HEAP: The Trading Card Game

edited 2012-06-10 05:09:43 in Roleplay & Games

Because why not.

I figured, I don't want to go at this alone, and I also figured if any Heaper were to have a card made of theirself, that Heaper would probably want to be at least somewhat involved.

Anyway, here is all I have so far:


  • Two card types have been imagined so far: Familiar and Heaper. Heapers lead up to three familiars in battle.
  • Each Heaper/Familliar will have a type: Humanoid, Robot, or Beast, which will function like Rock Paper Scissors somehow.
  • Familiars can be either Patriots or Freelancers. Patriots incur a penalty for being under the command of a Heaper with an opposing Type but will also have benefits for one with the same type.
  • Each turn will consist of six "events." Players queue up actions and everything happens simultaneously.
  • Moves can take up more than one event. Multi-Event moves can consist of two different phases: Preparation and Payoff. Preparation is the period where the move has not yet taken effect, and Payoff is when the effects take place. If Payoff lasts for more than one event, the effect happens more than once. No other moves can be done until the Payoff is finished.

I technically have a prototype card, but it is embarrassing and I will only post it if asked. Please try to help. Even if your contribution is as small as suggesting what your card should be, it will be appreciated.



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