My Creepypasta

edited 2013-07-23 21:01:31 in Artistic Pursuits
Hello. My name is Rufus X. Sarsaparilla. That's not my real name of course, but I hesitate to reveal my real name in case IT's still out there. What is IT you ask? Well it all started one day when I bought an old Nintendo Entertainment System from a college friend for twenty bucks and six cents. I always wanted a NES, because as a hobby I like to collect old cartridges, and I'd always wanted to try out a cartridge my dead sister Rafaela(not her real name) gave me mysteriously before she died in a car crash. The Cartridge was unmarked and I'd always wondered what game it was.

I got home, slipped the cartridge into the NES and realized I didn't have a controller. So I bought one off of Amazon and waited 4-5 days to get a cartridge. During this time, my cat refused to go into the room where I'd left the NES, which was weird because the NES is right next to its litterbox, which I had to move to the kitchen.

I finally began playing the game and he first thing that caught my eye was that the title card was Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, which leads me to assume the game was made to tie-in with the Steven Moffat mini-series Jekyll, which I've never watched. 

I began the game, and the first thing that happened was the words "You shouldn't have done that" appeared in bloody bright blood red on the screen in a resolution too high for the NES, and I saw a deformed man, who I believed to be Mr. Hyde laughing at me with a creepy pixelated laugh I can only compare to the laugh of Soda Popinsky in Punch-Out!!!. I started playing and I was immediately drawn into the stellar gameplay, which featured the protagonist, Dr. Jekyll walking right to go to a party, and encountering multiple obstacles. I soon died to a cat and a horrible sight met my eyes: Dr. Jekyll turned into the horrifying monster from the beginning, and started to walk LEFT he fought, killed, and brutally eviscerated horrible H. R. Giger-esque monsters with photorealistic blood and guts. Suddenly, Hyde turned towards me and laughed that awful Soda Popinski laugh. I realized two things: That I could no longer move to tear out the awful cursed demon cartridge, and that I had pissed myself. WITH BLOOD!

"Good job at the game, Kid, but you've gone as far as you can go. Now that fool Jekyll is gone and I'M IN CONTROL" He said, as he stomped on a monster that looked like a Metroid, but with bloody red blood seeping from it's maw. Suddenly, he stepped onto the exact spot where Jekyll had started, and lighting struck him. Sparks flew out of the NES cartridge, my eyes began to weep blood, and the room caught fire. I managed to gain control of myself, and I ran out of that room, and didn't stop running.

That, fortunately, is where the story ends, for the most part. I later learned, from an MI6 contact, that during the filming of Jekyll, Moffat had shot a serial killer named Albert A. Armadillo(not his real name) and I can only conclude that the bastard Moffat must have bound his soul to an line of NES programming as some kind of Dark Bargain to become lead writer of Dr. Who. I can only conclude that Albert, or Hyde or whatever must have killed my sister. I can only warn you that if you find a cartridge of Dr. Jekyll you must NOT PLAY IT. Don't be lured in by the cool cover artwork, every copy of that game is PURE FUCKING EVIL and WILL KILL YOU if it gets the chance. I can only hope that no one has made a ROM of it and then played it and then uploaded the footage up to youtube OH GOD NOO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHH



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