
edited 2013-09-29 11:17:24 in General
There is only one meaning for this word.

Only one meaning ever, and no clarification or distinction drawing is ever needed.


  • lolololololololololol i call dem lieberals im so clever hahahaha xD xD
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    liberal, n: a person who hates freedom
  • A Demoncrat and a Republicunt once met each other on a farm.

    Then the farmer started sowing.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    It is very frustrating when American "conservatives" call this or that person or thing "liberal" as a pejorative without defining what kind of liberalism they mean, as if there can only be one interpretation—which, apparently, means what they want it to mean rather than any dictionary definition!
  • It's pretty funny that pretty much nobody would ever say that they hate freedom, and yet both leftists and rightists seem to use "liberal", which derives from freedom, as a snarl word.
  • kill living beings
    well i don't hate left either spinor and yet here we are
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    ime when people on the left use liberal as a pejorative they normally mean a non-radical form of left politics (as opposed to marxism or feminism or what have you) - not so much evil as just non-critical and incapable of enacting real positive change

    unless they're talking about economics, then it's something totally different
  • kill living beings
    neo liberal more like shit what's something insulting that rhymes

    me-o liberal because they only care about themselves

    neener liberal because you just want to say 'neener neener' at them

    pee-o liberal because they're piss

    rheoliberal because they're wishy washy (INTELLIGENT JOKE?)

    i'm out
  • > rheoliberal

    I approve
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