Talkin about Tumblrs, man



  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    this post makes some good points but on the other hand their comment about tea party/gamergate being the things the younger generation is most used to dealing with makes me think it'd be possible to relate the sort of tea party/libertarian/new atheist/gamergate rhetoric, in particular their frequent use of "sjws are just like bush/religious fundies" and "why aren't you considering my argument" in bad faith and "keeping politics out of etc.", to the reason why younger social justice focused people often seem uninterested in trying to find nuance in etc.
  • I think that post is kinda dumb. the similarity in terms of thinking/rhetoric is not because Bush era rhetoric poisoned the well so to speak but because Bush era rhetoric, like lots of tumblr social justice rhetoric, is incredibly immature. it's convergence, not influence.
  • now I am hatereading the OPs blog why do I do this to myself
  • this is so depressing
  • I should sleep before I feel compelled to scroll further goodnight
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Calica said:

    it'd be possible to relate the sort of tea party/libertarian/new atheist/gamergate rhetoric, in particular their frequent use of "sjws are just like bush/religious fundies" and "why aren't you considering my argument" in bad faith and "keeping politics out of etc.", to the reason why younger social justice focused people often seem uninterested in trying to find nuance in etc.

    i am fairly sure that is *exactly* what some of the more extreme/uncompromising SJ bloggers are reacting against

    MRAs and neoreactionaries are also prone to that particular derailing tactic
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    naney said:

    I think that post is kinda dumb. the similarity in terms of thinking/rhetoric is not because Bush era rhetoric poisoned the well so to speak but because Bush era rhetoric, like lots of tumblr social justice rhetoric, is incredibly immature. it's convergence, not influence.

    I do agree that blaming it specifically on the Bush era is overreaching, but I do think that the argumentation tactics that the right-wing talk radio cohort use (and have since spread through the Tea Party, GamerGate, etc.) have left many leftists to grow up with an "fight fire with fire" instinct.

    Many older leftists have already realized how destructive this instinct is, and have learned to stifle it.
    The Tumblr SJ cohort have yet to realize this themselves, so that's where the generation gap comes from.
  • I think a lot of it is just down to the platform itself. That kind of rhetoric is short, it's simple, and it makes people feel strongly about it--all things that give it a higher likelihood of being reblogged, and in turn inspiring other people to post that like. Even if you think afterwards "wait, it's more complicated than that" someone's probably already reblogged it.

    (There's a word for this kind of thing, how ideas spread and reproduce themselves based on the thresholds required for their transmission...gosh, it's right on the tip of my tongue.)
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    i think it's less "fight fire with fire" and "ffs enough with the stupid derailing/apologism/mansplaining, this is basic stuff, it's not complicated and there's no excuse"
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Tachyon said:

    i think it's less "fight fire with fire" and "ffs enough with the stupid derailing/apologism/mansplaining, this is basic stuff, it's not complicated and there's no excuse"

    Yeah, I was referring to the right-wing media folks who started this talk to begin with.

    It's hard to imagine that the Gamergate spergs have any idea of where the memes they're repeating came from.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Tachyon said:

    i think it's less "fight fire with fire" and "ffs enough with the stupid derailing/apologism/mansplaining, this is basic stuff, it's not complicated and there's no excuse"

    Yeah, I was referring to the right-wing media folks who started this talk to begin with.

    It's hard to imagine that the Gamergate spergs have any idea of where the memes they're repeating came from.
    I would prefer you not say "spergs"
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Odradek said:

    Tachyon said:

    i think it's less "fight fire with fire" and "ffs enough with the stupid derailing/apologism/mansplaining, this is basic stuff, it's not complicated and there's no excuse"

    Yeah, I was referring to the right-wing media folks who started this talk to begin with.

    It's hard to imagine that the Gamergate spergs have any idea of where the memes they're repeating came from.
    I would prefer you not say "spergs"
    I'm not sure what else to use to say what I mean.

    I do apologize, though.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.

    Odradek said:

    Tachyon said:

    i think it's less "fight fire with fire" and "ffs enough with the stupid derailing/apologism/mansplaining, this is basic stuff, it's not complicated and there's no excuse"

    Yeah, I was referring to the right-wing media folks who started this talk to begin with.

