Zorotl General

edited 2016-03-01 10:13:59 in General


Zorotlekuykauo Sushik IV (commonly known as “Zorotl”) was born in 45,651 (Standard Galactic Pulse) , on the planet TUKON4, constellation Hr453, from a family of scientists and explorers
This is his story , and the story of the way the idea of creating an Universal Language is leading his researches and his life

Zorotl's father, Jen-Ewu Zorotlek Sushik III, was a famous explorer who significantly contributed to the development and construction of the STANDARD GALACTIC MAP ™which, as of today, is the most advanced map of the known Galaxy.

Jen-Ewu Zorotl Sushik III discovered, among others, KEULLOY3, the planet of the BIKKERDER plants .the Bikkerder plants were famous all over the galaxy for being the only vegetal form able to communicate by telepathy .Someone said that Jen-Ewu Zorotl was probably the only individual in the world able to understand that a plant could have thoughts and feelings, since Jen-Ewu was always trying to understand whatever form of life that was in front of him . Zorotl was influenced by him, and he spent most of his time travelling around the Galaxy with the father
His mother Hella Zorotlek Bayk, used to be an Operative Artist (something in between a Scientist and an Artist given that Science and Art on Tukon4 were considered to be the same thing ) specialised in psychic communications.

From her Zorotl took the passion for visual and sound communication. The mother used to accompany the father in his travels around the Galaxy , making the function of Communication Officer, and , as the father always use to say , was “His hears and eyes in understanding the galaxy”

Tukonians (as the inhabitants of Tukon4 were called) were, in ancient time, a fierce society of warriors and soldiers, with the planet’s tribes clashing in frequent fights and wars.

But in 36,784 (standard Galactic pulse) a sensible Tukonian Doctor , Terky Habib Zorotlek II (who was , incidentally , an ancient relative of Zorotl) developed the so called multi-dimensional language, a complicated form of communication that, in centuries and thanks to the development of their Art-Science, made Tukonians learn how to live with one another and communicate their feelings and thoughts as to prevent violence and misunderstandings.

Since he was young , Zorotl was a very talented little Tukonian, and by following his father in many of his explorations around the galaxy, he learnt a lot about different people, civilizations and cultures.

But unfortunately, many of the people he met during his travels used to live in a violent environment, fighting against other races, and sometimes against each other.

Many times his father told him: “You know Zorotl, the greatest danger for the galaxy does not come from the black holes or from the Alpha rays, but from people who do not understand each other, and that consider the one that is different, a danger ”

Growing up, Zorotl learned from his mother how to communicate with Tukonians in the multi dimensional way, so Tukonians could understand and accept him , but every time Zorotl would try to communicate with different races from different planets in the multi dimensional language, they could not understand him, and sometimes they turned evil trying to attack him.

To a foreigner, the Tukonian multi dimensional language was just a scrambled bunch of gurgles ,body gestures and mental noises.

His mother explained: “ You know Zorotl, Multi dimensional language is a very complete form of communication, but unfortunately, it is very difficult to understand and to learn by non-Tukonians. This is why it is impossible to teach it to the rest of the galaxy. I am sorry my son”

But Zorotl could not stand not to be able to communicate completely, so he grew up with the strong desire of discovering a new form of communication that could be easily learned and understood by everybody in the Galaxy.

He spent all his student time in the Galactic School of Tukon4 concentrating on communication subjects with good results, but unfortunately without any improvement on his “Universal Language” project.

Basically, the Tukonian multi-dimensional language was a form of communication that could express through words, body gestures and psychic waves not only the meanings of a sentence , but also the feelings of the person that was talking mixed with the feelings of the person that was listening, bringing them to the same “wavelenght” .

With the application of this method of exchanging information, Tukonians quickly became a very scientifically advanced society, with a gift for Art and Science.
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