing health (unless it's something with zero attack), so she's squishier than I'd prefer. (At least Garrosh can Armor Up.) I do have two Earthen Ring Farseers in that deck, but didn't end up drawing one. I also used to use the Tournament Medic to try to keep myself healed, not sure if that was a better approach or not.

    With Druid I usually don't get beaten that fast. Two Healing Touches in my deck along with Feral Rage have made most of my matches pretty long with me being able to regain a good chunk of health or armor when I get in trouble.

    My typical tactic against Jaina, with anybody, is to go into it assuming she's ready to sheep the first minion I play that's really dangerous, and just hope that she uses up her polymorphs and fireballs so that she has nothing left when I finally play my Scaled Nightmare. (Which I usually save for when my opponent's hand is empty or almost empty and when there's no minion on the board who can one-shot it, if possible. It sucks to play that dragon only to see it get sheeped, executed, assassinated, or whatever.)

    EDIT: Oh, also! I think Karazhan may be cheaper than you think, because when I bought Blackrock Mountain and League Of Explorers wing by wing it always cost me 700g each. (I suppose the entire adventure might cost several thousand gold, and maybe that's what you meant.)
  • Well for one thing that deck (mine) is a burn deck, so I can zap most minions you play (I also have my recently-crafted Yogg-Saron in there as a hail mary if things go wrong and I can't lock the game early, it is not quite an optimized deck) But this isn't about specific counters.

    Some things, in no order:

    • Ironforge Rifleman is one of the worst cards in the game
    • so is Silverback Patriarch
    • Give Me A Quest Man is not quite that bad but he's still pretty bad
    • your deck didn't seem to have much of a board presence at all, you dropped minions only very rarely 
    • never, ever, ever go face with a weapon if it's not for the kill
    • if you're playing Mage, always assume they're going for an aggro strat. If you're wrong you can course-correct later. If you assume they're going control it's much harder to fix that mistake if you're wrong
    • use the website Icy-Veins for strategizing and deckbuilding. Every other site I've found is user-curated which is a problem because everyone thinks their strategy is great and you have no way of knowing who's legend rank and who's Rank 20. Icy-Veins' Hearthstone section is run by one dude and he is literally a professional
  • edited 2016-07-30 00:06:08
    Okay, thanks. In my defense, I got the Rifleman from the scarab. Usually when I use it I get better options than that (really great when one of the choices is Edwin VanCleef), but in that case I think the Rifleman was the only minion, and a minion was what I needed.

    The gorilla is in my deck because I've got two Marks of Y'Shaarj. The prospect of not only buffing a minion but getting to draw a card is tempting, so I included a lot of Beasts. But I might remove him and replace him with another Ironfur Grizzly, which might be a better early-game Taunt option.

    The full druid deck I have looks like this:

    Ravel Idol x2
    Acidic Swamp Ooze
    Mark of the Wild x2
    Mark of Y'Shaarj x2
    Power of the Wild
    Disciple of C'thun
    Healing Touch x2
    Ironfur Grizzly x2 (Oh, THAT'S why I have the Silverback, I guess. So much for replacing him with a bear, although maybe I can get something else.)
    Mark of Nature
    Questing Adventurer (He actually has won me some games after getting leveled up sufficiently, so I'll stick with him for now)
    Silverback Patriarch
    Twilight Elder
    Swipe x2
    Tomb Spider x2
    Scaled Nightmare
    Core Hound
    Ironbark Protector

    I'm not sure whether with C'thun I should avoid taking a halfway approach; the two C'thun-boosting minions reliably get him up to 10/10 or higher, but that's only if I draw them both before I draw C'thun, and that doesn't always happen. Do you think C'thun's only worth having in your deck if it's full of related minions, or at least more than those two?

    Anyway, I'll have a look at Icy-Veins.

