Let's Talk Family!

edited 2014-05-27 04:21:55 in Talk
Of course you probably love them but beyond that, close, distant, amiable, resentful?


  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Close and distant.

    Which is how I like it.
  • ~*tasteless*~

    Close as in proximity or emotional intimacy?
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Mom: sorta close and resentful at the same time
    Dad: well he's dead, but we got on ok generally
    Sister: fine as long as we only talk about frivolous subjects
  • kill living beings
    distant amiable
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Amiable and tumultuous, mostly close with a few marked exceptions.
  • ~*tasteless*~

    One sentence replies? I expected better from you ↳Talk.
  • kill living beings
    point of order i did not construct a full sentence
  • ~*tasteless*~

  • kill living beings
    eat shit fucker
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Amiable, sincere, loyal, and no resentment.

    I love my grandparents, siblings, parents aunts, uncles, and all of my 46 cousins!

    I only wish my cousin Toe hadn't gone on a two year trip to Osnabruck. Poor Jed can't remember a time without his brother Toe
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Is Toe short for anything, or is it a nickname..?

    I get on pretty well with my family... when I'm not at uni I live with my parents, my grandpa and my younger brother.  Mum's nice and I can usually talk to her about stuff which is cool, Dad's the same but he spends most of his time at home working so I don't get to talk with him as much.  Grandpa's in his nineties and mostly sleeps nowadays.  My brother and I hang out a lot over the holidays; he's really into video games and other nerd stuff so we usually have things to talk about.

    The rest of the family is dotted all over Britain, with some in Canada, Australia and Europe as well, so we don't talk all that often.
  • Tachyon said:

    Is Toe short for anything, or is it a nickname..?

    might be a nickname for somebody named Torkel, given what Rozay has told us about his family.

    As for myself, I love my mom and my brothers. The rest of my family on my mom's side are assholes with varying frequency and can basically suck one. The only exception I'm thinking of off the top of my head is my Aunt Donna, who is not even a blood relative (she's my uncle's wife) but is generally a very nice woman, if often high strung. I used to feel the same way about my grandma but she's been really mean lately. Buncha pretentious people, all in all.

    Used to very rarely visit my dad (whose name is Keith), but we haven't spoken in years. I have very little contact with that side of the family aside from having my grandma Minerva as a friend on Facebook. I know my half-brother (who lives with my dad, I think) Ayerton is really good at archery, but I've met the kid only once, and in fact I am not even sure if that's how his name is spelled (it's pronounced "air-tun", my understanding is that most people just call him AJ anyway though).

    I don't really consider my former stepdad family. I had to put up with him for the better part of 18 years, and I did not enjoy it one bit. To give you an idea, he's been caught using my brothers' school computers (keep in mind my oldest younger brother is 12, also keep in mind that these belong to Commonwealth Connections Academy, and are intended exclusively for schooling, and are heavily monitored, which he knows) to watch porn and tried blaming it on them. I am grateful for the times he drove me back and forth to work, but that is about all.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Grandpa K: Kind of a bigot. Makes me a bit uncomfortable. Is very friendly though

    Grandma S: Very, very fragile. Closer to me than Grandpa K is.

    Dad: Don't see him as much as I might like. A good person, generally, kind of a self-made man and a source of strength to the family.

    Mom: Overprotective, but also a great mom.

    Uncle C: Died

    Aunt J: Died

    Uncle M: Most like me of my family members. Pretty cool guy

    Aunt A: Don't know her too well

    Cousins: All nice people. The one who has a child is a bit impulsive, but a good mother.

    All assorted uncles and aunts on my Mom's side: Barely know any of them, except Uncle D who has dropped off the face of the earth. One has schizophrenia.

    Brother B: Like my dad. A little arrogant.

    Brother A: Worries a lot, is a good kid.

    Brother P: Will probably rule the world one day.

    All of the above are loved.
  • Also my stepdad has a reddit account and is subbed to r/mensrights. So there's another thing.

    I know this because he has the same UN and password for literally every internet thing he does, despite being a self-proclaimed computer geek.
  • I suppose I should follow Myrm's example and elaborate on the family I do love:

    Ma: Somewhat old-world and conservative (though less so than she used to be), ultimately probably the nicest person I know.

    Chris: Oldest brother. Plays a lot of video games and is a graphics junkie (oi!) but is a good kid. Lazy as heck though, reminds me of myself around that age a lot.

    Matt: Really, really into boxing. Wants to work at Microsoft when he grows up. Personally, I think he's going to be a heavyweight champ. Kid's given me bruises. Kind of self-conscious about his weight, which is both my uncle's fault and my former stepdad's fault.

    Justin: Kinda too young to tell how he's gonna turn out yet. Has a serious problem with stealing! He's a good boy otherwise though, plays a lot of Minecraft which I sometimes help him with, where he likes to blow stuff up with TNT.
  • edited 2014-05-28 17:51:00
    Remember back in the 50s when they'd record like Elvis singing YOU AIN'T NOTHIN BUT A HOUND DOG and then they'd turn the record over and reverse it and it was all NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP NYERP and people were all like, "That is actually the voice of Satan coming from that song."
    Well... this is going to be a bit difficult to read at times, I will admit. I promise it's not all bad though.

    Mom: Very sweet and helpful. Probably the one I'm closest to out of all my family members.

    Dad: Is very outgoing and boisterous. However, he's always had anger issues, and starting in my high school years, they kinda went overboard. I still haven't quite forgiven him for that, TBPH. Also traditionalist to an off-putting degree, even to the rest of my family.

    Younger brother: Is a horrible fucking person and I never want to see him again. No, his disability is not an excuse for having even worse anger issues than Dad, constantly begging for stuff, and being a total slob. (And I'm a bit slobby myself, so this is saying something.)

    Grandfather: Has also been very helpful. A bit stern at times, but overall friendly.

    Maternal grandmother: Used to be very sweet and fun to be around. Unfortunately, alcoholism happened, and now she is both physically and emotionally unstable. She still likes me, and I keep up a good face around her, but... basically similar to my opinion on Dad.

    Maternal uncle: Also had alcohol and tobacco abuse problems, but has recovered somewhat. Likes dogs, which I can appreciate. Don't really see him much. Has a son who kind of annoys me at times.

    Maternal aunt: Rather traditionalist, but very friendly. Also don't see her as much, but more often than uncle. Has two daughters who are okay to be around, compared to other cousin.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Nah, Toe and Jed are my way of disguising the real names of my cousins. If you think about it, you can figure out their real first names.
  • Burgundy Queen: It could be worse.  /r/TheRedPill.
  • edited 2014-05-28 20:47:02
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.

    Close as in proximity or emotional intimacy?

    Did I say "close"? I don't know what I said that.

    I should have just said "distant." Because that's what I meant.

    And the answer to your question is both.
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