People often complain about drivers not using turn signals...

...but I rarely see anyone complain about a related problem: drivers signaling too late.

The whole point of using your turn signal when you change lanes is to let drivers in the other lane know you intend to move over. If you're already moving into the other lane by the time you start the signal, you might as well not have signaled at all.


  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    I don't remember encountering that
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Really hoping if I do it's without incident
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    I see it a lot in situations where one lane is moving slowly and another moving at normal speed. People tend to impulsively jump into the faster lane when they see an opening, and they don't always properly signal before they start moving.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Yes, I've seen people do this.

    I wonder why they bother.
  • Also image: when people have their turn signals on and turn, not for the street immediately in front, but for the next one. 

    Lots of little ways people don't use their turn signals right.
  • I say it's still better than not signaling at all.

    Though sometimes it can be helpful to not mislead one car that's not so far behind into attempting to wait for you, so then you instead ask the car behind them to wait for you, or something like that.
  • Portland is full of fuckers in sportscars that swerve between lanes at 15-20 mph over the limit, and rarely touch their signals at all.  And if they do, never before they're already halfway through changing lanes.
  • Bee said:

    Portland is full of fuckers in sportscars that swerve between lanes at 15-20 mph over the limit, and rarely touch their signals at all.  And if they do, never before they're already halfway through changing lanes.

    How full is Portland of fuckers who make obscene gestures at others while driving?
  • BeeBee
    edited 2016-02-23 04:24:05
    The only time that's ever happened to me was a frat boy at Oregon State.  I guess there was one other time near Corvallis when a motorcyclist flipped a dude off for nearly running him off the road (via, of course, quickly changing lanes without a signal), but I kinda have to side with him on that one.

    I guess there's something to be said that at least Portlanders are polite when they try to commit negligent manslaughter on the freeway.
  • I was wondering if some Portlanders might develop the ability to make hand signals indicating insulting thoughts in response to other Portlanders lacking the ability to make electronic signals indicating movement intentions.
  • That's basically just teaching new skills to the people that weren't derelict in the first place.
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