
  • An ideal America for me would be one where owning any gun is illegal

    but since that is rather impractical in the short term, I am glad to see that most people--even other gun owners--think gun fetishists are crazy.

    it does say a lot though that what's actually quite a small minority of the country has such a disproportionate say in policy in what is ostensibly a democratic country.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    An ideal America for me would be one where owning any gun is illegal

    This seems a bit extreme... I wouldn't want that even for Britain.

    There are plenty of legitimate reasons to have guns, even if you don't believe defending your home is among them.
  • The only one I can think of that I don't personally consider unethical is sport shooting, which you can do with BB guns and similar types of nonlethal ammunition.

    I should point out I don't really consider hunting OK either. Though I don't think it's controversial to say that hunting for sustenance is less outrageously stupid than hunting for sport.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    What about vermin control?

    I don't agree that hunting for sport is 'outrageously stupid', either.  I wouldn't personally enjoy it, but it's beneficial to conservation if done sustainably.
  • Rodent traps work better and are more humane (usually). For that matter, so do cats.

    I'm not an expert on the subject of conservation, but I sincerely doubt there are enough sports hunters in the United States to make a significant dent in any non-endangered animal's population.
  • edited 2014-06-18 16:50:53
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    "Vermin" includes animals much larger than rats.  Foxes, for instance, and coyotes.

    In the UK, at least, large areas of the countryside are preserved and managed for the purpose of sport hunting, so I feel it plays an important role in keeping our woodland from being swallowed up by fields and urban sprawl.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Vermin control is an excuse used to kill starving wolves even though they are endangered and only attack cattle because they're too desperate not to and the cattle are too weak and sick to pose a challenge. The ranchers who claim that endangered animals are a threat to their livelihood are more often than not using it as a cover for even more unethical behaviour and it is simply repulsive.

    Hunting with the intention to use the animals that you kill as food is perfectly fine in my book given that it is sometimes the only way that certain people can obtain sustenance, but sport hunting entails a certain level of sadism that I cannot condone. This is particularly true of canned hunts and, dear gods, fox hunting. Oh, you like to see a small defenceless animal ripped apart by hounds, do you? How would you like to be ripped apart by hounds? I hate those people. I hate them and I hate the fact that conservation of lands in Britain so often seems to hinge on that disgusting blood rite.
  • That does not happen in the United States.

    I am not sure what significant threat foxes and coyotes pose to anyone who is not a farmer. Even then, I am sure there are ways of dealing with them that both do not require guns and are more effective.
  • the same electric discouragement fences (god that sounds like an Aperture Science product) that they use to keep dogs from leaving their yards spring to mind.
  • I can't say that I'd like all guns to be illegal. Heavily regulated and without a significant sub-culture that treats them as man-cards, yes, but not completely illegal. 

    Hunting for subsistence sustenance is okay. Shooting stuff to make it blow up (with sufficient safety guidelines and whatnot) is okay because blowing things up is fun. Dealing with legitimate pest problems (like, rabbits in Australia or something) is incredibly regretful but sometimes necessary.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Nether foxes nor coyotes are endangered.  Nor are rabbits, or most species of deer.  All these animals significantly harm farming.

    Fox hunting is horrendous and I do not support it in the slightest, but there are less cruel methods of hunting.
  • OK, let me put it this way

    I would like it that, if a person living in the United States wished to go their entire lives without ever seeing a gun in person, they could do so.
  • edited 2014-06-18 16:55:25
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Coyotes do pose a slight threat in urban areas, but that is not to be blamed on the coyotes so much as urban sprawl, and there are better solutions than firearms.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Tachyon said:

    Fox hunting is horrendous and I do not support it in the slightest, but there are less cruel methods of hunting.

    Good. I was slightly worried there for a second.

    I apologise for my tone. I have the most violent, visceral hatred for fox hunters that it just makes me completely irrational. That sort of thing is half the reason why I am at all sympathetic to groups like the ALF. That kind of cruelty literally makes me want to hurt people.
  • edited 2014-06-18 16:59:33

    idk if that's possible given that you have cops in schools and they, of course, have guns. i understand the general sentiment i guess, but i dont think i've ever seen a firearm outside of the possession of an officer of the law either so i'm not sure how making guns totally illegal for civilian use would change that.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    idk if that's possible given that you have cops in schools and they, of course, have guns. but i understand the general sentiment i guess, but i dont think i've ever seen a firearm outside of the possession of an officer of the law either so i'm not sure how making guns totally illegal for civilian use would change anything?

    But that's because the St. Paul/Minneapolis area is, like, a sane part of the country.
  • idk if that's possible given that you have cops in schools and they, of course, have guns. i understand the general sentiment i guess, but i dont think i've ever seen a firearm outside of the possession of an officer of the law either so i'm not sure how making guns totally illegal for civilian use would change that.

    cops generally have their guns concealed, at least around here. They also don't usually carry anything more powerful than a handgun.

