I just had the best dream of all time

I was watching this Men in Black-esque courtroom drama starting Adam Sandler as a quasi-omniscient version of himself. He's adjudicating this interdimensional trade/imigration dispute at the UN, and this lanky man says "I am actually the smartest man in the world", whereupon triumphant music plays and Adam Sandler says "I'm Adam Sandler" and his head like... Extends into this cylinder? And he turns around, grabs the boom mic, and proceeds to eat the entire camera, whereupon we smash cut to Bill Murray playing golf indoors in black and white silhouetted against a thundery sky through a glass door, weeping


  • There was also this chase scene through Venice as the timelines we're readjusting due to a decision Sandler had made and the Japanese were invading
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    write this as a screenplay, sell it to Hollywood.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    "This is the best dream of all time!"

    -Amy Pascal
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