Ten Little Known Things About You

edited 2012-11-28 00:28:22 in Roleplay & Games
They can be as personal or as abstract as you want. Just make sure they aren't obvious.

1. I like baking. No, not that baking, the kind where you make food in ovens.

2. I've thought of myself as a writer since second grade. The first time I wrote Stuck was in third. All of the names of the Crew stayed the same except Cici, whose name was initially Sisi.

3. My first ever foray into original music was an instrumental album named Life in Red. The one I made after that was cockily named The Definition of a Star. District 76 is technically my third album, though it's the first one I publicly released.

4. I used to live in a suburb of Boston named Quincy, Massachusetts.

5. I don't think my voice records well, but I can do a perfect live impression of Benjamin Gibbard's singing voice. I also do a good Rivers Cuomo.

6. I am a casual fan of Friendship is Magic.

7. I have no idea why but I think my 13th year was probably my favorite so far.

8. The closest I ever got to dating a girl was in Birmingham. The one in England.

9. I had no idea just how hard this would be until I did it. At least it's fun!

10. I have an odd fascination with mergers and acquisitions between corporations. Especially phone carriers.


  • (I figured we'd be alright with this sort of thing, but if need be I guess we can ask for a lock.)
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Uh, let's see...

    1. I wrote my first "novel" when I was 10. It was about Mario. Like, the video game plumber. Of course.

    2. From age 3 to 15 I lived in upstate New York.

    3. Like Tre, I think I was probably happiest at age 13. Then I turned 14 and had an existential crisis and it was all downhill from there

    4. I'm allergic to nuts

    5. I took piano lessons as a kid but remember practically nothing. Guitar seems to suit me better

    6. I used to drink a lot of root beer. Then I got tired of it.

    7. I have a birthmark on my right leg. It is a brown splotch about an inch across. YNTKT

    8. When I was in preschool I had a "girlfriend" named Myra. Apparently she was kinda chubby, and I liked that.

    9. I consider Raiders of the Lost Ark to be my favorite movie although I don't watch many movies.

    10. When the time comes, I will sing the song that ends the world.
  • 1. If you look at my right knee you can see a little-ish black speck that is a rock that got stuck in there when I scraped my knee in third grade.

    2. My favorite food is french fries with gravy

    3. I like sleeping on the floor

    4. I have a security pillow, I fished him out of a hotel trash bin when I was like 3, we are inseperable

    5. The phrase "totes" has inveigled it's way into my everyday vocabulary somehow.

    6. I had this crush on this muslim girl in first or second grade and I drew a comic about us going on a magical journey through the inner ear a la The Magic Schoolbus

    7. I enjoy reading textbooks

    8. I wanted to be a herpetoligist or a train engineer when I was little

    9. In fact, my first word was aparently "train"

    10. I have Chris Kratt's autograph around here somewhere...
  • edited 2012-11-28 14:48:41
    1.  I hate self-loving hippies.

    2.  Like Tre I love to bake, mostly desserts and breads.  I especially love making birthday cakes.

    3.  I am obsessed with list-making.  Then when I'm about a 1/2 way through my list I re-write it.  I like this thread.

    4.  When I was little I wanted to be a brain-surgeon.

    5.  I've seen everything in technicolor and as an oil painting, both times on drugs.  They were magical/trippy experiences I'd never like to re-experience but am glad to have experienced all the same.

    6.  Sometimes being with Justice and being a mum makes me cry happy tears.

    7.  I didn't really mature until I was 23yrs old.

    8.  I often use the letter P instead of B, M instead of N and D instead of Q when I'm hand-writing, never typed.  No idea why.

