we need to put the lesbians on high alert

we need to put the lesbians on high alert; there are many threats to our lesbianbity including but not limited two - Huge bunny rabbits with big knives, steak, magic fireworks, the alchemical cost of the color Red, the number 5041, and of course, your mom, whose sheer weight threatens to crush us whenever we bang her.

we NEED to put the lesbians on high alert.

{"Code":256,"Exception":"Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'CategoryID' at row 1|Gdn_Database|Query|insert GDN_Draft \n(`Body`, `CategoryID`, `InsertUserID`, `UpdateUserID`, `Name`, `Tags`, `Format`, `DateInserted`, `DateUpdated`) \nvalues (:Body, :CategoryID, :InsertUserID, :UpdateUserID, :Name, :Tags, :Format, :DateInserted, :DateUpdated)","Class":"Gdn_ErrorException"}


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