    It's hard to imagine that the Gamergate spergs have any idea of where the memes they're repeating came from.
    I would prefer you not say "spergs"
    I'm not sure what else to use to say what I mean.

    I do apologize, though.
    Unless you mean that they have autism there's probably a better word to use to say what you mean
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I don't take issue with it unless used as an insult (whether for someone I like or dislike), and it's a nice shorthand that I've jokingly used for myself in the past, but there are definitely better alternatives much like other phrases of this ilk. Might as well just say "idiots" and whatnot.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    My guess is that you probably should have said "Gamergate sea lions" or "Gamergaters" tbh
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    I'll use sea lions in the future.

    I had already started to use that term to describe that cohort anyway.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Heh, I got sea-lioned this morning because I dared use the G-word in a tweet...but the person who replied didn't seem to realize I was directly insulting #gg? Which was weird because I literally said "is gamergate as stupid one year on as when it started, or even stupider?" I even used the word "stupider".
  • I have cut a caper with the dancing mad god

    I think what really gets to me, in the end, is the implication that an adult interacting with a kid is inherently harmful.

    Like, people tell me it's understandable that kids want to stay away from adults online, but is my wanting to blab about Steven Universe or whatever abusive? Even if there is an imbalance of power, it's irrelevant because the things I would actually do don't involve power dynamics.

    It seems like instead of teaching kids to tell the difference between good interaction with adults and bad interaction with adults, we're just saying they should avoid adults altogether.
    It's mostly about avoiding strange adults the child doesn't know, especially while not under the supervision of a parent. As long as the parent knows you and is cool with you and their kid nerding it up about SU or whatever, then it's cool. Otherwise, from the parent's perspective, there's a high risk involved since most strangers aren't going to want to hang out with their kid unless it's for something bad - again, emphasis on strangers there. 
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Choo Choo from Top Cat is somehow a meme now, but I'm not complaining
  • I don't know anything about her, but it seems weird to me that Tumblr jumped on the Lena Dunham hate train when it originated in conservative circles. Obviously there have been some very serious accusations against her, but the origin of those accusations REALLY puts them into question.
  • Blossom Bubbles and Buttercup live with their rich white father who makes a six figure income in the STEM field and although they are racially classified as Chemical Accidents they are white passing and experience white privilege. Their lack of understanding of intersectionality is further highlighted by their violent antagonism towards Him, a non-binary demon, and Fuzzy Lumpkin, a bear who lives below the poverty line. In this post I will examine the
  • Kexruct said:

    I don't know anything about her, but it seems weird to me that Tumblr jumped on the Lena Dunham hate train when it originated in conservative circles. Obviously there have been some very serious accusations against her, but the origin of those accusations REALLY puts them into question.

    if you actually read the things she herself wrote on this they definitely have a gross predatory vibe

    i mean, im not a child psychologist but idk if you need to be a spade expert to call a spade a spade
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    Kexruct said:

    I don't know anything about her, but it seems weird to me that Tumblr jumped on the Lena Dunham hate train when it originated in conservative circles. Obviously there have been some very serious accusations against her, but the origin of those accusations REALLY puts them into question.

    Even before the accusations I think the tumblr social justice sphere disliked Lena Dunham because of how white Girls was.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    naney said:

    Blossom Bubbles and Buttercup live with their rich white father who makes a six figure income in the STEM field and although they are racially classified as Chemical Accidents they are white passing and experience white privilege. Their lack of understanding of intersectionality is further highlighted by their violent antagonism towards Him, a non-binary demon, and Fuzzy Lumpkin, a bear who lives below the poverty line. In this post I will examine the
    I always felt sorry for Fuzzy Lumpkins

    Also they forgot how them beating up Mojo Jojo promotes animal abuse

    It just seems like the situation is considerably more complicated than people are giving it credit for. I don't have any particular attachment to her or anything but all things considered I don't think the situation as presented on Tumblr/right wing news sites is really accurate.
  • you know i would definitely say that those things do not fall on the spectrum of good or normal child behaviour but like what do i know
  • but like she was 7 so like even if it was awful she was still 7 and the things we do before we were 15 do not count
  • I don't think they do either, they're creepy and gross as hell but clearly she's talked to her sister and family about it, apologized, made amends etc. and I honestly don't know what anyone can expect beyond that?
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
  • It's like people will ask for a public apology and when one is provided will go "no, now we want public prostration"

    Hell John Green (I know I always come back to this but fuck it it makes me mad) has pretty much even done this and it has changed precisely jack shit

    Starts to make me wonder if people really want an apology (they don't)
  • I dunno man.