    9.  I burn very easily because I don't feel the pain straight away.

    10.  I have a genuine fear of ants.
  • 1. I often mistakenly write/type "with" as "withe"
    2. I actually live right next to the line that divides the zones for city schools and county schools.
    3. About half of the posts I make on Tumblr I end up deleting.
    4. I went through the "dark" phase when I was in third and fourth grade and quickly got over it. My old Runescape username was "Darktuck1."
    5. Related to the above, I made a character called "Keyron" (a name that was completely made up on the spot IIRC) who was never fully developed, but I did have a few ideas. For one thing, he was basically an anti-hero (with heavy emphasis on the "anti," but I couldn't exactly comprehend morality that complex at that age) who was a prince transported hundreds of years into the future to fight a demon that killed his family. Note: I only just realized the similarity in plot to Samurai Jack when I was typing this. I know I didn't consciously copy it, but I'm not sure about it subconsciously influencing the plot.
    6. When I was 11, I created a card game called Guardian X. I don't remember some of the rules (and in fact, it took me about two years to actually create a consistent set of rules) but I know it involved transforming into creatures through a "Guardian Suit" and equipping said creatures with items and spells. The rules were kind of clunky, but I remember it being really fun to play.
    7. My older brother and I share a room. As there was only one bed, we took turns sleeping on the floor. The other night, I got sick of this and dragged a cot my family usually uses for camping into my room.
    8. I have a chihuahua. I'm kind of ashamed of this.
    9. I also have a rabbit named Scratch (because he's white like a cue ball) and two cats named Lux and Catapillar. The cats belonged to the house's previous owner, a friend of my mother's.
    10. My favorite numbers are 108, 256, 255 (because these two numbers often appear as maximum values for stats in video games and whatnot) 324 (Because my birthday is March 24.).
  • Bonus: I also went through my cynic faux-intellectual phase in second grade. I adopted this due to being constantly bullied at the school I just moved to.
  • Another bonus!

    I actually enjoy playing football, badminton, and baseball provided I'm playing them with(e) the right people.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    1.) I was on the funeral detail team for Camp Pendleton. I've been on-hand for at least 60 military funerals, one for a Navy admiral, and we were selected to perform at the Reagan memorial in 2007 with Nancy Reagan present. 

    2.) I ran into Rob Zombie at Halloween at Universal Studios in 2001. He had an MTV camera and mic, I was drunk out of my mind.   If that ever made it to air, I do not know (or want to know.)

    3.) I was in an anime for 2 whole seconds, in Battle Programmer Shirase. I was on on IRC channel where several of the animators hung out and they took names of us present and put us on the background. Here's a screenshot:

    (I'm the Ethan on the bottom.)

    4.) I mentioned this in the main thread, but I have a little bit of programming experience on the Turbografx-16. I did some of the in-game artwork for the last commercial US release of a TB-16 game, Meteor Blaster DX.

    5.) I was a 4611 (Combat Illustrator) in the US Marine Corps, one of the last, in fact. They shut down and merged my MOS (military occupation specialty) with reproduction (think Kinkos) the month I finished my enlistment. 

    6.) I was a VIP at the 1996 Country Music Awards, the year Leean Rimes won big. They served sushi at the after-ceremony party, where I spent my entire time talking with this hilarious old southern lady and a hotshot Memphis lawyer.

    7.) I survived spinal meningitis as an infant. 

    8.) I grew up in a part of the country where I was deprived of any independent TV stations, which means I only got the major networks (ABC, NBC, CBS.) This means I never saw any of the cartoons that my generation won't let go of while growing up (Transformers, He-Man, MLP, Jem, etc.) I am thankful to God for this. 

    9.) The only concert I've ever attended that I paid to get into was Nine Inch Nails. 

    10.) I grew up in and around the studio where Buddy Holly and other rock and roll legends were discovered and recorded. Vi Petty, friends with my mother, was still in ownership of all this. She was eccentric and left everything as it was, literally. The studio and homes she owned in our small town were furnished and decorated expensively in the 50's and then never, ever touched or moved around. It was like experiencing a time warp. 
  • edited 2012-11-29 03:01:36

    1) I also like baking. However, I tend to experiment. Some of them don't turn out that well...

    2) I am a natural dirt blonde, but have been dying my hair red since I was 15 (with one time when i was dark brown for my school prom".

    3) My family all have blue eyes, but I have a green/blue shade.

    4) When I was 9, I got bit by my old dog on the upper lip (resulting in a scar) and jumped on a plug (which, amazingly, did not result in a scar)

    5) I want to be in a folk band.

    6) I live on the border between two cities.

    7) I also live in the suburbs where everything is green

    8) Went through a "dark" phase when I was 13/14. This was when I came up with my YouTube name "blackfairyprincess94". I would change it, but I have lots of favourites that took a few years to collect.

    9) I have a phobia of black lines on swimming pools. It comes from the enforced swimming lessons I had when I was 7 and I thought I would get swallowed up by them.

    10) I can't lick my nose, or even my front teeth, due to my tongue being incredibly short. I also can't roll it. The band attaching it to the bottom of my mouth is incredibly tight. I suffer no speech problems from it, though.

