I have a friend named Jim who is forty five years old

edited 2012-11-18 21:15:21 in General
Jim, who works at a middle school, has said that a lot of the students there - twelve, thirteen, and fourteen year olds - are dating. He’s also said that he’s seen on some of their Facebook pages that they usually identify as straight, gay, and bisexual.

Recently, Jim was seriously upset about something, and when I asked him what was wrong he said that he had seen one of the students, a thirteen year old straight girl, post that she would never date a guy Jim’s age. This was really hurtful to Jim, because he doesn’t think it’s fair that someone would write off someone they would usually date just because they had an older body.

I agree. If you’re a straight girl, you should be willing to date all men, regardless of the details of their body that they can’t control. If what you really mean when you say “straight girl” is “I would only date men with young bodies” then you’re not really a straight girl. The girl that upset Jim identified as “straight,” but she really should have indicated more specifically that she would only date boys her age by saying what she really was. 

a pedophile.

So, people under 18, please stop calling yourselves gay or straight or bisexual or any of those things if you would really only date someone who was also under 18. You are not straight, or gay, or a lesbian - you are a pedophile.  Please indicate so when you talk about your identity or shut the fuck up and get out because that’s really hurtful and deceptive to people like Jim. Thank you and have a nice day.


  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    I can't tell if this is real or not
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
  • image

    Here we see a white person pretending to wear a crown, a well-known symbol of European monarchy. Monarchies, male-centered institutions of privilege and exclusion, are known for promoting and sponsoring treks and voyages that ultimately led to the colonization of land already inhabited by PoC. Therefore, associating such a symbol of oppression with laughter and elation is a slap in the face to all who have ever been harmed by this child’s murderous, imperialistic ancestors. The next time this kid decides to lie down on the pavement, he better hope I’m not driving anywhere nearby.
  • Today I was at the park when a small child noticed the DIE CIS SCUM t-shirt I was wearing. Curiously, they asked me what “cis” meant.
    At first, I asked them “Well, are you transgender?” to which they replied “No.”
    Then I questioned “Do you even know what transgender is?”
    “Yes, I know about that.” they replied. That is when I instantly screamed at them to shut up because as someone who is not trans* they will never understand what being transgender is about and that they should choke on a bucket of glass for even suggesting that they could have any idea what I and others like me go through every day.

    I stormed off fuming, now knowing that that cis-child was a dangerous individual who would completely ruin trans* activism by knowing things about transgenderism. People like that are the exact reason I need my DIE CIS SCUM t-shirt, as it restores some of the sanctity that is destroyed when cis people attempt to contribute to trans* causes.

    Oh, by the way, before I left I noticed the child’s home phone number on an ID bracelet they were wearing and used it to track their home address. PM me if you want it! xD
  • i wonder what the response to a black person wearing a crown would be


    you know

    like this
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I hope you're wearing that ironically
  • it was my birthday
  • Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast
    I bet good money that the OP has been used on r/MRA unironically

    I can't tell if this is real or not

  • My best friend is 28 and married to a 50yr old.  He looks like Pierce Brosnan.  So er, screw age.


    *Trap shuts*

    Sucker in the trap!
  • It's most definitely fake I hope.
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