From Justin To Kelly

edited 2012-11-14 16:05:27 in General
This gets on bad movie lists a lot, but has anyone actually seen it?




  • Never heard of it before now.
    I haven't seen the whole thing, but Todd in the Shadows did a review of it with The Nostalgia Chick a while back, and from what I can tell, it's...bad. Your standard made-for-TV B-movie cash-in type of bad, though, not "this was made by complete morons" bad like, say, Monster A Go Go.
  • I haven't seen the whole thing, but Todd in the Shadows did a review of it with The Nostalgia Chick a while back, and from what I can tell, it's...bad. Your standard made-for-TV B-movie cash-in type of bad, though, not "this was made by complete morons" bad like, say, Monster A Go Go.

    But Lee, Monster A Go-Go is a cinematic masterpiece!


    Never heard of it before now.

  • I have seen it, both as a child and as a teenager.

    My opinions of it have changed massively.
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