    1. I can sorta still play croquet, and used to be quite good at it.
    2. Due to the bizarre way Pennsylvania classifies a person's race, I could technically be counted as an "African American", despite the closest black relatives of mine being third cousins, and the closest ancestor being my great-great-great grandmother's sister in law or something along those lines.
    3. I have a small garden I tend to. It's mostly flowers that require little care.
    4. I was born during a blizzard
    5. I can speak just the faintest hints of Dutch and German.
    6. my father used to work for NASCAR
    7. I used to be in a rap group called Cult of the Ape. I was "backup production". In practice this means I did little. Most of the group's music was handled by DJ Nailz, a good friend of mine.
    8. I was very briefly affiliated with a punk band called Dynastic Fire. We broke up long before we recorded anything
    9. the first song I ever remember liking was OutKast & Sleepy Brown's "The Way You Move"
    10. my favorite number is 43.

    edited cuz I thought of stuffs.

  • Bonus! I am a partial kleptopmaniac. I only steal coins and pens that been dropped.
  • 1. i am a fairly direct relation of an 11th century nobleman called Sir Walter de Tirel, whos main claim to fame is the fact that he shot and killed King William II of England with an arrow in a very very suspicious "accident". this relation also makes me a slightly more distant relation of William the Conqueror himself

    2. famous people i have met (as in met and actually spoken to) include england footballer Frank Lampard and The Queen. i managed to rein in my regicidal tendencies for that latter one.

    3. a famous person i didnt speak to but quite literally bumped into in the middle of spitalfields market was artist Tracey Emin

    4. i have one kidney. it wasnt operated on or removed or anything, i was simply born with one kidney because im a mutant weirdo loser

    5. my boyfriend has the same first name as me. our dads also have the same first name, our mothers have the same middle name, and my grandmother lives on [His Surname] Avenue. slightly weird

    6. i have performed on drums at the Royal Festival Hall (one of the main concert venues in london). a band of mine also once played at a show with the band Hadouken!

    7. i have been on TV two (2) times. once at a football match when i was young and the camera panned onto me in the crowd, once when a tv company was making a small documentary about my school

    8. i was given the measles-mumps-whooping cough vaccine as a child and then proceeded to get mumps and whooping cough anyway. however i did not die from this, which was good

    9. nobody can remember the first word i said, but the first word i read was 'dog', which i read out entirely by myself when i was 1 year old and totally weirded out my parents

    10. the song that 'got me into music' was The Hives' 'Hate To Say I Told You So'. i still think its a great song


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    :4. i have one kidney. it wasnt operated on or removed or anything, i was simply born with one kidney because im a mutant weirdo loser"



  •  a famous person i didnt speak to but quite literally bumped into in the middle of spitalfields market was artist Tracey Emin

  • edited 2012-11-30 00:47:36

    1.) I was on the funeral detail team for Camp Pendleton. I've been on-hand for at least 60 military funerals, one for a Navy admiral, and we were selected to perform at the Reagan memorial in 2007 with Nancy Reagan present. 

    2.) I ran into Rob Zombie at Halloween at Universal Studios in 2001. He had an MTV camera and mic, I was drunk out of my mind.   If that ever made it to air, I do not know (or want to know.)

    3.) I was in an anime for 2 whole seconds, in Battle Programmer Shirase. I was on on IRC channel where several of the animators hung out and they took names of us present and put us on the background. Here's a screenshot:

    (I'm the Ethan on the bottom.)

    4.) I mentioned this in the main thread, but I have a little bit of programming experience on the Turbografx-16. I did some of the in-game artwork for the last commercial US release of a TB-16 game, Meteor Blaster DX.

    5.) I was a 4611 (Combat Illustrator) in the US Marine Corps, one of the last, in fact. They shut down and merged my MOS (military occupation specialty) with reproduction (think Kinkos) the month I finished my enlistment. 

    6.) I was a VIP at the 1996 Country Music Awards, the year Leean Rimes won big. They served sushi at the after-ceremony party, where I spent my entire time talking with this hilarious old southern lady and a hotshot Memphis lawyer.

    7.) I survived spinal meningitis as an infant. 

    8.) I grew up in a part of the country where I was deprived of any independent TV stations, which means I only got the major networks (ABC, NBC, CBS.) This means I never saw any of the cartoons that my generation won't let go of while growing up (Transformers, He-Man, MLP, Jem, etc.) I am thankful to God for this. 

    9.) The only concert I've ever attended that I paid to get into was Nine Inch Nails. 

    10.) I grew up in and around the studio where Buddy Holly and other rock and roll legends were discovered and recorded. Vi Petty, friends with my mother, was still in ownership of all this. She was eccentric and left everything as it was, literally. The studio and homes she owned in our small town were furnished and decorated expensively in the 50's and then never, ever touched or moved around. It was like experiencing a time warp. 
    Thread over, everyone go home.
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