Insert disc into drive for access to the disc's contents

edited 2012-07-16 23:56:11 in General
Was it an attempt at world domination that the company was performing? If so, then they did not go about it very well. The company's stock plummeted to ten cents a share in 2006, down from $50 a share in 2005.

Out the door was a man on a camel, named Sir Whirrrglirrrshirrrserfeld, Sr. Whirrrglirrrshirrrserfeld had amassed a massive fortune over the previous thirty years, and was a charismatic businessman, until his disappearance in 2006. Attempts to find him have not been successful.

However, one Nicaraguan man claims that he has found Whirrrglirrrshirrrserfeld, in a lowered state of mind that allowed him to deem this man the heir to his fortune.

That Nicaraguan man was you, right there, in the black shirt.


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