Concerned Parents Against Bix Dugan

edited 2014-07-07 11:48:50 in General
You may be drawn in by Bix Dugan's effortless charm, and shiny hair, and fast smile, and bad boy street smarts, and lean but muscular body, but this Bix is nothing but a troublemaker poisoning our community with his reefer, and making our children into Anarcho-Punks/Bikers/Bohemians/Cybergoths/Emos/Glam Rockers/Goths/Gothic Lolitas/Greasers/Gutter Punks/Hardcore Punks/Hip Hop B-boy Graffiti Artists/Hippies/Hipsters/Juggalos/Leatherdaddies/Mods/New Agers/Nudists/Pachucho/Punk Punks/Rastas/Ravers/Riot Grrrls/Rockabillies/ Satanists/Skaters/Surfers/Swingers/Teenyboppers/ and Zazous.

He CANNOT be allowed to do this, and must die tragically in the last act as a misunderstood rebel against a society that didn't understand even itself in the end.


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