    What I am getting at I suppose is that I want gun culture to die an ironically violent death so that we can move on to talking about these things rationally as a country instead of any attempt at regulation being met with violent "BUT WE NEED TO PROTECT OUR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS OR ELSE THE GOVERNMENT WILL COME AND STEAL MUH GUNS I'M HOARDING TO FIGHT OFF THE GOVERNMENT". That kind of culture is everywhere up here, and it's awful. I knew people in high school who legitimately thought that it was perfectly legal to assassinate a political leader under the first amendment.
  • I want gun culture to die an ironically violent death so that we can move on to talking about these things rationally as a country instead of any attempt at regulation being met with violent "BUT WE NEED TO PROTECT OUR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS OR ELSE THE GOVERNMENT WILL COME AND STEAL MUH GUNS I'M HOARDING TO FIGHT OFF THE GOVERNMENT". That kind of culture is everywhere up here, and it's awful.

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Setting aside that your neck of the woods be cray-cray—and god am I ever sorry that it is—I completely agree that gun culture either needs to die or needs to change radically in order for this country to move forward. I have relatively little problem with people who collect weapons for the purposes of showing them or even practising using them with the understanding that they will never actually need to use them and shouldn't have to, but too often it's paired with the mentality that everyone wants to take away your "freedoms"—an idea perpetuated by gun-makers and rightist wackos.

    Guns need to stop being seen as a right and start being seen as things that maim and kill.
  • I should clarify that the mobile home park we moved into is actually pretty tame, everyone here is too old and tired to be angry about anything.


    the idea that the second amendment exists to protect the gun rights of civilians is a myth in of itself. It related to continental state armies originally, if I remember correctly.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I figured the "First Amendment" thing was an intentional jab at the people who praise the Constitution but are ignorant of what it actually says.

    Also: most uniformed police officers, in my experience, don't conceal their weapons per se, because...well, what would the point be?

    In this part of the country, at least, you also see private security guards armed from time to time, though this is applied fairly sensibly. The guy charged with transporting large quantities of cash is armed, because otherwise he'd be making himself a huge target. The guy whose job is to confront shoplifters at Best Buy is not.
  • edited 2014-06-18 17:16:04
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Yeah, I figured you weren't talking about cops, Mo.

    Re: sport hunting, the type of hunting most important for the purpose of UK conservation is pheasant hunting (grouse in Scotland), for food, sport, or both.  Pheasants require woodland environments, and so the native British woodland is preserved.  This is vitally important for wildlife, since farmland cannot sustain wild plants and animals; a square acre of managed farmland supports less wildlife than a square acre of London.  A pheasant living in the wild lives a happier, healthier life than a domesticated chicken, even a free-range chicken.  A similar case can be made for the hunting of rabbits, which if left unchecked can be incredibly destructive in any case.

    Shooting is usually a quick death, and causes no more suffering than predation in the wild, unlike 'sports' such as fox-hunting, badger-baiting, bullfighting, dogfighting and cockfighting.  The subjection of animals to prolonged suffering for entertainment is monstrous, and should always be illegal.  I didn't mean to give the impression I supported it.
  • edited 2014-06-18 17:17:51
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^^ Precisely. Like the amendment on quartering soldiers, it is all to do with combating British laws aimed at quelling insurrection. The people have the right to form police forces and an army to protect the territory.

    ^ I can buy that. Hunting pheasants for food and whatnot is all right with me. It's torturing small animals to death for the sake of it that makes me want to do bad things to bad people.
  • edited 2014-06-18 17:25:42
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    I admit that I used to not have any real problem with gun rights. That's probably because most of the guns in Canada are hunting rifles, and hence, there's no real "gun culture" like what you have in the States.

    I've caught up quite a bit on how the political system in the United States works over the past year or so thanks to dear, so now I understand "gun culture" and realize that the NRA must be stopped.

    I realize that isn't going to be easy, but I wish you guys luck in doing so.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    "Gun culture" was one of the primary reasons I wanted to run away from the US

    But somehow I got over it

    I don't quite know how, either
  • edited 2014-06-18 17:25:09
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^ Thank you.

    The main qualm that I have with Canada and guns is that apparently canned hunting is legal in some provinces and rich guys from the US go up to places like Alberta to get drunk and shoot helpless grouse for kicks. That is grotesque. But I can't blame that on Canadian gun culture the way that I can blame the availability of expanded magazine handguns on American gun culture.
    I've heard arguments (that may or may not be strawmen) that the Second Amendment makes it legal to carry any weapon, even nuclear weapons, if you really want to (and in the case of nuclear weapons, if you had that kind of money). I would daresay that bombs were not what the Founders had in mind when they wrote the Bill of Rights, and on top of that, most of the people saying these things are far-right and most likely virulently racist.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Yeah, people who make those kinds of arguments, aside from their tendency towards paranoid buffoonery, seem to misunderstand the whole issue of letting the wealthy do as they please.