    EDIT: Huh, just noticed something. In most of my decks I include a Blood Knight. Nothing like nullifying a minion's Divine Shield advantage while simultaneously getting a buff. (Or, with a Paladin, playing Steward Of Darkshire, Stand Against Darkness, and then Blood Knight to turn the 3/3 minion into an 18/18.) But for some reason I didn't have one of those with my druid. Well, I'll rectify that.
  • C'thun is actually better with only a few minions buffing him. Too many and you overrun your deck with mostly useless shit like Twilight Geomancer.
  • Okay. I guess taunt minions with low attack aren't too effective.

    I do find that guys like Twilight Elder are effective soft taunts. Let me see what I've got in my Warlock deck...

    Okay, it's actually not that bad, I think. I've got a Twilight Geomancer that I guess I'll get rid of (I guess C'thun doesn't necessarily need to have Taunt most of the time since your opponent will try to kill him as soon as possible, unless you're almost dead and it'd be easier to go around the Old God and go face), but the others are pretty useful. Two Disciples, two Elders, one Skeram Cultist, one Usher Of Souls, and one Doomcaller.
  • Honestly even that seems like too many.
  • Hmm, could be, I guess. My strategy with that particular deck--you can tell me if it's any good or not--is this:

    -Make liberal use of my hero power to keep drawing extra cards so that I increase the chances of not only drawing C'thun, but also Sir Finley;
    -Play Finley;
    -Pray that one of the hero powers I get to choose from is either Armor Up, Lesser Heal, or Shapeshift so that I can start building my health back up again and become more difficult to kill;
    -End it all by playing C'thun on turn ten when, if all goes according to plan, he'll have really high stats;
    -Don't play the Doomcaller until after C'thun, in case he gets eliminated;
    -Hope that if I'm playing against a mage or shaman that they've burned their sheeps and frogs, or just haven't drawn one yet; the Doomcaller shuffles C'thun into your deck if he's dead, not if he's been turned into something else and then killed.

    I used to use Reno, btw, but that wasn't working out too well and I ditched him so that I could put two of more things in my deck.
  • Not a hybrid rabbit-skink spirit
    I find cthun decks tend to have 2 copies each of 2-3 cthun boosters, along with the class specific 10 attack cthun minion ( in this case Klaaxi Amberweaver), and of course the Twin Emperors (though obviously understandable if you can't get a hold of it)
  • Yeah, I don't have those yet.
  • edited 2016-07-30 15:37:27
    Oooo, I got something nice in the pack I bought last night!

    I removed the one weapon I had been using with Garrosh--King's Defender--and replaced it with this.

    But I would be interested in people's opinions as to whether that was a good move or not. Gorehowl is best for attacking minions, and I was using King's Defender to hit my opponent in the face for the most part. Since I have plenty of Taunt minions with Garrosh (not counting what I might get from a scarab or a spider) I've usually been able to get it up to 3 durability. On the other hand, there have been plenty of times when I've used my weapon on minions because that was the best way to deal with them at the time, and if I need to do that regularly (as opposed to killing them with a spell or with another minion) then Gorehowl would seem to be the best choice. It'd allow me to one-shot a Shieldmasta, which I couldn't do with King's Defender.

    As it happens I also got Upgrade in the same pack, so I could give Gorehowl one more durability if I added that to my Warrior deck. I'd need to get rid of something else, though, which I'm nto sure I want to do.

    Anyway, any and all advice is still welcome.
  • Hey, you know Forbidden Shaping, that Priest spell? I use it all the time, either when I get to turn ten or earlier when I have nothing else to play.

    The other day I learned NOT to play it on turn nine, when I saw my opponent do it and summon...Majordomo Executus. Getting turned into an 8-health Ragnaros on the next turn lost them the game.
  • Bump now that Mean Streets is out and Yarrun plays sometimes.
  • Sometimes is a bit reaching at the moment, but I'm interested and I've played a few games and I'll probably play some more.
  • now you have to pick a gang to say is your favorite
  • Mage. There's not even an argument about that. Any class that allows me to fireball someone to death is the right one.
  • image

    this is my religion, you don't have to like it but you must respect it
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