Drink The Moon Extended Play -- Aluminum Pyramids [Discussion + Signups]

edited 2014-03-01 23:58:06 in Roleplay & Games
BACKGROUND: Years ago, when you were fresh out of middle school, you, and many others, joined paranormal discussion board The Perfect Circle. Dedicated to all manner of minutiae about alien conspiracies, the Illuminati, and the question of who really built the pyramids, the board, run by the terse administrator only known as Guvnor, was the perfect hangout for any high school freshmen deeply invested in the occult. Over time, you and several other board members came to realize that you shared certain specific interests, and it was in these modest circumstances that the small-in-scope, big-in-name Digital Anomalous Phenomena Society International, or DAPSI, was born.

Of course, these phases of one's life do not normally last, and you began to use Perfect Circle less and less, and began to talk to each other by more conventional means--Facebook, Twitter, or even just over the phone. Perfect Circle was abruptly shut down in 2009, and none of you have heard from Guvnor since. This is all fine by you, since you were always more interested in talking to your friends anyway....but for a group of friends who keep in somewhat frequent contact, that one of yours hasn't spoken to you--or anybody, as far as you can tell--in the past few weeks is rather unnerving....

EXPLANATION: So what the hell is this, then? As the title indicates, it's the forum game version of an EP, a little something extra which might just end up being as important as the album (in this case, that is Drink The Moon. This game will be referred to as Aluminum Pyramids for the sake of convenience and clarity). Unlike Drink The Moon, Aluminum Pyramids is a more traditional forum RPG, you will submit character sheets (these are very simple) to me, and if I get at least three applications, I will consider the drive a success.

If all goes well, this interesting side game may blossom into a narrative all its own, and I've even been looking into ways to incorporate some ARG-ish elements (a full ARG is both beyond my scope of planning and finances).

Frequent posting is not necessarily expected, but you should be able to check in weekly most of the time. Participation in the original Drink The Moon is not a prerequisite for signing up.

Without further ado, the three NPCs (one of whom you will recognize), and by association, your character sheet template.


Name: Eleanor "Ellie" Sieradzki
Perfect Circle Username: PunksNotDead94
Status: ???
Age: 20
Appearance: Short Polish girl with fluffy black hair, dull brown eyes.
Likes: punk and emo music, Courage The Cowardly Dog, horror movies, keeping to herself, Coca-Cola.
Dislikes: Dubstep, "I don't really dislike that many things, honestly...."

Name: Lorraine-Jennifer "LJ" Bannikberg
Perfect Circle Username: Darknet Queen
Status: Normal
Age: 21
Appearance: Tall German girl with a bell-shaped haircut. Black hair, green eyes. Formal sense of dress.
Likes: Herself, tragic romance, roleplaying games,  being a leet hacker, anime
Dislikes: Nerds, nerds, "I really don't like people who smell bad, and most nerds smell bad.", n00bs, Disney stuff.

Name: Alan
Perfect Circle Username: Guvnor
Status: Indeterminate, Presumed Normal
Age: ?
Appearance: ? (Has described self as looking "typically British", which really doesn't seem like something a British person would say)
Likes: ?, being mysterious
Dislikes: "Liberals"


have at it, folks.


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