    I mean, do they even think about how that would give George Soros and Warren Buffet as much leverage as their messiahs the Koch brothers?
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    What threat would a well-armed Warren Buffet pose to the American far right, exactly?

    Also, liberal types tend not to be heavily armed anyway, for obvious reasons.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I phrased that wrong, but my point is that these people have a very strange, narrow understanding of politics and reality at large that is so tied to this weird collective id that it's just baffling.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Oh, that is true.
  • I am technically in possession of a gun, but it's an heirloom and I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually work.
  • Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."

    I should point out I don't really consider hunting OK either. Though I don't think it's controversial to say that hunting for sustenance is less outrageously stupid than hunting for sport.

    I think it would be pertinent to point out here that for some species that are particularly important to the natural environment, hunting is actually used to bring their populations down to such a level that they'll continue to grow optimally. It's not the most pleasant thing in the world to think about, but at the same time, it's not an entirely bad reason.

    Though at the same time, I can't help but wonder how many hunt for sport vs. sustenance in this scenario. Possibly both.
  • edited 2014-06-19 06:50:43
    imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    I think it would be pertinent to point out here that for some species that are particularly important to the natural environment, hunting is actually used to bring their populations down to such a level that they'll continue to grow optimally. It's not the most pleasant thing in the world to think about, but at the same time, it's not an entirely bad reason.

    On that note, worth noting that deer have no natural predators in the UK besides human beings, so if nobody hunted them they'd quickly get out of control.

    Of course, this is our fault for wiping out the wolves, but the current British environment wouldn't sustain them since there's not enough wilderness anymore (there is a guy in Scotland who wants to reintroduce them, but there are practical and legal reasons why this hasn't happened so far).
  • Pope Francis has officially excommunicated the entire Mafia.

    It's a powerful gesture symbolically, but I worry for the man's safety. The Mafia are big on pseudo-Catholic mysticism and I can't imagine this'll sit well.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    They'd just all be heretics, then. Form their own private churches, their congregations.

    I mean, they're criminals. Actual criminals. They murder, lie, rob, steal, cheat, and commit other sins on a regular basis. It's not like any mafia chief thought he had a shot of being blessed by the Pope.

    Also that said I'm pretty sure the Vatican can take care of his own.
  • I like guns quite a lot, unlike most of the opinions stated in this thread, but I also think US gun culture needs to change.  I also think that people who want gun control in the US also waste all their energy on ineffective symbolic things designed more to piss off the NRA for partisan reasons than actually useful stuff.

    My interest in firearms stems from an interest in military history and a fascination for machines.  I have no personal interest in hunting although I would if needed for survival.  I don't like killing things.

    I do think that spending all this time fretting about "assault weapons" is pointless.  Rifles are rarely used in crime and rarely used to kill.  It's handguns that are easy to use for criminal purposes and are responsible for the vast majority of firearm deaths and injuries.

  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Shotguns too. You can cut those down and hide them.
  • Well, you can cut down a rifle too and hide it, but both make a much poorer handgun than one designed for the task and thus tend to only occur when handguns are hard to get hold of.  Like in Britain.  The recoil would also probably send the thing flying; there's a reason rifles and shotguns have stocks.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Sure, but like. Shotguns have shot to make up for that.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Tachyon said:

    On that note, worth noting that deer have no natural predators in the UK besides human beings, so if nobody hunted them they'd quickly get out of control.

    Of course, this is our fault for wiping out the wolves, but the current British environment wouldn't sustain them since there's not enough wilderness anymore (there is a guy in Scotland who wants to reintroduce them, but there are practical and legal reasons why this hasn't happened so far).

    I would be all for controlled reintroduction of natural predators, but in the meantime hunting for venison seems like a perfectly reasonable solution.

    This reminds me of what happened to the pine marten and it makes me a little sad, but then I get happy because they are starting to see them in England again for the first time in decades and that is so exciting and egads, are they cute! ^/////^
    I'd also suspect there's some racism present in the whole assault-weapons ban thing, since about the only time I've heard people glamourizing the AK-47 or the TEC-9 is in gangsta rap (which was still considered terrifying in 1993 by certain people).
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    AK-47s are kind of shitty as far as actual fighting is concerned, from what I've heard. The really dangerous guns are things like handguns with expanded magazines: Not show-pieces, but simple functional devices modified to become high-volume killing machines.
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