Why are grisly penny dreadfuls so popular amongst the populace nowadays

edited 2016-04-07 00:54:16 in General
I cannot see a mote of value in Varney The Vampire


  • edited 2016-04-07 00:59:52
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    "Doctor, this is quite an achievement. You'll excuse me if I don't shake your hand."

    You are escorted from the publisher's office and questioned by constables. Your work gives nine hundred readers nightmares and closes four schools. Women scream and faint as you pass in the street.

    Sales are excellent. You receive an unexpected bonus: late one night, a stranger delivers a package of bottled souls to your door. You don't see his face, but a note with the package reads: 'Best wishes - Jack'
  • Vampire Lady of Corvidia

    (The other Jane)
    Odradek said:

    I cannot see a mote of value in Varney The Vampire

    Is it not merely the second, nay the third, pressing of Polidori?
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