Also by the way holy shit This is How You Lose the Time War is an amazing book about time traveling secret agent lesbians on opposites sides of the titular time war writing gorgeously poetic letters to each other and falling in love
In case that's …
Heyo! If anyone is interested in joining a small, close-knit Discord server about science fiction and fantasy novels, pester me. It's currently about ten people and we all chatter quite a lot; it's very active for the small user group.
Just gonna me…
I'm in the HH Discord, my fantasy bookchat, my book blogger chat, a Realm of the Elderlings reread chat, a Terra Ignota chat (gee are y'all noticing any patterns here?), and a pixel art chat. Plus a couple others I only idle in.
We just need to change all traffic signs to digital signage that specifically says whether or not you can park right then.
Not okay? Sign is red and says "NO PARKING"
Small sub sign underneath: "Parking next available from x to x time" in yellow
The Stone in the Skull by Elizabeth Bear has a transgender queen/priestess who is a fucking awesome mother to a young toddler in addition to being a clever ruler
It is amazing
Just finished Walking to Aldebaran by Adrian Tchaikovsky
I was not ready for the last 25% of that book
What the actual fuck I thought this was a quirky novella about pyramid shaped aliens and some funky little metal egg dudes
Also do not read The Path Keeper by N J Simmons. It's BAD. It's aggressively mediocre and bland. I get that's it's YA, but that's no excuse. Shadowfrost was YA and at least pretty good and had interesting and often funny characters. This one... Does…
Heh, perhaps a tad bit. But it IS utterly excellent. :D It absolutely blew me out of the water, especially what with it being a debut novel. It was spooky and filled with creeping terror in all the right ways. The main character is an absolute bad…
The Luminous Dead is the best terrifying sci-fi horror lesbian romance with eldritch cave tunneling monsters and a constant threat of death novel I've ever read
Heyo! If anyone is interested in joining a small, close-knit Discord server about science fiction and fantasy novels, pester me. It's currently about ten people and we all chatter quite a lot; it's very active for the small user group.