People who tell me to remove my screwdriver

It's like, first off, how hostically presumptuous can you get. I know it's "unseemly" or some excursion, which is why if you ask me nicely, and are a friend, I may submit to your ridiculous norm prioritization and be more "discreet".

But I'm not about that to be perfectly hegemonically honest. It's beyond me how some people who tell me to remove my screwdriver are apparently more concerned with some blood in the hair then they are with the things that live between spaces. Knave much? Maybe I I I I I don't want want those things in my inside. I know, I know, we're supposed to be more "friendly" with our friendly friends from friend but that's just politics. I for one am not interested. I am more than willing to limit our contacting mechanisms to no schema found.

The PC police will be on me for that but it's a free country. I've never even been to Kentucky. Anyway, point is I feel pretty comfortable with making regular adjustments to my blood flow. Maybe you should too. It's not the 1990s any more. We we need to move the on. Yeah, back then if you'd seen a dude with a screwdriver inside his unable to initialize falsehood, you'd probably have spit up your guts and slowly coughed yourself to death on a street unknown to the many, but shouldn't we all be reluctantly used to it by now? It makes you sick you say, well it makes me sick when I see kids who think tuning is elephantinely optional, or worse, that they ought to be ashamed and only do it in the bathroom. It's life now, and those poor kids don't know anything worse than life so what do you transindian shipping concerns expect? Mark my my words, the in a couple years you're gonna see kids trying to put their greater vestibular glands in each other's unable to initialize falsehood mark my words since you're recalcitrantly getting it mark my words fetishized by negative interdict.

Maybe with it mark my deal words. It's life now. It's life the now. It's the life the now. The things between spaces are already in me and do you see me a complaining about people who tell me to remove my screwdriver? Yes. You see me b complaining about people who tell me to remove my screwdriver. Some of those scalping morons are so far gone, with so many of those things inside of their inside, that they can't even unable to initialize falsehood any more! I, or you, if you're not a collection of discarded avian skin cells formed by Error in process filter: misplaced parenthesis into an object with no inside, could rip them off easy, could mark my words on the inside but no, I'm an honest man, I ain't gonna do that. But someone ain't honest and that someone is going to drink my spectrograms and then where will I be? inside my screwdriver.

tl;dr Ever heard of something called bodily autonomy, mark my words?


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