    Like, it's a Hopsin situation, right

    yeah, way more people hate him than is probably warranted

    but he's doing fine for himself, so it's kinda hard for me to muster any sympathy.
  • kill living beings
    powerpuff girls did have that "help i'm being oppressed" episode that i'm sure tumblr would care greatly about
  • Those attitudes end up being reflected in interpersonal relationships too, though, where that layer of distance is not present.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    powerpuff girls did have that "help i'm being oppressed" episode that i'm sure tumblr would care greatly about

    "Equal Fights"?
  • tumblr cares a good deal about the morals of cartoons
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    naney said:

    tumblr cares a good deal about the morals of cartoons

    To be honest, I do too, but not in some clearly-facetious way ¬_¬
  • naney said:

    tumblr cares a good deal about the morals of cartoons

    To be fair, Cartoons cared a great deal about imposing morals. 

    I mean shit, some shows literally structured their episodes around a single moral lesson.

    "Oh man Sonic, Stop judging that book by it's fucking cover, shit!" 
  • edited 2015-08-30 22:00:31
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    naney said:

    tumblr cares a good deal about the morals of cartoons

    To be fair, Cartoons cared a great deal about imposing morals. 

    I mean shit, some shows literally structured their episodes around a single moral lesson.

    "Oh man Sonic, Stop judging that book by it's fucking cover, shit!" 
    A lot of shows did. In the bad old days of Saturday mornings networks would force writers to include morals in their shows. The E/I laws imposed in 1997 meant there were shows singled out to have these morals (e.g. 101 Dalmatians: The Series being loaded with ham-fisted morals, Histeria! featuring a weakened Team Ruegger grinding out history lessons, even My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic which was on cable and not broadcast)...
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    of course Histeria! was more flat-out educational than "always listen to your betters" or whatever 101 did sometimes
  • kill living beings
    Anonus said:

    powerpuff girls did have that "help i'm being oppressed" episode that i'm sure tumblr would care greatly about

    "Equal Fights"?
    i never actually saw the show on TV let alone known the episode names >_>

    the one where mojo jojo gets protected from the powerpuff girls by a bunch of stereotypical protestors
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    Anonus said:

    powerpuff girls did have that "help i'm being oppressed" episode that i'm sure tumblr would care greatly about

    "Equal Fights"?
    i never actually saw the show on TV let alone known the episode names >_>

    the one where mojo jojo gets protected from the powerpuff girls by a bunch of stereotypical protestors
    "Save Mojo"...which would have been from the point in the show's run where it had clearly seen better days but still managed okay episodes here and there
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    naney said:

    tumblr cares a good deal about the morals of cartoons

    Tumblr and Cracked.
  • kill living beings
    Anonus said:

    Anonus said:

    powerpuff girls did have that "help i'm being oppressed" episode that i'm sure tumblr would care greatly about

    "Equal Fights"?
    i never actually saw the show on TV let alone known the episode names >_>

    the one where mojo jojo gets protected from the powerpuff girls by a bunch of stereotypical protestors
    "Save Mojo"...which would have been from the point in the show's run where it had clearly seen better days but still managed okay episodes here and there
    haha, i did notice the animation had that "like newer spongebob" look
  • also im 500% sure i have seen that ppg episode brought up multiple times by self described "anti-sjw pro rationality and common sense" type blogs
  • kill living beings
    why do SJWs defend evil genius chimpanzees??
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • I kind of hate the whole "lengthy dissertation on why this website I'm using is the worst ever" format of post.

    That said, it's an amusing gif.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    It's just amusing to me that someone was so invested in arguing over the welfare of a computer-generated animal
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