Web-cartoonist foisting their political beliefs on the reader

edited 2012-06-11 18:32:59 in General Media
I'm SICK to death of web-comic creators using their comics as a way to force a political agenda on an unsuspecting audience!

It seems to be increasingly common practice that web-comics are no longer about telling an entertaining stories and merely a platform for pushing the views of the creator.

Take is borderline Communist propaganda:


Good God, why don't you just invite Stalin to your little Communism party. Lenin, Marx, Engles...even Mao Zendong shows up in panel four to bestow "sustenance" on the character that clearly representing the people of China. Clearly, our character representing the people of Europe approves.

And let's not forgot the "All American" figure in the upper left-hand corner of the last panel also smiling and approving on this whole debacle.  

As if that wasn't enough, the reader is treated to "Pat Buchanen" scrawled onto the page, a clear reference to reform party candidate, "Pat Buchanan."

We get it, already! You think American politics need to be "reformed". As to what I can hardly imagine. *eye-role*


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