I feel like bringing up the pee-drinking scene in waterworld is unfair

It's just one scene and it's to show how desperate people are for clean water.


  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Yeah, it's weird how people miss the point with that.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I once asked @Klinotaxis about Waterworld because he'd seen it and he said "It's awesome, my dad talks about how boats work for two hours and then the oil tanker blows up"
  • kill living beings
    it's true. it's a cool explosion
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I think my dad liked that movie
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    I think my dad liked that movie

    This is just making me believe it's a dad movie for dads.

    Like Bridge of Spies
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    He used to like to quote some scene where they find land and someone's all "it's hard to stand on this" and someone else sez "you just gotta get your land legs."

    He thought that was funny.
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